Greg and Tarynn's
Little Place on the Net!!

This is a webpage all about us and how our relationship came to be! It is one of the most (if not the most!) awesome stories in the world!! I'm not kidding! :o) Read on!

Once upon a time in the November of 1996, two teens were chatting in a Christian chat room called Lighthouse Chat which is a part of NetCentral Chat. Greg used the handle of "Gman aka Bannerman" and Tarynn used the handle of "Promise Child." They'd seen each other before, but had never really chatted. After seeing each other in there more and more often, they began to chat and get to know each other a bit better. Soon enough, they were emailing each other several times a day, and things were peachy keen! Thanksgiving went by, and the week after, Greg sent Tarynn a real dozen red roses, a balloon, and a teddy bear (and we're NOT talking virtual! These were REAL!). This was just the beginning of a wonderful relationship! We know what all of you readers are thinking - "but how on earth could a long distance relationship work out?" Well, they do say that absence makes the heart grow fonder! :) Greg officially asked Tarynn to be his girlfriend on December 6th, 1997.

In March of 1997, Greg came to South Carolina (where Tarynn lived at that time - Greg lives 1,000 miles away in Missouri) to meet Tarynn face to face for the very first time. What a terrific week together! We did everything from bowling, to the beach, to shopping, to the movies - it was just a total blast! After a week together, they had to say our goodbyes - except for instead of actually saying "goodbye", they said "see you soon!" And they were right!!

During the first week of June of 1997, Greg set out to make his second trip to South Carolina - along with his parents, and an aunt! They rented a condo at Edisto Island in SC, and stayed for a week. Another week was shared between the two and both were anxiously awaiting to sit through Tarynn's graduation ceremony on June 6th! But, due to horrible weather that particular weekend - the graduation was postponed, and things didn't work out according to plan. Greg missed the ceremony due to rescheduling! :( But, spending a week with each other made up for it!

Now being 7 months together, things couldn't be better. It was now Tarynn's turn to take her first trip to the lovely "Show Me" state of Missouri! The vacation was filled the brim with excitement - and the fun never ended! The highlights of the week were probably the fair, a day trip to St. Louis (where we got to meet another online friend - Sandy), a lunch out with more online friends (Lorraine, Redd, Lori, Josh, and Brandy) in St. Joseph, Missouri, and MORE! It was very difficult to drag Tarynn away from Greg once again...but, we knew that it wasn't goodbye!

The day after Christmas '97, things were crazy at Tarynn's house! She was getting ready to board the plane and fly to Missouri for the second time! She got to stay there a week again, and Greg and her did tons of great things together! It was definitely a "movie mania" week! They even got to see "Titanic"!! Spending time with each at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve was also awesome! Happy 1998! :)

Being together nearly for almost 14 months, Greg told Tarynn her Valentine's Gift for 1998 - told her early, but had to due to obvious reasons...reasons being that he was flying Tarynn to Missouri for Valentine's Day weekend so that they could be together! Oh, how romantic!!

Valentine's Day weekend arrives before they know it, and Tarynn is on her way to see her sweetheart! After arrival (close to midnight), they stop at Perkins for a quick bite to eat (thank goodness for 24 hour restaurants!), and after eatting, Greg popped the question - "Will you marry me?" After total shock, Tarynn finally let out the word "YES!" This Valentine's Day will NEVER be forgotten for either of them! The wedding won't be for a while...but, keep coming to this site for more information!

On March 4th, 1998, Tarynn flew to Missouri to be with her sweetie! They stayed there until the 6th - and on Friday (the 6th), they drove from Missouri to South Carolina (a 14 hour drive! Whew!)... But the time went really quickly, and it only felt like 2 hours in the car! We admired the beautiful world God created, and Tarynn even got a snapshot of the beautiful mountains in Tennessee! Greg stayed with Tarynn's family until the 14th of March! During the week they enjoyed going to the movies, bowling, walking around in downtown Charleston, hockey games (S. Carolina Stingrays), and much more! We also took pictures at Sears Studio, and we hope to have one of those scanned ASAP! It was very hard to say goodbye on the 14th - not knowing when they would see each other again before summer came...

But alas! There was indeed a surprise! On Friday, the 20th of March, Greg called Tarynn and told her that he bought her plane tickets to come for to Missouri for Easter Weekend! So, Tarynn will be there from the 10th till the 13th of April!

Tarynn visited Greg on April 10th - 13th and had a marvelous time!! Simply marvelous! :) We went to Silver Dollar City amusement park with some close friends of ours (Kimmy, David, Larissa, Cheryl, Kathy, and Caris), Easter Sunday church service, an indoor picnic (due to the gusty winds that particular day) with Greg's brother (Kevin) and Kevin's wife and daughter.... The list goes on! Oh, and not to forget playing pool and pinball at a local bowling alley for a couple of hours!! It was great!

Tarynn and Greg saw each other in May, too! Two times, in fact! In the middle of the month, when Greg drove to S. Carolina for a weekend, and then towards the end of the month, when Tarynn flies to Missouri from the 22nd (which is Greg's birthday) till the 31st.

The first trip in May (when Greg drove to see Tarynn) wasn't too great because Tarynn got extremely sick with tonsilitis, pharyngitis, and a sinus infection! She was in and out of doctor's offices and the hospital to get IV's due to dehydration. It was awful! Poor Greg had to just sit by Tarynn's side as she slept all day for 4 days (and missed a week of work)! He ended his trip short by driving back home 3 days earlier than expected, but we felt this was best so that Greg wouldn't get sick, too!

Luckily, a week and a half later, Tarynn was on the road to recovery and was able to fly to Missouri for a week! It was so much fun!! We went to several movies, out to eat at various places, a show in Branson, attended his brother's and sister in law's (Kevin and Melanie) wedding reception, and MORE!

The happy couple was able to be united again August 21st till the 31st. Both Tarynn and Greg had a great time together!! The highlights of this trip were: bowling, a show in Branson, going to an amusement park, meeting up with an Internet friend, visiting relatives, and MORE!

October rolls around and Tarynn gets to go to Missouri for a whole month - from October 14th to November 27th! Lots of things planned... Also, registration for spring semester at Drury College! G & T always are havin' a blast - every trip!!

Next time Tarynn comes out to MO will be right after Christmas - and will be here for a LONG time!! In other words - she's moving to Missouri!! *giggles* Tarynn will arrive back to the "Show Me" state on Saturday, Jan. 9th, 1999!! Work starts on the 11th! And college classes start on the 20th!! Busy, busy, busy!!

Well, Tarynn is back in Missouri! Yahoo! But, this will be for "good"!! Things are going great... Both Greg and Tarynn have started spring semester at Drury College. And both are working lots! But, we are able to find some time to spend quality time together. :) Which is important. We wanna start planning our wedding! :)

On February 13th, we drove up to Boone, Iowa to meet an internet friend for the first time in person. Meeting Regan was really fun! We went to go see "Blast from the Past" at the movie theater! Then, we went bowling! Then, we went to Applebee's for a tasty dinner! THEN, back to her house...where we played games, and got to watch Veggie Tales! *grin* Hopefully we'll get some pictures scanned soon!

Valentine's Day 1999 was nice! We had agreed not to get each other anything - but that didn't happen. Hehe. I got Greg chocolates...and he bought me roses. We did go out to dinner though - which was a delight! We can't believe that it's been a year now of being engaged! Can you?!

Tarynn's birthday was in March ~ and it was a super day! 20 years old now!! She got a bike, money, cards (snail mail, and virtual), and more! And, also got 3 - count 'um - 3 birhtday dinners! YUM!! Greg's birthday was in May!! We ended up driving to Arkansas on his birthday and staying for a week vacation with his parents. It was fun! We had several birthday dinners for Greg and he got some cool gifts! :)

Summer is over now - and it's back to the grind at college. Tarynn took summer school classes, and worked full time - and Greg worked and worked and worked... :) Did I mention he worked? The summer was fun ~ spending time with one another. Tarynn's parents came out for a visit in August - it was their very first time being in the midwest!! During Labor Day weekend, we headed to Independence, KS for a family reunion. Ask Tarynn about her first camping/tent experience!! Hmm, it was interesting!!! HAHA!

The fall semester of 1999 has started at Drury College (going to go to University status on January 1st!). Tarynn's working full time, and going to school full time. Same goes for Greg ...and this is his last semester!! Way to go, G!! Weather is being to cool down (thank goodness! It's been a hot summer!)... and T is looking forward to seeing the leaves change colors and fall down. Fall rocks!

Wedding plans are somewhat underway. We might have a wedding - or, we might elope soon. *giggles*

More details and events to come! Stay tuned, as this site is ALWAYS changing!!


You can email either one of us [Greg and Tarynn], OR both of us (*hint, hint*) by clicking here: BOTH!

Any compliments/comments/concerns/suggestions for our homepage, links, weddings, etc, are ALWAYS welcome!

Engagement/Wedding Links

Wedding World
I Thee Web
Brides & Grooms

Our Snazzy List of Links
Greg's Main Homepage!
Tarynn's Main Homepage!
(Greg and Tarynn LOVE the movies!! See a list of the movies we've seen together by scrolling down the page more!)
Christian Net Surfing
(Greg and Tarynn are both Christians!!)
Jamsline - The Christian Music Information Source!
(This is awesome! Both of us LOVE Christian Music!)
Welcome to Edisto Island!
(This is one of our favorite vacation spots!)
Branson Connection!
(A FUN city in Missouri!)
(Greg LOVES Taz!)
Goofy Movie!
(Tarynn LOVES Goofy!)
Nickelodeon Channel!
("Rugrats", "Doug", "Kenan & Kel", and "All That" are two of our favorites to watch!)
NetCentral Live Chat!
(Try the Lighthouse for a nice, clean, Christian Chat! Ps...This is where Greg and Tarynn first met!)
Mercury cars!
(Tarynn has a '95 Mystique!! It's green!! :))
Ford Ranger truck!
(Greg's most recent vehicle... Hehe, well, Tarynn's, too! It's a 1995 extended cab... Dark green top, with tan bottom! Very pretty!)
Llama Hikes!
(Llamas Online!! *lol* It's an inside joke between G & T!! *giggles*)
Sandy's Homepage!
(A very good internet friend of both Greg and Tarynn!)
Joshren's Homepage!
(Another good internet friend of both Greg and Tarynn!)
US Airways!
(One of Tarynn's airlines!!)
(Another one of Tarynn's airlines!!)
American Airlines
(Yet another one of Tarynn's airlines!!)
IRC Information!
(Go to #wwjd or #Teens4Christ to find Greg ("Bannerman") or Tarynn ("Banrsgal") chatting!)
AOL Instant Message Program! Download it for FREE!
(Greg goes by "Banergman" and Tarynn goes by "promise317" on this chatting system!)
Drury College!
(Greg's and Tarynn's college!)
Trident Technical College!
(Tarynn's first college in S. Carolina!)


Spring Break '97 ~ Greg and Tarynn
Winter Break '98 ~ Greg and Tarynn
February 14, 1998 ~ Engagement Day
Spring Break '98 ~ Alisha, Matt, Greg, and Tarynn
Spring Break '98 ~ Greg, Tarynn, and her mom and dad
Spring Break '98 ~ Greg and Tarynn

Here is a list of movies that we have seen together!!!

Liar Liar
Gone Fishin'
McHale's Navy
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Truth About Cats & Dogs
The Preacher's Wife
The Rock
Father of the Bride 2
George of the Jungle
Mr. Magoo
For Richer or Poorer
Nickelodeon's "Good Burger"
Blues Brothers 2000
Men In Black
Quest for Camelot
Deep Impact
Air Bud
Air Force One
Tomorrow Never Dies
Saving Private Ryan
Wrongfully Accussed
Meet the Deedles
The Borrowers
Addams Family Reunion
I'll Be Home for Christmas
A Bug's Life

The Mask of Zorro
The Waterboy
Robin Hood: Men In Tights
Patch Adams
The Prince of Egypt
Blast from the Past
Message in a Bottle
The Parent Trap
The Truman Show
Doug's 1st Movie
The Rugrats Movie
Might Joe Young
Small Soldiers
Meet Joe Black
Never Been Kissed
Star Wars
Wild Wild West
Big Daddy
Inspector Gadget
Mystery Men

mIRC Friend's Websites

Regan's Homapage
PRS's Homepage
Redeemed's Homepage
Dunny's Page

This page has been visited times. (Counter restarted 10/29/98)


Guestbook by Lpage


This page was LAST updated on July 25th, 1999!!

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