This is where I talk about some video games; review them, maybe give a few hints/tricks...

Final Fantasy Tactics a game like the Ogre series, or like Kartia. It's also the best game of its type. The battles in this game take skill, foresight, and patience. The tutorial is great, even though it takes 2 hours(!) to finish. And that's if you don't spend time looking at all the hints. I had to restart twice, once because I didn't have a clue what I was doing at the start, and I got screwed over. The other time was when I was in the middle of a string of stages. In these "strings", once you beat a stage you automatically go to the next. The game gives you the option to save inbetween stages. I saved, and I was stuck at a stage I couldn't beat. So don't make the same mistake. Actually, you can make a separate save, but I didn't think of that at the time. Still, once you get past all that, this game is superb, possibly better than FF7. It has tons of abilities to learn, and is a good length. There are plenty of battle grounds, and you can also hear about the different rumors going around in the kingdom. Also(too much?) you can go to the many different towns/castles and send a few of your soldiers and make them go on expeditions, defeat monsters, and even teach a guy how to dance. I've played this about 100 hours(trust me, that's alot, and it shows how fun the game is)

Ehrgeiz a fighting game. It's a really good one too. I'm usually not into fighting games, but this game rules. My brother says creator Squaresoft ripped off Tekken, and maybe they did, but I like this better(you could compare it to Power Stone or maybe even Tobal). It's a 3D game, but not just graphically; it plays on a very fluid 3D plane, instead of 2D like, well, like Tekken(FYI, a Dodge feature doesn't make a fighting game 3D), and also damn-near every fighter ever made. There are plenty of characters, including some from the other modes -- I'll get to that later -- and from another of Square's games, Final Fantasy 7.
Now about those other modes. The game contains 4 mini-games(there may be a secret 5th game, but I've yet to prove that), only one of which is fun without a second player, but that's okay. They are...
*Infinity Battle - You keep fighting and fighting until you die. You can get energy back after each fight, depending on how well you've fought. This is the only one that's worth your time to play alone. It's only one player, though, so you don't have much choice.
*Battle runner - You do laps around one of three tracks with the character of your choice. There are power-ups to collect(extra speed and such), and you can kick some ass right in the middle of the race to help you get ahead.
*Battle Beach - A tri-athalon of events in the tradition of the old arcade classic Track And Field(read: button-mashing): speed dash, battle flag, and hurdles.
*Battle Panel - Three words: Othello Speed Round.
...And there's also a Quest mode, which, basically, is unrelated to the main game. You play as Koji Masuda and Clair Andrews(who are both secret characters in the main game) who are trying to explore some weird dungeon reiniscent of Diablo. It's pretty cool, albeit unoriginal. The dungeon even randomly changesevery time you start a new game, also reminiscent of Diablo. Oh, and the name is pronounced "air gates."

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.: