Chapter    1

3 months earlier…

Jamie Morgan sat on the edge of Katie's bed listening to her Hanson CD, their fav song was of course Yearbook because it had their names in it, she looked up at Katie and sighed, "I cannot believe we get to go to the Hanson concert here, that's just so totally amazing." "I know," said her friend, "And to think, it's all because of Johnny…"

Jamie looked at Katie quizzically, "What do you mean Johnny? I'm the one who bought the tickets." Katie sensed that she had hurt Jamie's feelings and quickly apologized, "I know you did Jamie, I'm sorry, but it's just that Johnny found out about the concert. Ya know?" Jamie sighed, "Yeah, I suppose he did."

A knock on the door startled them both, it was Amy, Katie's younger sister. "What do you want Amy?" asked Katie, not very nicely. "Hey, I was just wondering if I could go to the Hanson concert with you? Mom said to ask you guys because she doesn't wanna take me, drop me off and then pick me up." Katie exchanged a glance with her friend, "I guess you can come if you don't mind riding in the back with Jamie or Johnny." Amy smiled, "I don't care." She said and walked out the door. "Hey!" said Katie, "Didn't you forget something?" Amy looked back, "Oh yeah, sorry.. Thanks!!"

"I swear, that girl has absolutely NO manners whatsoever." Said Katie. Jamie looked up quickly, "And since when are we Miss Manners, Katie?" Katie smiled at Jamie, "Well since Johnny of course." Jamie sighed, "Oh yeah, well I was going to get going anyways, bye Katie." Katie waved back at Jamie, "See ya girl."

Jamie walked down the stairs and to the door, she was about to pull it open when the doorbell rang, startling her. She opened the door to see Johnny, with a group of his friends, Johnny looked at her, "Hey.. uh Jamie right?" Jamie nodded. "Is Katie here?" Johnny asked her. "Yeah, she's upstairs.." she said while pointing. "Oh, wanna show me the way?" He winked as he said this. "No.. I was just leaving, bye." As she walked down the sidewalk she heard him and his friends laughing at her.

Where to?

Back to the Prologue: *In case ya don't get it.. the prologue actually happened AFTER the chapters..*
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