This page is dedicated to some of the greatest Equines in the world. They may not be million dollar show jumpers or Dressage horses, but they are still special!

Homework, "HOMIE"


Homie and Me at a show

Homie and Me, once again, at a show

City Slicker, "Mickey"

Mickey and Me at a show

Pajama Party

Buck Naked, "BUCK"

Buck and Me at a show

Buck's Trick

Buck's Other Trick

Buck Making Faces

Zigfield, "ZIGGY"

Me and Ziggy in the Children's Pony division

Me and Ziggy in the Gambler's Chioce class

Home Aroan "CHICK"

Me and Chick at Memphis In May.

Me and Chick in the Limit Rider Division

Chick the Lion?

Darling Darla "DARLA"

Darla, Me and her ribbon


Casper and Me

Brinkum's Crosse, "BRINKLEY"

Brinkley and me Jumping

Brinkley and me Jumping a three foot jump

Me and Brinkley

Brinkley taking a nap in his stall


The Great DB. First horse I ever rode


Nightmare and me when I first started jumping

Nightmare and me at a show

Buster Brown, "BUSTER"

Buster in his pasture


Harvey and me in a lesson


Peanuts and me at the WTHJA Schooling Show

Waiting for our class to start

Peanuts relaxing in the Pasture

Rollingwood's Rockaby "Lilly"

Me and Lilly at her first show

Lilly and Me

Easy Afternoon "Easy"

Easy and Me before going out for a ride

Easy and Me

Easy and Me Again

Easy and Me and Leggs and Andrea

Easy in his stall

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