Colonel Lando/The Illegal Army

Colonel Lando lead a mercenary outfit fittingly named the Illegal Army. Made up of cyborg (cybernetic organism) killing machines, they had once been men but had forfeited humanity to become stronger, more powerful, and more deadly. The physical ease with which each one of them could kill was striking; what was even more startling than that was the mental and emotional ease they could murder with.

When the 'Mysterious Voice' beckoned, Lando came willingly and was dragged into his plans with the hopes for a cataclysmic future not unlike the world he had left his humanity behind in. Involvement in the Polar Wars and Philipine incidents had cost Lando his natural life. A bomb had stolen everything from him, and yet he felt he had gained something in becoming a cyborg. His abilities were not hampered at all, and in fact enhanced with his extreme augmentations. Each member of his team underwent similar surgeries at varying times.

Lando believed that Largo would lead him to an utopia of terror and bloodlust. Largo's only plan for Lando was to use him while he was useful and then get rid of Lando once he had obtained the necessary components for his project. Lando was to Largo no more, maybe less, than Sylvie the Sexaroid had been.

The entire Illegal Army was wiped out in a battle with the Knight Sabers.

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