Summer Science Program '97






An Ode to POG

This concerns all of us, so listen up! up!

First off, I like to tell you all that I have gone without POG for the past 2 1/2 months. I experienced and almost immediate, extreme biological (not to mention psychological) trauma from its sudden absence. Withdrawal set in early--only hours after leaving the Thacher campus. Since then, I have kept one eye open at all times, constantly scanning my surroundings for any signs of the elusive beverage.

I looked for it at local vendors, convincing myself in desperation that even a mere facsimile would do. I tried 'Pog'. But no, this was not the POG which we know and love. It was an abomination, a blasphemous mixture of pineapple, orange, and grapefruit juices. Although shocked and dismayed, I continued onward with my quest.

After a series of dead-ends and failures, I had almost lost hope. Would I be forced to wait until the reunion in July? Was the harsh reality that there was only one source, An Eternal Fountain of POG, located (inconveniently for me) in Ojai, CA.? It seemed so.

Until this past Friday, when the gods smiled upon me.

While approaching Presidio Bowl, an alley of long, shiny, wax-covered lanes and bowling balls which shimmer like the many constellations in the sky, I noticed a foreign object parked near the service entrance to the establishment. As I grew closer, I realized that it was in fact a large vehicle, a 'delivery truck' if you will. A solitary shaft of blinding light cut through the foggy sky and illuminated the truck, as if it were some sacred ship. The word "Vitality" was printed elegantly upon its side. This was surrounded by large depictions of bottled drinks of every flavor imaginable; one of these was "POG". An open door revealed cases of it, cases of bottled POG.

POG--Yes, POG.
POG, Nectar of the Gods.
POG, Elixir of the Ancients.
POG, The Majestic.
POG, El Eterno.
Passion Orange Guava.

I entered the bowling alley hopeful that I would once again drink of it. I went to the concession area and asked for POG by name. The worker gave me a blank stare, and pointed to their dazzling display of Nantucket Nectars. I was frustrated, but continued. "Take me to your POG," I cried...but to no avail. Then I realized that it was not that there was no POG, it was just that the employees had not yet had time to ceremonial prepare and display it. Ha-ha, Fate! I'll have you yet! I went about my bowling and left, somewhat discouraged, but with the hope that when i returned, the latest shipment (which i witnessed myself!) will be out on display, chilled, and ready to drink.

To be continued...
