This came to us via e-mail from "New York Swinns":

A teacher speaks out

dear scott and kevin
i read your page and felt compelled to write.  I am a high school teacher
in upstate new york. I know that your letter is intended to appeal to those
of your own age, but I wanted to let you know that I was moved by
your sentiments.  I agree that if changes are to come, they must
come from a grassroots movement of the youth of America.  Young
people like yourselves are the only hope we have for the future of this
very sick nation.  The passion and social conscience of our youth is
the very thing that fueled the great humanitarian movements of the
last generation.  Once again, that energy can be a powerful force
for social change.
I believe that if people like yourselves will join together across the
country- millions of committed youth, joining forces in an organized
show of solidarity - and demand the attention of the very media
that bombards us with images of violence and moral depravity every
day, it could be the beginning of something very powerful!   Imagine
mass rallies of youth in all the great cities across our land, crying out
to our institutions - the government, corporate America, the entertainment
industry, the schools - to address policies which have led to our current
environment.  Calling for an end to the attitudes of hate and intolerance
that are so pervasive in the hallways of our schools.  Boycotting businesses
that profit from the exploitation of sex, violence and hate.  Flooding the offices
of Senators and Congressmen with your messages.
A word of advice - the media has been cunningly used to exploit you for years
by being the vehicle for the excess to which you have been
exposed since birth.  USE THEM NOW to carry your message to the nation.
Force them to put the spotlight on your movement.  Enlist the help of the experts
of "media hype" to bring your message into every living room in America.  Yes - it has
to come from you young people, but you can make use of your elders in the
process.  They have more resources available...use them.
Boys, I don't know whether all of this sounds like the rantings of an old
crackpot, but please believe me.  I have been teaching almost 20 years.
I love my job more now than I ever have because I love my kids.  My
students can all tell you (because I shared it with all of them) that this
tragedy broke my heart.  Something in me snapped, as I'm sure it did in
teachers and students across the country. When I saw the images of 
those students in Colorado, I saw the faces of my own students.   I sense that
Columbine is a final warning to all of us to do something NOW. 
I will be praying that you and others like you will find each other soon and
"take to the streets" as students everywhere did in the 60's.  Rise up, and
get out the message of love and tolerance and demand that your elders 
take responsibility for the world they have created.  
God bless

From Kevn:

"Swinns", I first must say that Kevn and I were very motivated by your letter of support. It's great to hear from teachers. Especially those who really care, as you do. We can empathize with your "snapping" at the Littleton incident. That's how TRAVIS came to be, Scot and I "snapped" watching the coverage. We at TRAVIS are trying to bombard the media with our positive message. That's why we need to spread word across the country about TRAVIS. We feel that our campaign is all about the youth of this great land. We are by teens, and for teens. WE are the ones with the power in this situation. WE make the difference. Thank you so much for your moving letter, and we hope that you are spreading word of TRAVIS in the great state of New York.

God bless,

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