Whenever you go outside,
lock the door and take the key with you, even if you are just stepping
next door or out mowing the back yard.
Don't put valuables
where they can be seen from the window, especially items that can be easily
Be sure your garage
door can be secured. Do not leave it open when you are away; an empty garage
broadcasts your absence.
Don't keep large amounts
of cash or really valuable jewelry around the house.
If someone comes to
your door asking to use the telephone, make the call yourself. Don't invite
them in.
Don't hide a spare
key under the doormat or under a flowerpot. Thieves know all the good hiding
Plant thorny bushes
under all windows. Trim back any trees or shrubs near doors and windows
to eliminate hiding places for would-be thieves.
Don't leave ladders
outside. Keep any tools that could be used to break in your home safely
locked away in a garage or shed.
Get a barking dog
or "beware of dog" signs. If you own a dog and go out of town, have someone
come in and care for your dog in your home.
Always double check
doors at night and lock all windows.
a safe house when you are on vacation:
Strive to make your
home look as lived-in as possible while you're away.
Don't broadcast your
plans but do let your neighbors know.
Arrange to have your
mail and newspapers either stopped or picked up daily.
Turn down the ringer
on the telephone. An unanswered telephone is a dead give-away.
Be sure you don't
announce your absence on your answering machine message.
Leave your blinds
like you normally would if you were home. Only close them all the way if
that is what you would normally do.
Be sure to close and
lock the garage as well as any storage sheds, gates, etc.
Be sure someone knows
your itinerary and your estimated time of arrival and return.
Be safe –
make sure your vacation doesn’t turn out to be a tragedy!
Vacations and picnics can be a lot of
fun. But take care… tragedies can happen, especially if your vacation or
picnic spot is near some water body.
Don’t venture into unknown waters even if
you are an expert at swimming.
Be aware that the water currents are unknown
to you and it could be dangerous.
The water could also be unclean and thus
dangerous to your health.
The water could even be the home of wild
reptiles and the like, posing a danger to your life.