This came to us via e-mail from neoVII:

School Situations

This morning I walked into school to start off my academic day. Instead of seeing the grinning faces of my friends, I find myself nearly face to face with one of the local law enforcement officers. He says "Hello," to me and I give him a friendly reply. I find out later on in the day that one of our students had "mentioned something about killing some people." After hearing that, I heard about the same type of thing happening in other nearby schools. Personally, I belive that the media is hyping this whole thing too much. Deep in my heart I feel sorrow and sympathy for the residents of Colorado, but I also feel that it is time for the media to move on to a new subject. I believe that every time a student who has thoughts of doing the same thing in their school sees a report of "how many are dead" or "so many bombs and ammunition has been found", it make that student say to himself: "Hmm... This guy got a lot of publicity doing this; I'm gonna have to do 'better' than him." This is turning out to be a game... Analogy: McGwire and Sosa... Battling it out for the dominator of home runs; trying to out-do each other. Trying to achieve a higher "score" in order to get more publicity. I think action should be taken in schools in order to avoid another incident. Tasks should be taken in order to protect each student while he is on school grounds. School is supposed to be one of the safest places a student can be. These safe havens are starting to turn to battlefields. Don't let this happen at your local school. Note: This is just my opinion, don't believe that every thing I say "should be written in stone." I am only a human being. The only words that deserve to be written in stone is God's words: THE COMMANDMENTS. Let's all as a planet obey them. Thank you for your time.

From Kevn:

Neo, I agree with your concerns about too much media coverage. We at TRAVIS are trying to bombard the media (the 'net is only part of it) with a positive message. You have obviously noticed what power the media has. We are hoping to utilize it for the good of the public. I am deeeply saddened that there are people out there "copycatting". Making a mockery out of the lives that were lost in Littleton. Unfortunately, many of these incidents are from kids trying to get a day off of school. I fear, however that now many students who have ever even thought about doing something like that are now seriously thinking about it. That is why I beg all of you who are reading this now to make TRAVIS an active force in your community. Before it's too late. Neo, you have obviously found solace and support in your faith, and hopefully many others have as well. We at TRAVIS don't support any specific religion, but we feel that it is healthy for someone to stand in their beleifs.

God Bless,

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