![The SweetWater Fan Club!](sweetwater.jpg)
Fan Club Activities
Fan Club memberships do not include Activities. Separate charges are/may be needed to uphold costs. All paying members, and their families, are invited to join in the fun. Information about times and places can be found in our tri-annual Fanzine.
Signed permission slips for minors and POA's (Power of Attorney) for medical needed on some outdoor games and trips. This is for the minors protection and the parents peace of mind.
- The Howl - A bunch of humans going on an annual camping trip, pretending to be elves and acting like a bunch of fools. Our most popular and biggest event of the year, the camping trip is usually "roughing it" camping (deep in the woods, pack-it-in / pack-it-out, bring your own water, dig your own latrine, etc) and can last from 3 to 10 days.
- Summer Tag - a recreation from The Blood of Ten Chiefs (BoTC) novels. It involves sneaking around in the dark and hitting each other with sticks. We made boffer Taal sticks (and other weapons) last year!
- Writer's Contest - this will involve a member telling a verbal story at a Howl or meeting that the writer's must put down in short story form for the next Shade of the Tree (SotT). The teller of the story will pick the winner.
- Summer Olympics - notes on that are as follows: please submit ideas for elf-like activities that humans can perform without requiring medical aid. Send submissions to the Activities Director.
- Picnics - generally having fun, swimming, playing, cavorting, etc. Usually followed by a pot-luck dinner.
- Conventions - Sweetwater members going to social gatherings and trying to recruit other E.Q. fans. Generally we go to Sci-Fi conventions and host a fan-table to provide information, host an EQ-themed room party to entice new members, or volunteer to help with the convention (in conspicuous jobs so we're seen of course).
- Anything else we can think of - Please send any ideas or inquiries c/o the Activities Director.
Shade of the Tree is our official fanzine which we put out 3 times a year. It is a conglomeration of stories, poems, songs, and art published by the Sweetwater Fan Club. It is centered around the characters that we create, and all forms of literature are based on them. We also include a section about elves that are not Sweetwater Elves. So if you have anything creative with elves from any other tribes, it will be included. We also feature a section called Squirrel Chatter which includes many things, such as spoofs, humor, reviews on books, movies, RPG's, highlights from past meetings, Editor notes, gaming times, other Clubs. So if you have anything to contribute, please do.
Back issues of Shades of the Tree- $4.00
Handbook 1996, 3rd edition -$6.00
Fanzine Deadlines
March 1st - April Publication
July 1st - August Publication
November 1st - December Publication
Once you have your character created you will want s/he to do something. Then the really fun part comes into play. Choose a plot line and then write a story within the boundaries set by that Tribe. Also check Elements of a Story and Visual Guide, which can be found in the 3rd Edition Handbook, they are helpful guidelines. We are going to assume you know to check punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Please have someone else proof read your work. Also check all WoTM jargon. Terms are included for Sweetwater in this guide. Terms for any other Tribe can be found in our Handbook.
Sometimes our members don't get along In - Real - Life ( IRL). The Council (C) tries not to get tangled up in personal disputes, and we strongly advise that you resist the temptation to mock insult or symbolically injure/kill other Fan Club Members in your stories. See Conflict Courtesies and the Commandments of Fandom.
- All submissions to Editor must be typed and proofread by appointed position for each separate Tribe/Clan/Pod. Example: Archivist for Sweetwater \ Sara Stoker for CAY. All submissions for proofreading must be in more than 30 days before due date. We highly recommend that you attend Writer's Conclave meetings. Fellow members are always willing to proof read or join in on a story.
- Check out all EQ "jargon". References and sources for different tribes vary.
- Send photocopies only! Things can get lost or computer files wiped out.
- Send to Members that have a character mentioned. (Persona Rights)
- Specify whether you need or want artwork to accompany it or send some of your own. (check art submissions) Things for art must be sent with enough time for artists to complete work. 30 - 40 days would be a considerate amount of time. It is your responsibility to tell artist/s what you want within designated time.
- Overall, writers are allowed to write just about anything they want as long as it only effects their own characters. However, when writing of an event or occurrence which will effect the continuity and timeline of an entire Tribe it must be brought before the (C) and/or Tribe. An outline is required before the story is written so that the concept can be hashed out, voted on, and other members notified of the upcoming event to add /include in their stories. Just because a story is written, though, does not mean it will be accepted into the Timeline.
- Art work should be in black ink on white paper (no pencil Please). Avoid large areas of black, which also do not photocopy well.
- Send in at least 3 different sized copies. This helps us put together a more professional looking Fanzine. All three sizes should fit on one standard sized paper.
- Front and back cover submissions must be specified as such and the size should not exceed 7" X 9". Leave room for Shade logo and Shade # on top for Front Cover submissions. On Back Cover, leave room for an address label.
- Write your name on the back of every copy/submission with story title included if needed, in pencil, please. ( some inks leak through and then drawings cannot be used )
- Happy update! We now are taking Color Pictures for the Web Page. Make sure they are colored and then send a copy that is shrunk at least 10% from the original size for placement on the web. Also send any caption or title you would like to go along with it!
Some questions have been raised about whether or not we have to change to fit the new EQ
Graphic Novels. The answer is yes and no. Books 7 & 8 were not taken into consideration when we first started the Club. In seven years running we find we do not need them. Yet.
Therefore, the Sources that will be used as a reference guide are the Graphic Novels 1 - 6, then the Blood of Ten Chiefs ( BoTC ) 1 - 6 , selected information in the Role Playing Game Book and all Gatherums printed up to 1996. If there are ever any questions raised, then refer to the sources in the given order.
We understand allowances must be made for some Tribes, but all questions must go through Council ( C ) and each Tribe must list its ElfQuest sources, and then any further information they may wish to share.
Sweetwater is now going into it's eleventh year ( 2002 ). We have the recent timeline date of (to be announced). We have devised a calendar that will not interfere with the 'Pini' elves. Our Fan Club is literally on the other side of the World. Our roots are based on the theory that our Firstcomers traveled north over the pole to the other side of the continent.