Summer Science Program '97







The MIssing SSP End LovING you all Syndrome:

To save yourself please do the following:

1. Fall asleep in every class.
2. Go into a computer lab and chat "on-line" with all of your friends. Ignore the people who make fun of you.
3. Make up a question of the day and answer it.
4. Dip your hands in chemicals late at night.
5. Make fun of tennis campers.
6. Every Sunday wake up at six in the morning and hike around town.
7. Stay up till two in the morning for no reason.
8. Find a fooseball table.
9. Make your parents have dinner at 6 and wear "formal" clothes.
10. Drink POG
11. Have some ice cream right after dinner.
12. Every Wednesday have a b-b-q
13. Every Wednesday at 7 sharp have a meaningless family meeting.
14. Run through sprinklers.
15. Visit SFOF every now and then
16. Listen to W W V
17. Have Calculator Wars (we all know that TIs are superior)
18. Every now and then yell "Albert!"
19. From time to time draw the celestial sphere.
20. Steal cookies from your neighbors.
21. Every Sunday take trips to town. (Doesn't really work if you live in a city)
22. Have "Hi Everybody, Hi Dr. Nick" conversations with your friends.
23. Complain when the temperature drops below 75 degrees.
24. Wonder what happened when it starts to rain.
25. And in your free time figure out an orbit of an asteroid.