borrowed this lovely midi from a friend's page....
   Meet my newly adopted family of dragons
  This is Mama Dragon...... here is baby............and this is Dad......
Triana                                                Sparkles                                    Durand
These dragons are an adoption exclusive of the Roost Webring
This lair is just being built, and will have many comforts for my dragon family, however they don't mind at this time because they have just been reunited after a major egg mix up in the check back often to see what has been added, maybe even some more dragons!
My name is 

B' Felice

*******  I am called 

B' Patrina


  I am named B' Trifalla

These lovely dragons are very special as you can see......dragons with butterfly wings......they were all rescued in a lovely forest, saved from the clutches of evil knights!
Oh..are we getting a horde??? Heh  heh heh....her are a few things we will show, and remember, we could be very secretive about our favirite things......................

Ah...mi orb....heh ...I did find this in our benefactors hoarde supply...BUT...SHE IS MINE!!!! heh heh ...No..I am not a selfish Dragon...I do share...quite willingly....just KISS me first...............................can you?...Sweet kisses..from one who would take my love?.........this is my first cannot take it...without kissing me...............................