William's updates

The last of William's follow-ups was on July 30th, 1997. He weighed 9 lbs 12 oz, which puts him in the 25th percentile for a baby his age! J He measured 21 inches. His cardiologist was satisfied with his gain weight, so weight checks will now be followed at regular, pediatric well-visits only! J William's blood pressure was, as his cardiologist put it, "excellent", and his ECG looked more "normal" this time. He's (finally) off diuretics! (Hooray!!!) We're still waiting to hear about his echo, though. If it's a good one, we'll also be off the baby aspirin… (double-Hooray!!)

Please, keep our sweet, little William in your prayers, so that all will stay well. They will be very much appreciated... God bless you.


The Bowdens

The news about William's last echo are good! The "shadow"/clot/"density" in the heart's wall has gotten smaller, and should do just what the doctors wanted: become part of the wall itself without growing or moving!!! We hope they're right! We don't know about the baby aspirin yet, but we hopefully will in a couple of weeks. William won't have another appointment 'til November... Until then, please, keep him in your thoughts and prayers!

Love always,

The Bowdens

William is off aspirin as of July 28th, 1997!!!

At his four months check-up William weighted 12 lbs and measured 24 1/2 inches! :) He is rolling over with effort. (Those little chest and arm muscles are gaining back strength!!!) Other good news: William can sit up with a little support, is laughing-(he's very ticklish), and is also vocalizing a lot (he's quite a social butterfly already!). William is also getting very interested in that "food thing" people are eating all the time. He will squeal and make a racket in an effort to get some... :)

Our next cardiac appointment is still scheduled for November. Until then, please remember us a little in your prayers!

Take care!

The Bowdens

On the 4th of November, 1997, William had an appointment with his cardiologist. William's blood pressure was higher (120) than expected (90-100). We were told that he'd need "something done" when he "is no longer an infant". We were very scared to hear this. However, his echo (following the cardiologist's appointment) looked good, and the readings didn't match those of the blood pressure. These readings looked better (seemed to indicate the blood pressure was as expected). Several days after the appointment, we were told that William will probably need a procedure (not an operation-thank God!) between the time when "he stops being and infant" to the time when "he starts school". We are shooting for the later .

On the brighter side, William is now sitting by himself, playing peek-a-boo, and opening his arms up for us--to pick him up (Mommy adores it!!). He weighted 14 lbs 14 oz (not bad, huh?)

Our next appointment is scheduled for March for a BP check. Until then, so long and God bless you!

January 16, 1998--William is almost crawling now. He can "propell" himself on all fours, and he can creep. He can get on his belly from a sitting position. He is also trying hard to pull to stand. So far, he can only do it halfway. His favorite foods are strained pears. He enjoys ice cream almost as much! :)

January 24, 1998--William pulled to stand!! :)

January 29, 1998--He's on the move! William crawled today for the first time. He does the "bear walk" crawl-on both hands/elbows, one knee on floor, and one leg straight. He's getting quite good at this! William is also been babbling more often. He's already got down the ga, da, ta, pa, ma (!!!):) sounds! We're also increasing his menu with success. William loves muffin and bread crumbs, yogurt, and spaghetti! (but not cottage cheese-yak!) Our next appointment is still scheduled for March..

March 3, 1998--William's follow-up was great. His aortic arch is apparently growing with him, and the tapvc repair is almost unnoticeable! However, he didn't seem to make the growth charts, so we'll see what happens when he gets his next pediatric visit in three weeks..

March 27, 1998--William is in the 5th percentile for weight. He was expected to be in the 25th percentile, so he's going to get to taste all those yummy (high-calorie) treats that some of us aren't allowed to eat! :) His next appointment will be his 1 year (pediatric) check-up.

Week of April 5th, 1998--William is WALKING!!! Hooray for William!!! :) BTW, William can also climb up on to his stroller (and chairs!) by himself! Can you tell how proud we are?!!!



Back home.

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