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Halloween 1997

By Emma

Our third (and last) Rocky at Divally's. The first had been May 1997, the second that July.

Over the course of autumn 1997, Fleapit Film Club had started doing screenings at Nice 'N Sleazy's in Sauchiehall Street, and were soon to stop doing anything at Divally's! Even though was Halloween, and we flyer like mad, we are still suffering from the Divally's stigma. People were reluctant to set foot in the sleazy dive, no matter how hard we tried to persuade them.

The cast was myself (Frank), Martin (Eddie), Carole (Janet) and Saff (Trixie/Columbia). Layla was still in the USA at the time, so the audience consisted of: Jennie (from IO, later to join the Forks, who was also at the last two Divally's screenings) along with Aidan, and their two friends, plus 3 guys who wandered in on their way to Fury Murry's with pumpkin lanterns, and some of the regular Divally's clientele. It was getting to be a sad state of affairs. But this was one of the funniest nights we had there. The Divally's customers seemed to really enjoy it, even though it didn't involve any nudity or (real) sex.

There was an Indian guy who saw the beginning of the film from the back, and gradually moved down to get closer as he enjoyed more of the film. By "There's a Light" he was sitting beside us in the front row waving his lighter about like a mad thing, grinning broadly. There was also an annoying man from Leeds who heckled Janet in Touch A - "Get yer kit off! Top banana!" (eh?) - to be shouted down from the Fury's guys - "Leave Susan alone! She's lovely!" He also shouted for Saff to throw him some sweets - we had a big tub of cherry lips - and we got some great "crack" out of him. So that was the Divally's experience. We stopped going there at the end of 1997.

Although Rocky looked perfect there, it just did not work. It was a shame that even Rocky couldn't get an audience for Fleapit there, but that was the grim reality. So we were left hanging, wondering who was going to pick up on Rocky and give it a home again?

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