Who   doesn't   want   to   look   like   her   ?

 I'm sure most females like me wish they looked like Kate Winslet - but hey
 who'd want to make a sex scene with Leonardo DeCaprio anyhow ? !!!!!!
 I don't personally look anything like her - except for the ginger hair
 but that hardly counts for anything.
 I was in a few plays in primary school too.
 Ok it's not a multi million pound movie but I did have my moments of fame !!!
 Oh well hope you enjoy looking round my web page,
 there's some dirt on my mate's and things I like.

Tams most festive links

My Beavis and Butthead page
This one rules
Me Simpsons page
It's ok but theres some really cool links
My Friends site
Not the sitcom !!!!

Tam is Festive


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