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We live in a small rural town in Western New York (population 500 if we count visitors and pets!) However, our interests and causes are vast, and we hope that you will explore every avenue we have associated within these pages.

Well, I suppose we shouldn't forget one thing -- Our Roots!! Our roots may, for every practical purpose, belong in Collins Center, but they began years ago, in countries far, far away. My Great Grandfather Peter Ales worked his way from Germany to the United States on a ship. During the trip, he met a woman, 14 years his junior; Caroline Welter, who was traveling with her family. Peter and Caroline would fall in love and marry soon after reaching their destination. This would pave the beginning of the roots which I have been able to trace in conjunction with my family.
Johannis Nunweiler, accommpanied by his wife; Caroline Walter, and their three sons, Mathias, John and Christian would also leave Germany to make their new home in the Uniter States. Mathias would meet Caroline Weiss, fall in love and marry her. These two couples, Mathias & Caroline Nunweiler; and Peter and Caroline Ales would have two very special children; Michael Nunweiler and Cecilia Ales; my grandparents!
While Charlie's family has been a bit more elusive, we do know this: His Great-Great Grandfather left Scotland for Canada. His Great Grandfather left Canada for the United States. The journies of our forefathers have paved the way for the two of us to meet. Thank Heaven for their choices!

I see you as you see me
You see me as you see yourself
We gaze into each other's eyes
Our souls are as one
We kiss, we touch, we love
We are one together
Now, Always and Forever

Charlie Munro

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DChamp Alexis & DChamp Tai

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This page last updated: March 23, 1999