Try These

RowanHold Bardic Circle
This is one of the better places to start. :)
Principia Discordia
"Any religion, or any people, that cannot laugh at itself has nothing left but to throw all the others to the lions."--Eric
Bless Me Father, For I Am Irish!
Father Andrew Greeley is a Roman Catholic Priest, Sociologist, Author--and Pagan enough for me! May Herself bless you, Father.
Back to the Courtyard!
Keep exploring. :)

"She Turned Me Into A NEWT!"
"A *newt*?!"

"Well I got better...."

"He's a Witch! BURN 'im!"
*Ahem* Actually, I am a Wiccan: a member of an Earth-Centered Belief System loosely based on the symbolism and mythology of a number of Pre-Christian Era cultures, giving equal reverence to a God and a Goddess, and holding to the rule: "If it harms none, do as you will." This places me in the general category "Neo-Pagan", and some might also classify me as "New Age", a term that seems to mean whatever you want it to mean whenever you want it to mean it. :P
"Witch" will do.
For those who wish to know: No, I am not part of a Coven, Circle, or Grove. I am Solitary, or nearly so. I have no particular Tradition, such as Gardnerian or Dianic. I am Eclectic, with some Erisian thrown in for spice. I am on the Warrior Path, and that deserves a whole page to itself (which I am working on). And, no, I am not available for any exorcisms (giving or receiving), sacrifices, spirit-summonings, hex-castings, love-potions, or any other such tripe. I *will* do weddings or handfastings, if you ask me nicely. :)