The Kid


Ever wonder what happened to that kid down the block? You know, the one who at 3 or 4 was cute as a  button. The one who perhaps sat in church and made faces at you over his mother's shoulder. Or maybe he was the one who you befriended and always wanted to sit with you during service, who followed you around everywhere you went. He would spend hours playing with his blocks or the box they came in or be mesmerized by an ant. Greg at 3 years old. Just a typical boy.

Yeah….. the world was his oyster.


Remember, he got a little older, 10-12-maybe 13, he was the one who went around the neighborhood……….delivering papers…mowing lawns. You'd see him walking to the local pond, fishingpole over his shoulder, whistling, not a care in the world. He and his friends maybe built a fort and played cowboys and Indians. Or pirates on the deep blue sea, hunting buried treasure and rescuing kidnapped damsels. He was Alexander the Great,
Napolean, George Washington, or Lewis and Clark crossing the Divide, fighting off hostile tribes, blizzards, forging a new Nation. He's going to be an astronaut, fireman, policeman, or maybe a famous scientist……or, just maybe……a soldier. You know, all those glorious things that kids want to be when they grow up. He   was freckled-faced, ears a half a size to big, and a grin, well a grin that could stretch from here to tomorrow. Greg at..12? Just waiting to get into something.
 He had eyes that danced with mystery or intrigue or, maybe, just a little bit if mischievousness. Greenapple wars, sledding, perhaps a filched watermelon once in a while. We've all seen kids like this, our hope, America's future.

AAHHHH!!!…….the world was definitely his oyster!


You see him in highschool. He's on the team, maybe the star player or perhaps just one of the team. Nonetheless he's there, doing what it takes to win. Could be he's the one who makes honor roll or…..just makes his grade. He's the teacher's pet, or the thorn in the principal's side. He's either the  one who's always in trouble or seldom is. And, oh the girls. They just love him. That infectious
smile,  those dancing eyes, they're just are wild over him. Their hearts race when he walks by. We all know him, we've all see him and others like him. He has big plans for the future. Visions for saving the planet. Maybe after graduation, college, or Peace Corps, maybe……marriage? Who knows?………Maybe……..maybe the military……..Why not? Someone has to keep the free world free. And he's just the one to do it. You pick up the paper one morning and there in the local section, he's enlisted. You see, High school..11th...12th grade?
there's a little country over in Southeast Asia. A little country that's in danger of being taken over by the Communists…………

The worlds still his oyster….though now it's a little harder to open.


Who's that soldier over there? Yeah, that one. The one standing proud and straight, looking like a recruiting poster in his uniform. Could it be? Is that him? You know,  that kid from down the block.
Marine bootcamp.   Semper Fidelis!

You see he's no longer a kid. He's a man now. Full of life, ready to take on the world's challenges. You look closer, yes that's him. Still the same laugh, the same mischievous eyes, perhaps a little more devilment in them now but definitely him. You talk to him a little while. He tells you how bootcamp was, and training. You ask him where he's going next and he goes silent for a few seconds. A far away look comes to his eyes as he looks out over the street. He turns and says, " VietNam".

  Relaxing at the pool while he was on leave, before he went to Nam.

Do you feel the chill? Yeah, VietNam, I've heard of that place you say.  Seen it on the news. Looks like a mess though. You be real careful OK? Then he laughs and grinning that big grin you remember tells you of a girl he's met, a girl like no other in the world. Show's you a picture, yeah, she's a beaut all right. Thinking serious of her are you kid? Maybe after you get back?

The oyster suddenly doesn't look quite so good.

You saw the kid's Mom today. Oh she is so proud of him. She showed you a picture of him over in that country, VietNam. He look's proud and just a little lost. Said he was  fighting for freedom. Fighting Communism. You always know there was something special about that kid. But you can tell she's worried also. All that fighting, yes, you'll remember him in prayer. Maybe even drop him a line.


The oyster is looking worse all the time.


In Nam. There to do a job and..hopefully..come home.


Today you saw that government car pull up in front of that kid's house. Two military officers in uniform got out. With them they have the local minister, the minister from the church the kid went to. Their faces are tight, hard, surely this is bad news. You watch as they knock on the door, and when the door opens, you can see the questioning look on the kid's mother's face, then the horror as she recognizes them for what they are and realizes why they came. You hear her cry, "NO! NO! NOT HIM!!!! OH GOD NOT MY BOY!!!!". You turn away, something cold and hard in your stomach. The thought comes to you, 'Johnny won't come marching home'.


The world's oyster has now turned bad.


Over the next few days you learn that the kid is missing. What's those initials they use for that? MIA, Missing In Action. The government thinks he may be captured. No body has been found and there were reports that someone was seen being led away…captive. So maybe that's the answer…..P.O.W., that's what it's called.... Prisoner of War..... Well, hopefully he'll come home after the war is over.


The world never really was an oyster after all.


The above is just supposition. I've borrowed some ideas and embellished some to write this. The pictures are real though. They are of a real POW. Gregory John Harris, USMC. He disappeared in June 1966 in Vietnam. He is still unaccounted for as are thousands of others. He is one of many we don't have answers for. Some we may never have answers for but some are still alive. Waiting for a country, a country that didn't hesitate to call, a country they loved and were willing to die for if need be, waiting for that country to honor them and come get them.


What's wrong America? You have your freedom! Freedom that was bought with the blood of Patriots just like these you have abandoned. What about their freedom?


Don’t let their last words and thoughts be:

My GOD! They have forgotten me!!!!!!



I also wish to dedicate this page to a very special lady. She has been a very big part in the developement of the pages for Greg Harris. She has been an inspiration for steadfastness, and a rock for the storms of governmental denials to crash and break on. Greg's Mom has passed on but Chris has taken up the sword. Chris I pray your waiting will soon be over. God bless you. Tarlander.




I wrote another email
To my Congressman today
To that strange never never land
Inside the great Beltway

A letter to the President
A request to the DIA
Sent into the twilight zone
Seeking answers through FOIA

Black barb-wire on every page
Square cages of black lines
Redacted Heroes-locked inside
Imprisoned, by design

Hanoi's Hilton, Saigon. Sontay
Mount Nu Dai's secret dens
Were prisons dark -but FOIA
Is the cage our POWs are in!

marsha burks megehee

If you wish to know more about Greg please follow the link below for

Msgt. Gregory Harris.

I hope this provokes some thought. More so, I hope this provokes action. Please contact your elected officials in Washington and request a reckoning. You can find your representative by clicking on:

Mr. Smith Emails Washington

and selecting your respective state.



Many thanks to:
Chris LaFrate for the pictures of Greg

Marsha Megehee for the fantastic poem
Visit Marsha's "The Poet Warrior's Page"


Marsha's poems and others may be found at:

And special thanks to WINDY for the great background  

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