
Any pronoun may be made gender specific for the sake of clarity or conciseness; in the third person ne and equivalents may be used to designate a person or persons of unknown or unspecified gender.

The plural form of the pronoun is always the singular with the addition of -l, and therefore will not be shown.

Person Subject Dir. Object In. Obj/Obj. Prep.
1st ale dale aule
2nd teme seme tume
3rd ne fe nue

Posessive Pronouns

The parenthesized vowels are used as the first letter when the pronoun stands alone as a word rather than being used as a suffix, or when the noun being marked is plural.

Person Sing. Plural
1st (a)dec (a)dalec
2nd (e)sec (e)selec
3rd (i)fec (i)filec

Possessives may be made gender-specific to the owner of the object. This is especially reccommended with third-person referral. The vowel before the final -c is simply changed to reflect the appropriate gender.


The posessive pronouns may be used on their own, in the context "The cat is mine," or as suffixes to the posessed noun in the context "Lily is my cat." The noun should be marked for plural before the addition of the posessive suffix.

Lea mirané thes adac--The cat is mine.
Lili thes miranedec--Lily is my cat.
Lili o Sam thel miraneladec--Lily and Sam are my cats.

In the case of serial posession, each noun takes the appropriate pronoun ending:

lea eronata minthofac miranefoc hamejefec--The woman's son's cat's name (lit. The woman son-hers cat-his name-its)

It should also be noted that the possessive pronouns are always used in place of some construction like the English "'s":

Lili thes Kari miranefac--Lily is Carrie's cat.

Relative pronouns

There is no "relative pronoun" per se in Erone. Instead, where a relative clause would be used in English, Erone inserts a complete sentence begun and ended with the marker dem:

ale lea ressod dem ale fo belut dem lea mirané terues--I gave the cat to the boy who I saw. (lit. I the boy RC I him saw RC the cat gave)
Greg lea ressod dem neo fo belut dem lea mirané terues--Greg gave the cat to the boy who he saw.

Other Pronouns

Zamenhof came up with this nice little table to organize some of those other pronouns--the correlatives--and since the guy invented one of the most successful conlangs so far I'm not too proud to steal it. :)

Query This That Some No Any Every
Adjective kur
this that some ivi
any every
Person dwom
this that someone ceriv
(no one)
anyone everyone
Thing griv
this that something jebiv
anything everything
Place dwul
here there somewhere regiv
anywhere everywhere
Time tev
now then sometime mimiv
any time always
Way buth
thus in that way in some way ruziv
(in no way)
in any way in every way
Reason sif
because for that reason for some reason coviv
(for no reason)
for any reason for every reason
Amount tuv
(how much)
this much that much some amount zimiv
any all there is