here is just a little info about me, the person who made this website!!! My pic will be coming soon, so dont fret!!!


Name-Colleen Lisa Peter


Date Of Birth-02/18/1980

Place Of Birth-Sydney Australia

Marital Status-Happily married to my sweet and handsome husband, Brian Peter.

Hobbies-Making webpages, playing the drums and piano, reading, listening to music.

Pets-Two rottweilers, named Suzi and Boz. And two cats named Max and Socks. (Pics Coming soon)

Well thats about it, im sure i will think of something else in the future and i will put it up heheh...oh and also if you wanna contact me my email is colleenlisa@hotmail.com if you wanna chat to me my yahoo pager id is skittles_uh_huh and my AOL IM is Ckbe1880.

This is me and my husband Brian!!

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