High schools on edge since Colorado tragedy

OAK CREEK, Wis. (Associated Press) - Dozens of students around the country have been suspended and arrested since the Columbine massacre for making what were regarded as threats to carry out copycat attacks.
Schools have been evacuated, locked down, and even closed as a result of the incidents, which have taken place in big cities and in small towns since the attack in Littleton, Colo., on tuesday.
An 18-year-old student in Greenvile, S.C., was put under house arrest and forbidden to go near his school thursday after allegedly telling a teacher that he would "pull a Colorado on all of you." Police said he called the shootings, "the funniest things he ever heard of."
Three teens in Cherry Hill, N.J., were suspended for wearing black trench coats and pantomiming shooting guns and throwing bombs in a school hallway.
Coats like the ones worn by the two gunmen were banned in Denver and two other Colorado districts since the attack for fear they could be used to hide weapons. They were banned at a high school in Fredericton, in Canada, because they made some students uncomfortable.

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