Chapter    2

It was Saturday again. The day of the concert. All week long Jenn had been trying to convince Dev that Hanson was cool. It was a difficult task considering he was a total Anti-Hanson person. He didn't actually hate them, he just didn't like them. Yeah.

Now that the concert was ten minutes away and Dev and Jenn were standing in the audience, front row because Jenn had won the tickets, Dev was starting to get excited. Now he could really form an opinion of the well renowned trio instead of just going along with what ever other guy on the planet thought. But he was still embarrassed to be there. He was one of the only guys there. The only guy that could be seen from their position.

"I can't wait!" Jenn screamed over the din of the growing crowd. "Neither can I," Dev mumbled. Jenn threw him a dirty look and insisted, "You'll love them. I'm positive." She smiled and Dev tried to force one as well. A few minutes later a man walked on stage. He introduced himself as Walker Hanson, the boys' father. "Do you guys all know my three son's-" he faced the microphone to the audience, including Jenn, screamed in unison, "HANSON!" Dev covered his ears as the screams rose. He had been looking down and didn't notice the band take their places on the stage.

The crowd got even louder. He stuck his ears farther into his ears. "Come on! Get into it!" yelled Jenn. She grabbed his hand and began dancing and singing along. The song was "Mmmbop." It sounded like a different language to Dev and he wondered how Jenn knew the words so well. He began to wonder if the boys were even from The United States. He was forced to look up when he felt Jenn's hand being ripped from his own. His eyes met the ones on the stage in front of him.

They belonged to who he would find out later was Taylor Hanson. "Hey!" he yelled, when he realized what had happened. Taylor had pulled Jenn up on the stage with him and was now dancing with her! How could he!? Dev wondered. Didn't he see that she was holding my hand? He was furious! He looked up at Jenn and yelled her name over and over but could not be heard.

He was so angry he stormed out of the arena. When he reached the outside he let out a breath he had been holding for quite a long time and almost passes out from the lack of oxygen. He leaned his back against the wall and caught his breath. He slid down the wall and sat with his arms wrapped around his legs. He was surprised that he hadn't started crying yet.

He kept taking deep breaths and trying to sort out what had happened. Okay, he said to himself. Taylor ripped my girlfriend from my hand onto the stage completely ignoring the fact that she was obviously in a relationship. But the thing that really bothered him was the fact that she had enjoyed it and not even looked at Dev the whole time.

"Dev! Devon!" Devon woke to the sound of someone calling his name and shaking him. "Dev! Wake up!" "Huh? What happened?" He didn't have any idea where he was or how long he had been asleep. He looked up to see Jenn's beautiful eyes looking down at him. Even though his eyes were blurry he could make out two -no three- other forms next to her. "Taylor, Zac, Isaac," she started. "This is Devon. Devon, this is Taylor, Zac and Ike." she said as she pointed to each other brother. Dev stood and brushed himself off. His eyes had cleared and he -like a gentleman- shook each of their hands.

They're Hanson! he realized suddenly. This is the guy who pulled my girlfriend from my hand! He started to get angry again and had to restrain himself from hitting Taylor square in the gut. "Dev?" asked Jenn.

"Are you Okay?" The boys were smiling. "Hi," Taylor said politely. "You must be Devon. Jenn told us about you." He forced a smile. "Jenn, can I talk to you." he looked directly into Taylor's eyes. "Alone?" She walked behind the wall with him after excusing herself. "What's up?" she asked nonchalantly, not realizing the poison hate burning through her significant other's veins.

"Oh nothing," he began. "Just the fact that that little wanna-be homewrecker grabbed you from my hand and forced you on stage with him to dance around like an idiot!" He felt bad immediately after he said it but had no way of taking it back. Jenn had tears in her eyes. "I didn't know it would hurt you." she said quietly. "I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you." she looked at him solemnly. "Ever." The look in her eyes could have melted an ice-burg. "I'm sorry," he said taking her hand. "I didn't mean it. I-" he stopped and struggled to hold back the flood of tears that threatened to flow. But he couldn't.

He let the tears come, and come they did. He enveloped her in his arms and held her there. He began to wonder what it was exactly that had made him so angry. Was it that fact that she had drug him there in the first place? Or was it because of Taylor's actions? He figured it was a little of both.

"Let's go home." he suggested. She nodded. They started walking away. "Wait." she said and stopped walking. "Can I say good bye to The Hansons?" she asked as if he were her father. He now felt worse than ever. How could he have exploded like that to his own girlfriend? He must have been a real jerk. "Dev?" "What? Yeah, yeah. Let's go say good bye." He took her hand to make it clear that they were involved. The Hansons were still standing there waiting for their new "friends." When Jenn and Devon returned, Ike and Taylor were chatting quietly. They stopped immediately when they returned. Jenn glanced around nervously.

"Well, we have to go now. Nice meeting you. Bye." Devon turned to go. "Hold on." said Jenn. "It was really nice meeting you guys. You're great and I love your music." Taylor blushed. Oh brother, thought Dev. Just then, Taylor stepped forward and hugged Jenn! She didn't know what to do at first. So she just stood there. Then she pulled away and said, "I'm sorry Taylor. This is my boyfriend." Now he was really blushing. "Sorry," he said partly to Jenn, but mostly to Dev who was glaring with rage. "Come on Dev. Let's go." said Jenn. A muffled, "Bye," came from behind them as they walked away. Jenn was silent until they reached Dev's road.

"Devon, what is wrong with you?" she demanded. "Why are you so-" she stopped herself saying the dreaded "J" word. Dev stopped and stood in front of Jenn's path. "What?" he asked calmly. "What am I? Go on, tell me what I am." he challenged her. "Jealous!" she blurted out. "You are jealous of Taylor!" Devon was so mad he turned around and ran the other way, even though it was the opposite direction of his house. So apparently he wasn't going home. Jenn stood in the middle of the street not knowing what to do. Finally she sat down in the middle of the Dead End street.

She sat and stared at the trees around the cul-de-sac. She wasn't sure how long she sat there in a daze, but when she came out of her hazy state, it was dark. Very dark. It wasn't just dusk, it was more like midnight. But it can't be that late, she argued with herself. It can't be. I just sat down there a few minutes ago. She began walking, not really sure where she was walking but just walking. As she walked aimlessly she found herself wondering about Dev.

She wondered if he was going to dump her. She felt bad, she really did, didn't she? No! What had she done to deserve how Dev had made her feel? All she had done was go to a Hanson concert, enjoy herself thoroughly, and yank herself away from a band she adored just because Dev had wanted her to. Well, that's not me, she decided. I don't feel bad about what happened. The next thing she knew she had arrived at her friend Sarah's house.

She and Sarah had been best friends forever and they had always lived only a few blocks from each other. Jenn walked around to the back of the house and threw a pebble up at Sarah's window. A few seconds later a face appeared at the window. Sarah opened the window and leaned out of it.

She went out on her cat-walk and climbed down the rain gutter. When her feet hit the ground, she ran over to her friend and immediately asked her what was wrong. The only time Jenn contacted her through her window was when something was very wrong. And that didn't happen very often. The last time Sarah could remember was when Jenn's grandma had died.

"I went to the Hanson concert with Dev today," Jenn started. Sarah looked at her ever-present wrist watch and stated, "You mean yesterday. It's after midnight." Jenn grabbed her friend's wrist and yanked it around. "Oh my Gosh! It is!" The two girls sat down on a bench in Sarah's backyard and Jenn told her story about the day's events. Sarah -the sentimental person that she was- was beginning a flood after the first two minutes of her friend's story. "How terrible!'' she sobbed holding Jenn in her arms and rocking her. They cried some more and soon Sarah decided that they had better go inside and explain the story to Sarah's parents.

They were understanding enough. Ten minutes later Jenn and Sarah were standing in the Johnson's' living room watching as Mrs. Johnson phoned Jenn's mother. I hope I don't have to go to school tomorrow, thought Jenn.

Where to?

Stories index:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 3: