SSP stories






The List of Quotes from SSP
  • Your tuition goes to help me become a woman
  • Drop and give me 20!
  • Warm Greetings, Reverend
  • I visited SFOF!
  • I'll get more gravy
  • The graveyard shift
  • Cowboy Sam
  • I figure I should learn how to do derivatives sometime soon
  • Team 3 throws the water jug...
  • Albert!
  • Oops. Was that our good plate?
  • Damn. Sprinklers.
  • Com'on, Drink the bear!
  • Wait. Is the astrograph pointing at the dome?
  • We are really lab rats in an experiment on sleep deprivation
  • How many JPL scientists does it take to work a VCR?
  • I'll bet my TI could take our HP in a fight.
  • The action-packed Ojai fireworks display
  • WWV: All talk, no commercials
  • Chen's sleeping, AGAIN?
  • You mean the Hour Angle wheel's NOT supposed to come off?
  • Is it late enough for a cookie run?
  • Too little fixer makes a plate fade.
  • I'm gonna go OD
  • So you're taking a picture of my good side.
  • Hey Thailor.
  • Solving the two-body problem
  • And then the turtles found the bazooka