tAiLz'Z sHoUtS aNd pRoPs PaGe

yo wuDDup....dis iz juss a LiL sumPin SuMpin foe aLL da pEEpz out Dare Keepin ThanGz on da ReaL....

FiRst...i waNNa give MadD prOpz to SonIcRock and Justin foe startin meeh up and teachin meeh da bboyiN thaNGz i kNow...Y'all r trU hoMiez...i wanNa say wussup to aLL da bbOyz dat i Know---->SonIcROck*JustIn*SteVe Da HaLf MexiCan*BadbOy SpInner*Kidd KuRRupt*FraNk*FRanZ*Vega*aDam SteIn*kIdd ThUnder* Jay-Ar and Da resT of y'all...wussup to aLL ya Mo Froz up in LHS...Cesar C (wussup and thanKs foe stayiN truE)* naThanIel*PhrEshPhunc*Matt*Ed-j*CarLton*Chris M*EmErson*BadBoy MigUeL*Aaron A* and aLL da othaz...wussup to aLL dem PiNayz out dare dat are KeepIn tHangz reAL--->ReNe*Andrea*NesSa*ChriStina M*ChriStina L*Mary G*MarY A*JeNNifer*JOhaNNa*KaY*MaRiteZ*JoaNNe G*rOxaNNe*aNNa Y*aNNa R and da rest... BiGGupz to da TiogHt @$$ krewZ out in da WorLd toDay:*Renegades*soUL ContROL*RSC(worLdwIde)*AFC*tgZ(LemOOre_haNford_DiegO_flOridA_hawAii_orAnge CouNty)* CLiMax*x-Men*iNvisIbLe SkrAtch PikLz*KnighTbOomers*Style ELeMents*eLements of StyLe*Roc4ce*StrEEt CreAtIOns*StyLez upOn STyLez creW*KhaOs* and tO aLL da tRu crewZ out Dare...I aLso waNNa gIve BigUps to mah CrEw StyLe BeYond ComPare foE keEpin tHangz cooH...

iF ya NamE isn't up In heA, and ya tHink ya ShouLd, LeT meeH noE, cuz i TenD to 4geT naMez...peaCe

BaCk 2 tAiLz'Z nOo PaD.........: