Greetings, O Traveler!

Welcome to our Great Hall, where we hold court and receive emissaries from far-distant lands! We don't bother with foolish finery and frimpery--NAY! We are of the more common sort of nobility, and see no profit in putting on airs. Sit not below the salt, for all are our honored guests, here!

(Kinda makes you want to hurl, don't it?)

Quiet, Knave! I am the Lord Talvin A'Marich, and this my Lady Dianna. We are somewhat shy of these "camera" things, and we had to behead the Court Artist last week, so no pictures exist of us together. Therefore, you must settle for the rendering above, taken of our "typists", sitting together. Their names are Eric and Jane. As I weary of speech, I shall command Eric to continue in my stead. Good day!

(Ya ya ya ya!)

Ok, now that Talvin is through being pompous (He's not usually, just keep him away from castles. They give him ideas.), allow me to welcome you to our Web-Page. Who are we? How did we get here? Well, Jane and I are one of those modern cliches: the product of a Net Romance. We met online, on TimeScape MUCK, became close friends, and arranged to meet face to face. Somewhere in the middle of it all, we fell in love. We have been living together since November of 1997, and contrary to the urban myths about such things, I didn't turn out to be a psycho killer, she didn't turn out to be a horrid shrew, and, really, we found each other to be alot like our online personas. We are happily working toward building a life together, we've had no more than the usual number of problems couples face (though some of those have been a bit *unusual*), and the rest is none of your darn business. So there. ;P

Would you like to know more?

Talvin's Albedo Dossier: This is from the Albedo Graphic Novel and RPG, with a picture by the man who created them both.
TimeScape Home Page: Here's where we met. Come join us!
Courtyard of FairHaven: The central part of our "manor".