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Pergamon Press, --ISBN 0-08-0351749-4; --ISBN 0-08-035178-6(pbk) "The Reflowering of the Goddess is a revelation and a plea. I think it will eventually be regarded as one of the most important and prophetic books of our time. Rich with impressive insights, it documents and explains the emergence of ways of perceiving and interacting with the world that may well affect the very survival of the earth and all life on it..."--Merlin Stone from the foreward "In this important book, Gloria Orenstein forges a powerful link between ancient history and modern art, showing how our Goddess heritage is today reemerging not only through archeological discoveries and feminist scholarship, but in the stories and images of creative women all over the world."--Riane Eisler, author of THE CHALICE AND THE BLADE
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I am available to give slide lectures on topics ranging from The Women of Surrealism to Ecofeminism, Ecofeminist Art, Salons and Salon Women, The Re-Emergence of the Goddess in Women's Art and Lit. of the Seventies and Eighties, Shamanism and Bridget Tichenor. Please contact me via the e-mail address at : Curriculum Vita
Full Professor Department of Comparative Literature and Gender Studies University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0353 (213) 740-0100 /02 and Fax: (213) 740-8286 11284 Montana Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90049 (213) 471-1316 e-mail: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1971 New York University; Ph.D. Comparative Literature 1961 Radcliffe Graduate School of Harvard University M.A. Slavic Languages and Literatures 1959 Brandeis University; B.A. Romance Languages and Literatures PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 1981-96 Tenured Professor, Department of Comparative Literature and Gender Studies, USC 1985-88 Director of a cultural program for honors students Faculty-in Residence: Pacific Apartments. USC 1975-80 Assistant Professor, English Douglass College of Rutgers University 1978-79 Director, The Rutgers Junior Year in France Douglass College of Rutgers University 1976-78 Chairperson, Women's Studies Program Douglass College of Rutgers University 1974-75 Co-Adjutant, English and Women's Studies Douglass College of Rutgers University 1971-72 Chargé de Cours in American Culture and Literature University of Paris (Paris III, Censier), Paris, France HONORS AND PUBLIC RECOGNITION 1998 UNESCO CHAIR ON GENDER STUDIES. CREDIF. Centre de Recherches, d'Etudes, de Documentation, et d'Information TUNIS, TUNISIA Lecture: "From Women's Studies to Gender Studies: Where Have All The Women Gone?" Televised on Tunisian Television. Published with texts from this series. 1998 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: FEMSPEC An Interdisciplinary Feminist Journal Dedicated to Critical and Creative Works in the Realms of SF, Fantasy, Magical Realism, and Other Supernatural Genres. 1998 THE WOMAN'S SALON ARCHIVES on the USC WEB. 1996 Research-Travel Grant from the GOUVERNEMENT DE QUEBEC. MINISTERE DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES. For research on Québecois feminist writer/artist Jovette Marchessault. Interviews with Nicole Brossard, Marie-Claire Blais, Mary Meigs, Norman Chaurette, and Michelle Rossignol, Artistic Director of Le Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui, and poet Sylvie Nicolas. 1993 Invitation to attend the FIRST NATIONAL ECOFEMINIST WRITERS' RETREAT. Hopscotch House; Prospect, KY. Founded and Funded by Sally Bingham. 1991 Torch and Tassel Chapter of MORTAR BOARD National Senior Honor Society 1990 THE VESTA AWARD from THE WOMAN'S BUILDING in Los Angeles FRIF GRANT USC for Research on Sami Women Lapland, Northern Norway. Summer, 1990. 1989 ISWM SUMMER STIPEND for research on Sami Folklore Institute for the Study of Women and Men in Society FEMINIST ART CRITICISM: AN ANTHOLOGY, Edited by Arlene Raven, Cassandra L. Langer, Joanna Frueh. Awarded prize for a distinguished anthology of art criticism. My article "The Reemergence of the Archetype of the Great Goddess in Contemporary Art by Women" is included in this anthology. 1988 GYNOCRITICS/LA GYNOCRITIQUE Edited by Barbara Godard awarded the Gabrielle Roy prize for the best critical work of the year in Canada. My article on Jovette Marchessault "The Ecstatic Vision-Quest of the New Feminist Shaman" is in this anthology. Special report on Ecofeminism and the conference I co-created at USC in FEMINIST STUDIES, Summer, 1988. Article on "Ecofeminism at the Cutting Edge" and on our Ecofeminism Conference at USC in THE NATION. 1985 Innovative Teaching Fund Award to write a MANUEL FOR TEACHING GENDER STUDIES. Award shared with Lois Banner and Elinor Accampo (Historians). 1985-86 President, Division on Relations of Literature and the other Arts, The Modern Language Association. 1984-86 Board of Directors, The Woman's Building; Los Angeles. 1983-84 Originator, THEME YEAR ON GENDER STUDIES. Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities and SWMS at USC. 1982 Phi Beta Kappa; Mu Chapter of Massachusetts. Brandeis University. Retroactive membership. 1976-79 Press coverage of the Women's Salon in New York. I was the Co-creator of this Salon for Feminist Literature. The New York Times, Dec. 22, 1977. The Herald Tribune (Paris), Nov. 1978. The Villager (New York), Feb. 16, 1978. El Sur (Chile), April 7, 1979. Le Devoir (Montreal), Oct., 1979. Choisir (Paris), Dec. 1979. 1966-71 DANFORTH GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP FOR WOMEN 1959 Brandeis University: Magna Cum Laude; Honors in Romance Languages and Literatures; Brandeis Honor Society; Louis D. Brandeis Honorary Scholarship (1957 and 1959). Awarded for high scholastic attainment to three students in each class. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS: IN PREPARATION, FORTHCOMING, AND FUTURE PROJECTS: THE SURREALIST COSMOVISION OF BRIDGET TICHENOR The first art historical study of Bridget Tichenor, a contemporary of Leonora Carrington, and affiliated with the Mexican Surrealist Movement. Commissioned and by Carlos de Laborde. To be published by Laborde and Friedeberg. (The book is completed, but the publication was held up because of the economic crisis in Mexico. A preview of my research was in FEMSPEC Vol. 1, Issue 1, 1999. ILLUMINATING THE INVISIBLE: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A FEMINIST SCHOLAR ON A SPIRITUAL QUEST For The Feminist Press, C.U.N.Y., New York. The manuscript was two-thirds completed during my Spring Sabbatical (Ongoing project). FUTURE BOOK PROJECT: JUDAISM, FEMINISM ART: THE VISIONARY JOURNEYS OF CONTEMPORARY JEWISH WOMEN ARTISTS I have collected my initial slide-presentation material, and presented a three and one-half hour lecture at The Woman's Institute for Continuing Jewish Education in La Jolla, Ca. in Oct. 1999. I have an article based on some of this material which will appear in FEMSPEC, Fall 2002 entitled: “Vision and Visibility: Contemporary Jewish American Artists Visualize the Invisible”. BOOKS PUBLISHED: 1. MULTI-CULTURAL CELEBRATIONS: THE PAINTINGS OF BETTY LA DUKE 1970-1990. Pomegranate Art Press. 1993. 2. THE REFLOWERING OF THE GODDESS. Preface by Merlin Stone. Pergamon Press; Athene Series. Spring, 1990. Now at Teachers’ College Press, Columbia University, NYC. 3. REWEAVING THE WORLD: THE EMERGENCE OF ECOFEMINISM. Co-edited with Irene Diamond. Introduction by Grace Paley. Anthology including articles by Susan Griffin, Carol Christ, Carolyn Merchant, Charlene Spretnak, Paula Gunn Allen, Ynestra King, Starhawk, Catherine Keller. Sierra Club Books. Spring, 1990. 4. THE THEATER OF THE MARVELOUS: SURREALISM AND THE CONTEMPORARY STAGE. Introduction by Anna Balakian. New York University Press Comparative Literature Series, 1975. Paperback, 1978. ARTICLES ON LITERATURE, ART, ECOFEMINISM, SHAMANISM, GENDER STUDIES AND RELIGION “The Chrysopeia of Mary The Jewess: Leonora Caarrington’s Surrealist Alchemical Tractate” CAUDA PAVONIS. New Series Vol. 9. No. 2, Fall, 2000. “The Surrealist Cosmovision of Bridgit Tichenor” FEMSPEC. Inauguration issue No.1, Fall 1999. “And Woman Creates God: The Jewish Feminist Art of Indian-American, Siona Benjamin”.THE LITTLE MAGAZINE. (Delhi, India). Sep’t.-Oct. 2000. “Eye on Eritrea: Betty LaDuke’s African Safaris of Peace”.THE LITTLE MAGAZINE. (Delhi, India). Nov.-Dec. 2000. "Refashioning The World To The Image of Female Desire: The Collages of Aube Elléouet" in DADA-SURREALISME No. 18, 1990. Now anthologized in SURREALISM AND WOMEN. Edited by Mary Ann Caws, Rudolph Kuenzli, and Gwen Raaberg. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1991. This essay on Aube Elléouet has been TRANSLATED INTO CHINESE and PUBLISHED AT YUAN-LIOU PUB. CO., TAIWAN, 1995. "Betty LaDuke" in DICTIONARY OF WOMEN ARTISTS. Fitzroy Dearborn. London, England, 1997. "Gynecology" in INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WOMEN'S STUDIES. Routledge, 1997. "The Artistic Legacy of Marija Gimbutas" in FROM THE REALM OF THE ANCESTORS. Knowledge, Ideas, Trends Manchester, Ct. 1997. Encyclopedia Entry: Women's Spirituality Movement in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WOMEN AND WORLD RELIGION. Macmillan, 1997. "Jovette Marchessault's Mystical Theatre: The Confessions of a Cherubinic Peregrine" Written in completion of a Grant for the American Council For Quebec Studies. Soon to be published as the Introduction to LA PEREGRINE CHERUBINIQUE by Jovette Marchessault. Editions Léméac, Montreal. "Madness or Illumination?" Going Out of Our Minds in The Second Milennium" in PSYCHOLOGY AND RELIGION AT THE MILENNIUM AND BEYOND. Ed. by J. Marvin Spiegelman, Ph.D. New Falcon Publications: Tempe, Arizona. 1998. “Where Have All The Women Gone? From Women's Studies To Gender Studies." Published in Papers of The UNESCO CHAIR LECTURES ON GENDER: CREDIF. Tunis, Tunisia, 1998. "The Marvelous in Academia" at A MEMORIAL COLLOQUIUM IN HONOR OF ANNA BALAKIAN. NYU. Feb. 23, 1998. "An Ecofeminist Perspective on The Demeter-Persephone Myth" in THE LONG JOURNEY HOME: REVISIONING THE MYTH OF DEMETER AND PERSEPHONE FOR OUR TIME. Ed. Christine Downing. Shambhala Press, Boston & London, 1994. "Rethinking Environmental Choices" in AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST. Issue devoted to Rethinking Feminist Concerns. Vol. 37, No. 8. Aug. 1994. Editors, Madeleine Stoner and Betty Friedan. "The Shamanic Dimension of an Ecofeminist Narrative". Paper delivered at Colloquium on Ecofeminism at The Institute for Social Ecology in Vermont. "LABYRINTH: AN ARTIST'S JOURNEY TO THE CELTIC OTHERWORLD". The catalogue essay for Ursula Kavanagh's art exhibition at Project Arts Centre; Dublin, Ireland. Spring, 1995. "Methodology of the Marvelous: Ecofeminist Art in MATRIART. Vol. 6, No. 1, 1996. Women's Art Resource Centre; Toronto, Canada. Spring, 1996. "Towards an Ecofeminist Ethic of Shamanism and The Sacred" in ECOFEMINISM AND THE SACRED. Edited by Carol J. Adams. Continuum, N.Y. 1993 (now also in paperback). "The 'Problematics' of Writing about Sacred Ritual and The Spiritual Journey" with a response by Christine Downing and a Letter to Christine Downing by Gloria Orenstein, in WOMEN'S STUDIES QUARTERLY (The Feminist Press at CUNY); special issue on Spirituality and Religions. Vol. XXI, Nos. 1 & 2. Spring/Summer, 1993. "Synchronicity and The Shaman of Samiland" in UNCOILING THE SNAKE: ANCIENT PATTERNS IN CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S LIVES. Edited by Vicki Noble. Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1993. "Ecofeminism" (with Rebeccah Cross) in EARTH JOURNAL 1993. Editors of BUZZWORM MAGAZINE (a magazine of ecology). Foreword by Vice Pres. Al Gore. Reprint of my Sp.'82 article from SYMPOSIUM "A Feminist Journey to Madness and Back in Search of a Goddess Heritage" in TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERARY CRITICISM. Edited by Laurie Di Mauro for Gale Research Inc. Detroit, Michigan. "Leonora Carrington: The Mexican Years" review essay in AMERICAN BOOK REVIEW. Aug.--Sep't. 1992, Vol.14, No. 3. "Les Voyages Visionnaires de Trois Créatrices Féministes--Matristiques: Emily Carr, Jovette Marchessault, et Gloria Orenstein" in VOIX ET IMAGES: LITERATURE QUEBECOISE. #47 pp. 253-262. Hiver 1991. “Refashioning the World to the Image of Female Desire: The collages of Aube Elléouet." DADA -SURREALISM. No. 8, 1990. Now anthologized in SURREALISM AND WOMEN. Edited by Mary Ann Caws, Rudolf Kuenzli, and Gwenn Raaberg. The MIT press, Cambridge, Mass. 1991. "The Méthodology of the Marvelous" in SYMPOSIUM. Vol. XLII, No. 4. Winter, 1989. "La Methodologie du Merveilleux" in TROIS. Femmes Internationales. Nos. 1-2. Montreal, Autonme, 1989. "Interview with the Shaman of Samiland: The Methodology of the Marvelous". TRIVIA: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS. No. 12; Spring, 1988. "From Occultation to Politicization: The Evolution of The Goddess Image in Contemporary Feminist Art" in THE GREEN STUBBORN BUD: WOMEN'S CULTURE AT CENTURY'S CLOSE. Introduction by Betty Friedan. The Scarecrow Press. 1987. "The Ecstatic Vision-Quest of the New Feminist Shaman: Jovette Marchessault" in GYNOCRITICS/GYNOCRITIQUE. Edited by Barbara Godard. ECW Publishers, Toronto, 1986. "Hermeticism and Surrealism in the Works of Leonora Carrington as a Model for Latin American Symbology" PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10th CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ASSOCIATION Edited by Anna Balakian, New York University Vol. 3, Edited by M.J. Valdez, University of Toronto, 1985. "Creation and Healing: An Empowering Relationship for Women Artists" in WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM. Vol. 8, No. 5, 1985, pp. 439-458. "Literature: A World in Words" in WOMEN ARTISTS OF THE WORLD. Midmarch Arts, N.Y., 1985. "Une Vision Gynocentrique dans la Litterature et l'Art Féministes" in ETUDES LITTERAIRES. Vol. 7, Nos. 1,2 Winter and Spring, 1984. "Towards a Bifocal Vision in Surrealist Aesthetics" in TRIVIA: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS. Fall, 1983. Guest Editor, HUMANITIES IN SOCIETY "Sexuality, Violence, and Pornography" Vol. 7, Nos. 1 & 2. Winter and Spring, 1984. "Reclaiming the Great Mother: A Feminist Journey to Madness and Back in Search of a Goddess Heritage" in SYMPOSIUM. Syracuse University Press, Spring, 1982. "La Nature Animale et Divine de la Femme dans les Oeuvres de Leonora Carrington" in MELUSINE. No.II. Occulte-Occultation, Edition L'Age d'Homme. Lausanne, Suisse, 1981, pp. 130-137. "Gertrude Stein" in French in MON HEROINE: CONFERENCE DU THEATRE EXPERIMENTAL DES FEMMES. Editions du Remue-Menage. Montreal, 1981. "Natalie Barney's Parisian Salon: The Savoir Faire and Joie de Vivre of a Life of Love and Letters" in 13th MOON. Vol. V, Nos. 1 & 2, 1981. "Jovette Marchessault: The Ecstatic Vision-Quest Journey of the New Feminist Shaman" in LADY UNIQUE INCLINATION OF THE NIGHT. Autumn, 1980. "Jovette Marchessault or La Quête Ecstatique de la Nouvelle Chamane Féministe" in BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE DES PROFESSEURS FRANCAIS EN AMERIQUE. No.1, Fall 1979 "Natalie Barney's Literary Salon: An Interview with Berthe Cleyrergue" in SIGNS: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Vol. 4, No. 3, Spring, 1979. "La Poète Maudite: Madness or Illumination?" in BOOK FORUM. Vol. IV, No. 3, 1979, pp. 511-522. "Nadja Revisited: A Feminist Approach" in DADA-SURREALISM. No. 8, 1978, pp.91-105. "The Feminist Rebirth of the Divine Child in Christiane Rochefort's ENCORE HEUREUX QU'ON VA VERS L'ETE in JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES IN LITERATURE. Montreal Vol. 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 61-73. "Flamboyance and Intimacy: Literary Life of la Belle Epoque" in BOOK FORUM. Fall 1977, pp. 451-461. "Manifestations of the Occult in the Art and Literature of Leonora Carrington" in LITERATURE AND THE OCCULT: A VOLUME OF STUDIES IN FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN LITERATURES. Edited by Luanne Frank: Univ. of Texas Press. Arlington, 1977, pp. 216-233. "Image and Event: The Influence of Surrealism on Contemporary Theater" in DADA-SURREALISM. Fall, 1973 pp. 9-35. Guest Editor of SHANTIH's special issues on Surrealism, Women, and the Contemporary Arts, Paris Supplement, and articles on Lettrisme, André Martel, and Mexican Theatre. "The Surrealist Cosmovision of Bridget Tichenor" in FEMSPEC. Vol. 1, Issue 1, 1999. "Recovering Her Story: Feminist Artists Reclaim The Great Goddess" in THE POWER OF FEMINIST ART. Eds. Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1994. Now in Paperback, 1996 "Refashioning The World to the Image of Female Desire: The Collages of Aube Elleouet" in SURREALISM AND WOMEN Ed. Mary Ann Caws, Rudolf kuenzli and Gwen Raaberg, The MIT Press; Cambridge, Mass. 1991. Book Review of Crossing Over: Feminism and the Art of Social Concern. Edited by Arlene Raven. In ART PAPERS. Vol. 13, No. 2, March/April 1988. Text on Jovette Marchessault for the Exhibit Catalogue. ART ET LITTERATURE FEMINISTES. Fème Foire Internationale de Livre Feministe. Montreal, June 1988. "Cross-Cultural Dreams of Peace." Catalogue Essay on Betty La Duke in CALYX, Vol. 10, No. 1. Summer 1981. "Passionate Sisterhood: The Art of Helene de Beauvoir" in The Memorial Issue of THE PUBLICATION OF THE SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR SOCIETY, Vol. 3, 1985-86. "Creation and Healing: An Empowering Relationship for Women Artists" in WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM. Vol. 8, No. 5, 1985, pp. 439-458. "Hermeticism and Surrealism in the Visual Works of Leonora Carrington as a Model for Latin American Symbology" in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ASSOCIATION. N.Y.U. Ed. by Anna Balakian. In Vol. 3, Ed. by M.J. Valdes, Univ. of Toronto, 1985. "From Salonieres to a Gynecentric Vision: The Home as Front" in THE HOUSE OF WOMEN: ART AND CULTURE IN THE 80'S. Edited by Sondra Hale. Occasional Publications of The Women's Studies Program; California State University, Long Beach, No. 1, 1985. "The Second and Third Eyes of Contemporary Women Artists”: (Plenary Talk) published in PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND TEACHING RELATED TO WOMEN. Simone de Beauvoir Institute. Concordia Univ. Montreal, 1985. "Women and Art: and "Women and Literature" in MANUAL FOR TEACHING GENDER ROLES IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Written with the Innovative Teaching Award. Published by SWMS at USC. "Art Féministe: 'At Home' in California in California" in LA VIE EN ROSE. Montreal, March 1984. "L'Art de Kay Sage: Un Message Feministe" in MELUSINE. No. III. Cahiers du Centre de Recherches Sur le Surrealisme. Paris: L'Age D'Homme. "Evocative Images: in ARTS. May, 1980, p. 17. "American Artists in Paris" and "Paris Salon as Magnet For Artists and Writers" in WOMEN ARTISTS NEWS. Vol 5, Nov. 1979. "The Re-Emergence of the Archetype of The Great Goddess in Art by Contemporary Women" in HERESIES. no. 5, 1978. This article has been anthologized in: VISIBLY FEMALE: FEMINISM AND ART TODAY. Edited by Hilary Robinson. London: Camden Press, 1987 and in FEMINIST ART. Edited by Arlene Raven, Cassandra Langer, and Joanna Frueh. U.M.I. Press, 1988. Pub. in French in SORCIERES, 1979. "Exorcism/Protest/Rebirth: Modes of Feminist Expression in France" in WOMANART. Winter 1978/79. "Renaissance of Goddess-Culture Art" in FIREWEED. No. 1, 1978, pp. 35-45. "Leonora Carrington's Visionary Art for the New Age" in CHRYSALIS: A MAGAZINE OF WOMEN'S CULTURE. No. 3, Fall 1977, pp. 66-77. "The Sister Chapel" in WOMANART. Winter 1977, pp.12-21. "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Portrait: Dotty Attie" in WOMANART. Fall 1976. "The Woman's Salon" in WOMANART. Fall, 1976. "Art History: Review Essay" in SIGNS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Vol. I, No. 2, Winter 1975, pp. 505-525. "Natalia Goncharova: Profile of the Artist-Futurist Style" in THE FEMINIST ART JOURNAL, Summer 1974. "Leonora Carrington: Another Reality" in MS., August, 1974, pp. 27-31. "Lenore Tawney: The Craft of the Spirit" in THE FEMINIST ART JOURNAL. Winter, 1974, pp. 11-13. "Frida Kahlo: Painting for Miracles" in THE FEMINIST ART JOURNAL. Spring 1973, pp. 7-9. This article was translated into German ans anthologized in FRAUEN IN DER KUNST. Edited by Gisland Nabakowski: Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt, Germany, 1980. "The Women of Surrealism" in THE FEMINIST ART JOURNAL. Spring 1973, pp. 1, 15-21. Reprinted in JOURNAL OF GENERAL EDUCATION. Vol. XXIII, Spring 1975, No. 1, pp. 31-54. Translated into French in OBLIQUES: LA FEMME SURREALISTE. Paris, Winter 1977-78, pp. 51-64, 198, 219-220. Anthologized in FEMINIST COLLAGE: EDUCATING WOMEN IN THE VISUAL ARTS. Teacher's College Press, New York, 1980. Translated into Japanese in ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WOMEN'S STUDIES SOCIETY OF JAPAN. No. 5, 1985. PREFACES TO LITERARY WORKS AND CATALOGUE ESSAYS “La Vie Secrete du Gant de Bronze: La Decouverte d’Alain Glass Lors Du Centenaire De La Naissance d’Andre Breton” Catalogue for Alain Glass’exhibit at GALERIE 1900-2000. Paris, France. Sep’t. –Oct. 2001. Forward to GRAVIDA’S MIRROR: WOMEN, SURREALISM, AND ART HISTORY. New York: Midmarch Publishers; Forthcoming, Fall 2002. Foreward to A WOMAN'S BOOK OF RITUALS AND CELEBRATIONS. by Barbara Ardinger. New World Library, 1992 Text on Jovette Marchessault for the Exhibit Catalogue, ART ET LITTERATURE FEMINISTES. 3eme Foire Internationale du Livre Feministe. Montreal. June, 1988. Preface to LA MERE DES HERBES by Jovette Marchessault. Editions Quinze, Montreal, 1980. Preface to THE OVAL LADY: SURREAL STORIES BY LEONORA CARRINGTON. Capra Press, 1977. Preface to A WREATH OF PALE WHITE ROSES. By Erika Duncan. Magic Circle Press, 1977. Preface to DES CAILLOUX BLANCS POUR LES FORETS OBSCURES. By Jovette Marchessault. Ottawa, Eds. Lemeac, 1987. Postface to BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS ME. By Lisa Messinger. Arena Press, 1986. “Cross-Cultural Dreams of Peace," CATALOGUE ESSAY for Betty La Duke. "La Vision Tellurique de Jovette Marchessault." Catalogue essay for the Exposition ART ET LITTERATURES FEMINISTES. Espace 205, Galerie Dare-Dare, La Galerie du SAC, Montreal, 1988. CATALOGUE ESSAY for Exhibition of Alain Glass, Montreal. PUBLICATIONS OUTSIDE OF LITERATURE AND ART "A Shamanic Call in Acca/demia: My Studies with Ellen Marit Gaup-Dunfjeld-The Shaman of Samiland" in PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE STUDY OF SHAMANISM AND ALTERNATE MODES OF HEALING. Edited by Ruth-Inge Heinze. University of California. Berkeley. Pub. by Independent Scholars of Asia Inc. Berkeley, 1989. "Interview with the Shaman of Samiland: The Methodology of the Marvelous" in TRIVIA: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS. Spring, 1988, No. 12. "Gender Politics and The Soul" in A MODERN JEW IN SEARCH OF A SOUL. Edited by J. Marvin Spiegelman and Abraham Jacobson. Falcon Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1986. Now anthologized in THE ABSENT MOTHER: RESTORING THE GODDESS TO JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY. Edited by Alix Pirani. Mandala Press of Grafton Books. London, England, 1991. "Is Equality Still Inequality" in JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN DEANS, ADMINISTRATORS, & COUNSELORS. Summer 1986. "A Friendship" (My Friendship with Adah Askew) INTERRACIAL BONDS. Edited by Rhoda Goldstein Blumberg and Wendell James Roye. General Hall, 1979 BOOK REVIEWS IN; FEMSPEC THE WOMEN’S REVIEW OF BOOKS—WELLESLEY CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN THE FEMINIST REVIEW OF THE NEW WOMEN’S TIMES ART PAPERS 13TH MOON MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL SUBSTANCE BOOK FORUM WOMEN ARTISTS BOOK REVIEW ARTICLES ON THE VISUAL ARTS SIGNS:JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S STUDIES IN LITERATURE ART EXHIBITIONS CURATED ARTIST AS SHAMAN. The Woman's Building: Los Angeles, November, 1985. EXHIBITION OF HELENE DE BEAUVOIR. Co-created with Yolanda Astarita Patterson, President of the Simone de Beauvoir Society. Exhibition held at Stanford University, April, 1986. INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES THAT I CREATED AND/OR PARTICIPATED IN AS A NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE 1998, March "Where Have All The Women Gone?: From Women's Studies to Gender Studies" at UNESCO CHAIR LECTURE OF CREDIT (CENTRE DE RECHERCHES, D'ETUDES, DE DOCUMENTATION, ET D'INFORMATION DE LA FEMME. Tunis, Tunisia. 1996, April 20 "A Gyn-ecological Perspective on Ecofeminism", paper presented at the conference THE POLITICS OF RADICAL FEMINISM. Deakin University. Melbourne, Australia 1996, Apr. 21-26 "The Feminist Legacy of Marija Gimbutas", paper presented at THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS ON WOMEN. Univ. of Adelaide. Adelaide, Australia. 1987, Apr. ECOFEMINIST PERSPECTIVES: CULTURE, NATURE THEORY. Co-created with Irene Diamond at USC with a grant from the California Council of the Humanities. Speakers included Susan Griffin, Paula Gunn Allen, Charlene Spretnak, Carolyn Merchant, Ynestra King, Brian Swimme, Deena Metzger, Marti Kheel, Michael Zimmerman, etc. 1987, July WOMAN'S WORLDS: THIRD INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS ON WOMEN. Dublin, Ireland. Paper delivered: "Reclaiming Ancient Knowledge Through Ritual Healing." 1986, Dec. DIVISION OF LITERATURE AND THE OTHER ARTS: MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION. As President of the Division, in December 1986 I presented the following program at the New York meetings of the M.L.A. FORUM: ARTS DISCOURSE IN THE 80s. WORKSHOPS: Representation in the Arts Ideological Criticism in the Arts Intermedia and Multimedia Criticism Implied Viewers and Listeners The Experience of Narrative Science Fiction and Fantasy 1986, July KEGME: THE FIRST WOMEN'S STUDIES INSTITUTE OF THE WOMEN OF THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION. Spetses, Greece. Paper delivered: "The Re-emergence of the Cretan Goddess in Art and Literature by Contemporary Women." 1986 POETICS AND POLITICS OF WOMEN WRITING. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Paper delivered: "The Symbolism of Creation in Feminist Art & Literature." 1985, July U.N. END OF DECADE CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. Nairobi, Kenya. Panelist on the program of International Women's Studies Programs organized by KEGME: INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN'S STUDIES OF THE MEDITTERANEAN REGION. Also Presentation of a Choreopoem and Slide Show of Art by Women of the World. Panels on The Visual Arts and Literature. 1984 SHEKINAH: ILLUMINATING THE UNWRITTEN SCROLL. Coordinating Committee that created the conference. USC, Los Angeles, CA. Also, Presentation on "The Goddess in Art." 1984, June NATIONAL WOMEN'S STUDIES ASSOCIATION. Tokyo, Japan. KEYNOTE SPEECH. Waseda University, Tokyo. Also, "The Goddess in Contemporary Art" SEIKA UNIVERSITY, Kyoto, Japan. WOMEN'S STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF KEIKAN FACULTY "Women's Creation." Kyoto, Japan. "The Writings of Gertrude Stein." JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Tokyo, Japan. "Women's Literature in the U.S." JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Tokyo, Japan. Reunion with Yokohama Feminists who visited USC, Yokohama, Japan. 1984, Apr. THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS ON WOMEN. Groningen, Holland. Paper presented “ Creation and Healing: An Empowering Relationship for Feminist Artists." 1982, Aug. INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ASSOCIATION. 10th Congress. New York University. Paper and Slide Lecture: "Hermeticism and Surrealism in the Visual Works of Leonora Carrington as a Model for Latin American Symbology." Given in Tandem with French scholar, Jacqueline Chenieux from the C.N.R.S. in Paris. 1982, July INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND TEACHING RELATED TO WOMEN. The Simone de Beauvoir University, Montreal. PLENARY ADDRESS: "Women seeing: The Visions of The Second Eye and The Third Eye in Contemporary Feminst Arts and Literature," now published in PROCEEDINGS of this conference. A slide-lecture. Workshop Presentation: "Teaching Women's Studies in a Co-ed Setting: USC's Program for the Study of Women and Men in Society: A Model for Challenge and Change." 1981-82, Dec, Jan 1ST INT’L INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS ON WOMEN Haifa, Isreal. Chaired Panel: "Is There a Female Aesthetics?" Presented paper: "A Gynocentric Vision in Contemporary Women's Arts." Attended and participated in events in the Arts and Women's Studies. 1980, July INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF WOMEN ARTISTS. N.Y. CARLSBERG GLYPTOTEK MUSEUM. Copenhagen, Denmark. Coordinator: Literary Programs. Participant on Panels on Art and Criticism and Women and Education. Funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. 1979, July UNITED NATIONS SEMINAR ON THE PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN ECONOMIC EVOLUTION OF THE ECE REGION. United Nations; Paris, France. Official U.S. Auditor. 1979, June INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S STUDIES ENCOUNTER AND EXCHANGE. Centre Culturel Americain, Paris. Discussion of Women's Studies Programs in the U.S. with Professors of Women's Studies in France. 1979, June "Women Artists: Preparing For Changing Our Future." with Miriam Schapiro, panel moderator. Centre-Culturel American, Paris. Panel on Women in the Contemporary Arts. 1977, Nov. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S YEAR: NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. Houston, Texas. The Women's Salon presented readings with Kate Millet, Olga Broumas, Valerie Miner, Erika Duncan. My speech: "The Literary Salon in History and Contemporary Networks of Women in Literature." 1977, Apr. WOMANWORK CONFERENCE. Douglass College of Rutgers University. I was the creaotor and coordinator of this conference. I obtained a Grant from the New Jersey Committee for the Humanities to sponsor a CONFERENCE ON ALTERNATIVE FEMINIST CAREERS FOR WOMEN. Keynote Speech by Adrienne Rich. Participants from: Sagaris, Mother Courage Restuarant, Womanbooks, Soho 20 Gallery, Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center, MAJORITY REPORT newspaper, etc. RECENT CONFERENCES AND EVENTS AND PAPERS PRESENTED ON ART, LITERATURE, ECOFEMINSIM, SHAMANISM, AND JEWISH FEMINISM “A Journey Through Mlle. De Scudery’s CARTE DE TENDRE”. AMERICAN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ASSOCIATION. Boulder, Colo. Apr. 2001 “Salon Women of The Second Wave: Honoring The Great Matrilineage of Creators of Culture”. FEMINIST ART SYMPOSIUM. Fresno, CA. March, 2001 “The Surrealist Cosmovision of Bridget Tichenor” BARNARD FEMINIST ART HISTORY CONFERENCE. New York. Fall 2000. FEMSPEC SALON: Created for Visionary Literature at N.W.S.A. Albuquerque, New Mexico. June, 1999. "Jewish Women's Art for the New Milennium: A Visual Legacy of Tradition and Transformation" SLIDE LECTURE at THE WOMAN'S INSTITUTE FOR CONTINUING JEWISH EDUCATION. La Jolla, CA. Oct. 1999. "Ecofeminist Art", a slide-presentation at THE ECOFEMINIST CONFERENCE AND ENCAMPMENT. Coordinated by Carolyn Merchant and Irene Diamond. Mt. Grove Center, Oregon. Summer 1995. COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS for the graduating class receiving a Masters in Feminist Spirituality. IMMACULATE HEART COLLEGE. Spring, 1995. PLENARY TALK: "Envisioning Female Sexuality as an Expression of Feminist Spirituality" and Art Lecture on "Art and Feminist Spirituality" in THE DANCE OF CHANGE. IMMACULATE HEART COLLEGE. Oct. 1995. "Women and Spirituality", a talk and reading at BORDERS BOOKSTORE, Westwood. March, 1995. ECOFEMINISM. A Workshop at Antioch University, L.A. "From Surrealism to Ecofeminism—A Visual Journey" at JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL. Orinda, Ca. March 1996. “From Surrealism to Ecofeminism via The Goddess" at: University of Victoria. Victoria, B.C., Canada Emily Carr College of Art. Vancouver, B.C. Douglas College. New Westminster, B.C. Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C. The Gaia Collective Saltspring Island, B.C. Josephine's Women's Coffeehouse Vancouver, B.C. “Reclaiming The Sacred: Redefining the Spiritual." COLLEGE ART ASSOC. Seattle. Feb.1993. "Blowing out and Relighting the Candles" with Pauline Bart. TIMBRELS OF MIRIAM CONFERENCE. Univ. of Judaism. March, 1993. "Women On The Wild Side: An Ecofeminist Perspective on Understanding Our Relationships With Wildlife", NATIONAL WATCHABLE WILDLIFE CONFERENCE. Missoula, Montana. Sept. 1992. "Gaia and Creation: Ecofeminism and The Reemergence of The Goddess and the Reconciliation of Spirit and Nature in the Contemporary Arts" NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. Montreal, Oct. 1991. "Light and Darkness: A Feminist Shamanic Journey to the Land of the Midnight Sun". WOMEN'S STUDIES SEMINAR ON SPIRITUALITY. The Huntington Library. Nov. 1991. Presentation of Marija Gimbutas on the occasion of the publication of her book CIVILIZATION OF THE GODDESS. Santa Monica, Ocean Park Church. Speech to over 700 people. Nov. 1991. "Women of Surrealism Then and Now" THE WOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE COLLEGE ART ASSOC. Feb. 1992. Respondent to papers at the panel on Surrealism and The Encounter With The New World. COLLEGE ART ASSOC. Feb. 1992. "A Feminist Shamanic Journey to The Dark Goddess in The Groves of Acca/Deme". WOMEN AND GODDESS TRADITIONS. Claremont Graduate School. Spring, 1992. "Judaism and The Goddess" JEWISH FEMINIST CENTER. Los Angeles. "Artist and Shaman" a lecture about Jean Edelstein Sherry Frumkin Gallery. June, 1992. "Ecofeminism". POMONA COLLEGE. March, 1992. "The Hidden Children of The Holocaust". TIMBRELS OF MIRIAM CONFERENCE. Univ. of Judaism, March, 1992. "Multi-Culturalism and the Jewish Agenda at U.S.C." ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE. Jan., 1992. "A Shamanic Goddess Journey in Acca/demia" at: a. Kalamazoo College, Art Dept. Sp. '91 b. Artemesia Gallery, Chicago. Ap., '91 c. Kalamazoo Art League, Sp. '91 d. Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts, Sp. '91 "Reclaiming The Goddess: A Triple Goddess Program on The Reflowering of The Goddess" at Long Beach WOMANSPIRIT. Spring, 1991. "From Surrealism to Shamanism via the Goddess: A Personal Journey Through ACCA-demia" at STANFORD UNIVERSITY. May 30, 1991. "Re-evoking Asherah, the Hebrew Goddess" THE JEWISH FEMINIST RETREAT, BAT KOL. San Diego, CA., June 1991. "Reclaiming the Hebrew Goddess, Asherah" 4TH INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. Hunter College, June 1990. "Honoring Our Mothered Knowledge of Creating" THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE OF LIBERAL AND PROGRESSIVE JEWISH INTELLECTUALS. Sponsored by TIKKUN. UCLA January, 1990. "From Surrealism to Samiland via the Goddess" Modern Language Association. Washington D.C., Dec. 1989. "Power Healing in an Urban Setting" Panel at UCLA with Professor Lauri Honko, Director of the Nordic Folklore Institute, and Ellen Maret Gaup-Dunfjeld, The Shaman on Samiland (Lapland, Norway). Slide presentation on "The Goddess in Art by Contemporary Women" at the conference: EMBODYING THE SPIRITUAL IN THE ART OF THE FUTURE. San Francisco Art Institute, Oct. 1988. On the program with me were James Hillman, Riane Eisler, and Marija Gimbutas. Slide presentation: "Sami Shamanism" THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE STUDY OF SHAMANISM AND ALTERNATIVE MODES OF HEALING. Santa Sabina Center. San Rafael, CA., Sept. 1988. "Goddess Symbology and Sami Shamanism" THE WOMEN'S POLITICAL CAUCAS. Professor Jackie Young, Coordinator. Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan. 1989. Lecture on "Women and Art History" at THE UNIVERSITY OF JUDAISM. Spring, 1988. Lecture on "The Goddess and Sami Shamanism" at THE RIM INSTITUTE FOR SUMMER ARTIST_IN_RESIDENCE PROGRAM. The Rim Institute; Scottsdale, Arizona. "The Women of Surrealism," a slide lecture. Hofstra University. July 1988. Panel on Women and the Arts. NATIONAL WOMEN"S STUDIES ASSOC. Minneapolis, Minn., June, 1988. "Returning the Great Goddess to Judaism" Presentation at THE JEWISH FEMINIST RETREAT. San Diego, May, 1989. KEYNOTE SPEECH: CONFERENCE ON MODELS OF PERSISTENCE: TEACHING ABOUT ART, AGE, Gender. Rutgers Institute for the Research on Women. Mason Gross School of the Arts. Rutgers University, April, 1987. "Earth Art: Women and Ritual" COLLEGE ART ASSOCIATION, WOMEN’S CAUCAS FOR ART. Boston, Spring, 1987. INVITED PLENARY PRESENTATION; SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WOMEN AND THE ARTS. "From Occultation to Politicization: The Evolution of the Goddess Image in Contemporary Feminist Art". University of Wisconsin, Madison, June, 1985. "Decoding the Amusing Muse: Gertrude Stein, A Jewish Reading" MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION Wash., D.C., Dec., 1985. "Women and Magic: A Surreal Tale of Research and Rebirth" THE HUNTINGTON LIBRARY WOMEN'S STUDIES SYMPOSIUM. Dec., 1985 "Leonora Carrington and Latin America" ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN WOMEN HISTORIANS Mills College, Oakland, CA., Spring, 1985. "A Room of Her Own: Survival Strategies of Creative Women in the Past" COLLEGE ART ASSOCIATION. WOMEN'S CAUCAS. USC, Los Angeles, 1985. "Female Creation: The Quest for the Great Mythic Mother" NATIONAL WOMEN'S STUDIES ASSOCIATION. Arcata, CA., June 1982. "The Dichotomy on Male and Female Visions and the Surrealist Aesthetic: A Study of Creation in the Works of Surrealist Couples such as Hans Bellmer and Unica Zurn and Hans Bellmer; Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning; and Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage" MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION. Surrealism Section. Los Angeles, Dec. 1982. "The Goddess and Politics" Workshop paper and slide presentation with Political Scientist, Irene Diamond. SPIRITUALITY AND WHOLENESS CONFERENCE. Claremont school of Theology; The Institute for Religion and Wholeness. Claremont, CA., April, 1985. "Salon Women: The Home as Front" THE HOUSE OF CULTURE. Ca. State Univ., Long Beach, Nov. 1983. "The Program for the Study of Women and Men in Society at USC" CONFERENCE ON STRATEGIES IN WOMEN'S STUDIES. Univ. of CA., Irvine. May 1984. PAPERS AND SLIDE LECTURES PRESENTED BEFORE 1985 AT: Illinois Wesleyan Univ. Colloquium on "The Images of Women In Surrealist Literature of the 19th Century" conference S.U.N.Y. Brockport. "Women Writers from Western New York to the Americas to the World" conference. The American Studies Assoc. of The Middle Atlantic States Barnard College. "The Scholar and The Feminist" conference Temple University. "Symposium on Women in Contemporary Hispanic Theatre" Cal. State, San Jose. "Congress of International Women Writers" Univ. of Texas, Arlington. "Comparative Literature and The Occult" J.F. Kennedy University. "The Arts & Consciousness Program, Berkeley" Princeton University. "Women of Surrealism" The Women's Resource and Research Center, London, England L'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Tours, France and Reid Hall, Paris A Space, Toronto, Canada. "The Women of Surrealism" "International Women's Year Convention in New Jersey" Rutgers University. "Colloquium on The Posthumous Life of Surrealism" The Center for Inter-American Relations, N.Y. "Retrospective on Leonora Carrington" Sheridan College, Ontario, Canada Institute For Twentieth Century Studies, Univ.of Wisconsin, Milwaukee NYU Maison Française and The Alliance Française of New York Penn. State University. "Colloquium on Surrealism-a Celebration" The Brooklyn Museum. "Works on Paper-Women Arts" exhibit and panel Le Théâtre Expérimental des Femmes, Montreal, Canada. Soho 20, Feminist Art Gallery, New York. A.I.R. Feminist Art Gallery, New York. RADIO AND TELEVISION RADIO 1996 April Australian Broadcasting Radio Corp. "No Frills" Interviewed by Silvermoon. Women's Program on Australian Radio. Adelaide. 1994 April Interview with Radio Canada on The Goddess 1988, May Margot Adler's Radio Program: Interview with The Shaman of Samiland. WBAI, New York. 1985 Merlin Stone's Program THE RETURN OF THE GODDESS. 1985, Spring Radio Interview, Madison, Wisconsin. The Second National CONFERENCE ON WOMEN AND THE ARTS. 1980, Summer Interview with Voice of American-Copenhagen for UN MID-DECADE CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. 1980, Summer Interview with TELEMEDIA. Montreal, Canada. 1979, Fall Jovette Marchessault at The Woman's Salon. RADIO-CANADA, Montreal. 1977, November Voice of America interview on The Woman's Salon after performance at THE HOUSTON IWY - CONFERENCE ON WOMEN. 1977, Summer Women and The Arts, U.S.A. FRANCE-CULTURE, Paris, France. 1977, May Interview on The Woman's Salon, WBAI, New York. 1977, Summer Dossier Leonora Carrington, FRANCE-CULTURE. Paris, France. 1974, Fall Surrealist Symposium, FRANCE-CULTURE. N.Y. TELEVISION 1985, Summer Interview on Nigerian Television with author Flora Nwapa. UN END OF DECADE CONFERENCE, Nairobi, Kenya. 1980, Spring Interview for Japanese Television about the INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF WOMEN ARTISTS that I co-created in Copenhagen. Literary Program with Guest Poet, Audre Lorde, Copenhagen. 1980, Spring Program on The Re-Emergence of The Great Goddess in Women's Culture entitled LE RETOUR DE LA DEESSE. With Francoise D'Eaubonne, Leonora Carrington, and Jovette Marchessault. Radio-Canada, (TV). Montreal. Aired on National Canadian TV over five times. 1979, December Straight Talk. "An Interracial Friendship" Channel 9, New York. Replayed several times. Based upon my article in INTERRACIAL BONDS. Edited by Rhoda Goldstein Blumberg, General Hall. COURSES TAUGHT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Spirituality and Literature The Avant-Garde Ecofeminism Religion in Modern Fiction Graduate Course in Feminism and Literature Feminism and The Arts Dada and Surrealism - both undergraduate and graduate levels The Study of Women and Men in Society The Salon in World Literature Women in World Literature and the Arts Literature and The Other Arts Comparative Literature and Civilization from the 17 C. to the Present Feminist Theory COURSES TAUGHT AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE OF RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Women Writers of the Twentieth Century Feminism and Literature Male and Female in American Literature and Culture Introduction to Folklore Women in the Contemporary Arts (Senior Seminar) Image of The New World in American Fiction Creative Writing I, II Creating Writing and The Female Experience RUTGERS JUNIOR YEAR IN FRANCE Le Thèâtre Français Contemporain et d'Avant-Garde Textes Féministes Français et Québecois LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM Professor Anna Balakian, retired Chair, Comparative Literature, NYU (Deceased) Professor Marjorie Perloff, Stanford University Professor Moshe Lazar, USC Comparative Literature Professor Lois Banner, Professor, SWMS, USC Professor Marija Gimbutas, retired UCLA-Archeology (Deceased) Professor Mary Ann Caws, C.U.N.Y. Graduate School, Professor of French (Retired) Professor Estella Lauter, Professor of Humanistic Studies, University of Wisconsin. Professor Bettina Knapp, French and Comparative Literature, C.U.N.Y., Graduate School and Hunter College. New York. (Retired) Professor Tom Bishop (NYU)