Bell Boots: Goes around the area of the leg right above the hoof. Protects the horse's hoof and lower leg from being nicked by the hind hooves.
Bridle: The leather piece that goes on the horses head while riding. Also includes the bit and the reins.
Bit: The metal thing that goes in the horses mouth that aids in steering and stopping a horse.
Canter: A three beat gait in which the inside leg leads.
Colt: A male horse under the age of 3 that has not been gelded.
Curry Comb: A round rubber brush used to loosen up shedding hair and remove dirt from a horse's coat.
Draw Reins: A second pair of reins either attached at the girth or a breastplate that aid in getting your horse on the bit and encouraging them to move forward off their hindend.
Filly: A female horse under the age of 3.
Gag: A type of bit that is only a plain snaffle in the horse's mouth, but puts pressure on the horses poll when you pull back.
Gallop: A four beat gate and most comfortable of all gaits. Also the fastest.
Gelding: A male horse that can not be used for breeding.
Girth: Leather piece that goes under the horse and attaches to the saddle in order to keep the saddle from falling off.
Hackamore: Used instead of a bit. Aids in stopping a horse by putting pressure on it's nose instead if it's mouth.
Halter: Goes on the horse's head while leading him. Similar to a bridle but has no bit or reins.
Hands: The measurement scale used to determinced the height of a horse. One hand is equal to 4 inches.
Hard Brush: The brush used to remove the rest of the dirt, not removed with the curry comb.
Hoof Pick: A plastic or metal grooming device that allows you to pick all the dirt and rocks out of a horse's hoof. Especially a necessity for horse's wearing shoes.
Lead Rope: Connects to the halter (kind of like a dog leash).
Mare: A female horse.
Martingale: Piece of leather that goes around the horse neck and connect to the girth and bridle. Aids in keeping the horse from throwing it's head up. The are many types of martingales: Standing, Running, German.
Saddle: Goes on the horse's back for the rider to sit in while riding. The 4 main types of saddles are English, Western, Australian, and Cut-Back (or saddleseat).
Saddle Pad or Saddle Blanket: Goes under the saddle in order to protect the horse's back for the saddle.
Side Reins: Reins attached to a saddle or surcingle when lunging. Serve the same purpose as draw reins.
Snaffle Bit: The least harsh bit made. Use on horses with really soft mouths.
Splint Boots: Put on a horse's front legs to absorb shock while being ridden.
Soft Brush: A brush usually made out of horse hair the removes dust from a horse's coat and brings out it's natural shine.
Stallion: A male horse that can still be used for breeding.
Surcingle: Used when lunging a horse. Allows you to use side reins without actually putting a saddle on your horse.
Twitch: A device put onto a horse's nose while clipping or pulling it's mane so that it concentrates on something other than being clipped or having it's mane pulled.
Trot: A slower 2 beat pace in which the opposite front and back legs move simultaneously.
Weanling: A horse under the age of 1 that has been separated from it's mother.