Welcome to Buck's Page. Buck was the greatest pony I have ever ridden. We have no clue what breed he was, but had did have some Appaloosa in him. He was a Flea Bitten Palomino with a grey mane and tail, a sock on his one back legs and a blaze (which was only visible with the use of LOTS of Quick Silver). This pony also had the most beautiful golden eyes I have ever seen on a horse. I know that sounds really funny looking, but Hey, looks aren't ever thing. After only jumping for two weeks, I took Buck in his first show. We got a 2nd, a 3rd, and a 5th and were one point away from Reserve Champion. Our year continued to go well, and we ended up Year End Reserve Champion in the Novice Division. Many people did not like riding this pony because he wasn't a very pretty pony. But there will never be a pony that I will love more than Buck!
Buck's Photo Album
Buck when he first arrived at the barn.
Buck when he first arrived at the barn.
He also loved to go bobbing for apples with summer camp kids. And he could beg for a treat!
~*~*~You are listening to "The Dance", by Garth Brooks~*~*~