My Horse "Betsy"

Forever South, "Betsy"

Betsy is a 11 year old thoroughbred mare registered with The Jockey Club under the name of Forever South. She was foaled at Darby Dan Farms in Lexington, Kentucky on February 5, 1990. Her sire was Capitol South and her dam is A Joy Forever. (click on the names of her parents to see her bloodlines)

She is a 15.2 hand bay with no markings. She is fun to jump and is a great mover, but can be a brat sometimes. However, she is still my baby! We show on the local circiut in Schooling Hunter, Mini Medal, and Open Equitation and on the "A" show circiut in Limit and Modified occassionally. We also fox hunt during the winter months.

Betsy's Photo Album

Me and Betsy at the Oak View Schooling Show last summer

Betsy when she actually has her head down!

Me and Betsy in the Mini Medal Equitation class

Betsy out in her pasture

Me and Betsy and Andrea and Crest at a show

Me and Betsy cantering down a hill

Betsy's Head

Me and Betsy trotting during a lesson

Me and Betsy jumping again. (doesn't she jump cute?)

Me and Betsy at an A-Show

Betsy giving me a hug

Me and Betsy jumping at a show

Me and Betsy jumping again at that same show

Betsy thinking that she is a western pleasure horse

Me and Betsy jumping at yet another show

Me and Betsy in the hack class trotting

Betsy and me at the Pony Club show

Me and Betsy jumping at the Pony Club show

Betsy showing off her ribbons

Betsy and her best pasture buddy Diva

Betsy and her best pasture buddy Diva again

Betsy standing out in her pasture

Betsy and Ernie out in the pasture

Betsy, Kid, Diva, Ernie, Checkers, and Mickey out in the pasture

Betsy jumping in the Mini Medal class

Betsy showing off her well deserved ribbons and making a funny face

Me and Betsy at a show

Betsy in her stall

Betsy after a really hard work out

Us at a show again

Betsy when we first got her

Betsy making a funny face

Betsy and Me at the Oak View Show

Betsy and Me in a hack class

Betsy and Me jumping at a show

Me and Betsy in the pasture at a show

(Don't look at my equitation in these next three pictures. I was riding with a sprained ankle!)

Me and Betsy in the hack class at a show

Me and Betsy in the hack class again

Again in the hack class

Betsy's Head

Me and Betsy posing for a picture at the Pony Club show

Betsy jumping the brick wall jump

Betsy jumping the stone wall jump

Betsy and me posing for another picture

Posing for yet another picture

Betsy and Kid at the Pony Club Show

Betsy jumping the brick wall jump again

Betsy making a big effort over a LITTLE jump

Betsy jumping the stone again

Me hiding behind Betsy

Betsy jumping the yellow flower jump

~*~*~On November 7, 1998, Betsy went on her first fox hunt~*~*~

Betsy posing for a picture before the hunt

Me and Betsy at the hunt

Betsy looking for the hounds coming up the hill

Me and Betsy and the rest of the Oak View kids at the hunt

Me and Betsy standing on a hill

Betsy's red ribbon in her tail

Me and Betsy and my trainer and her horse Peppy

The entire Oak View gang

Bets being a piggy in her stall

Bets in her stall

Bets in her stall again

Betsy giving me kisses

Betsy getting her itchy spot scratched

Betsy and Me and Maggie(Betsy's Twin)and Meagan

Betsy and Me

Betsy and Me at the Germantown Charity Horse Show

Betsy's best jumping picture ever!

Betsy jumping again

Betsy in the Schooling Hunter U/S

Betsy again in the Schooling Hunter U/S

Betsy and her boyfriend Stoney

Betsy and her boyfriend again!!! (They are the pasture pigs!)

Betsy and Stoney again!

Betsy getting ready to come home from the hunt

The Three Amigoes: Stoney, Betsy, and Diva

Me and Betsy on Christmas

Me and Betsy going bareback

Betsy and Me at the Memphis in May A Show

Betsy in the Snow

Betsy in the Snow again!

Betsy, Stoney, and Sierra in the Snow

Betsy and Stoney Eating Hay

Betsy and I at the Spring Time in Dixie show

Betsy and I again at the same show

Betsy and her 2nd place ribbon

1998 Show Results

March 28, 1998
Federal Farm Horse Show
Long Stirrup- 1st, 1st, and Champion
Open Equitation on the Flat- 3rd

May 23, 1998
Oak View Stables Horse Show
Mini Medal- 2nd
Long Stirrup- 2nd, 2nd, and 4th

June 20, 1998
Federal Farm Horse Show
Mini Medal- 3rd
Long Stirrup- 1st, 6th, 2nd, and Reserve Champion

July 18, 1998
Oak View Stables Horse Show
Mini Medal
Long Stirrup- 2nd and 5th

October 3, 1998
West Tennessee Pony Club Horse Show
Long Stirrup- 1st, 1st, 3rd, and Champion
Equitation over Fences- 2nd

October 17, 1998
Year End Awards Show
Schooling Hunter- 3rd and 6th
Equitation Finals- 2nd
Year End Long Stirrup- 3rd

1999 Show Results

May 1, 1999
Federal Farm Horse Show
Schooling Hunter- 1st, 3rd, 1st and Champion
Mini Medal- 1st

May 28, 1999
Oak View Stables Horse Show
Schooling Hunter- 3rd, 3rd, and 6th
Mini Medal- 5th

June 7-12, 1999
Germantown Charity Horse Show
Limit Hunter- 7th (out of 35)
Hunt Club Challenge- 5th

July 24, 1999
Oak View Stables Horse Show
Schooling Hunter- 1st, 5th, 1st, and Champion

August 14, 1999
Oak View Stables Horse Show
Mini Medal- 2nd
Schooling Hunter- 1st

September 18, 1999
Federal Farm Horse Show
Mini Medal- 1st
Schooling Hunter- 1st, 2nd, 5th, and Reserve Champion

October 30, 1999
Federal Farm Year End Show
Mini Medal- 6th
Schooling Hunter- Year End Champion

2000 Show Results

March 18 and 19, 2000
WTHJA Spring Schooling Show
Mini Medal-6th
Limit- 3rd, 6th

March 25, 2000
Shady Creek Horse Show
Schooling Hunter- 3rd, 4th (the rest of the class was rained out)

May 4-7, 2000
Memphis In May "A" Show
Limit Rider- 3rd, 4th

June 6-10, 2000
Germantown Charity Horse Show "A"
Limit- 3rd

June 2000
Shady Creek Horse Show
Mini Medal- 1st
Open Hunter- 1st

July 22, 2000
Oak View Horse Show
Schooling Hunter- 1st, 2nd, 4th, Champion
Mini Medal- 5th

October 7, 2000
West Tennessee Pony Club Horse Show
Open Hunter 2'6"- 2nd, 4th, 2nd, Reserve Champion
Open Equitation 2'6"- 3rd

2001 Show Results

March 18 and 19, 2001
WTHJA Spring Schooling Show
Mini Medal-3rd
Adult Hunter- 1st, 2nd, 4th and Reserve Champion

April 3-6, 2001
Spring Time in Dixie "A" Show
Pre Adult Hunter- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th

May 4-7, 2001
Memphis In May "A" Show
Pre Adult Hunter- 2nd, 4th, 5th

May 28, 2001
Oak View Horse Show
Schooling Hunter- 2nd, 3rd

~*~*~You are lsitening to "You Will Always Be My Baby", By Mariah Carey~*~*~

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