The Side

The Way it Would be if I got to Make Cliches

•People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Unless it's fiberglass. Then they're probably OK.
•People in glass houses shouldn't change clothes. (Courtesy my roomate)
•The pot calling the kettle black isn't as ironic to me as it should be because I've never owned a black kettle.
•A penny saved is one more damn coin to put in my wallet and weigh down my pocket.
•If at first you don't succeed, give up because you're probably too incompetent.
•A stitch in time is a woman's job.
•Do unto others until you get caught.
•Love thy neighbor as you love thyself. Unless you have low self-esteem, then you should treat them a little better than that.
•Well begun is half done and a good excuse to take an early break.
•What's good for the goose is a little plum sauce and stuffing on the side.
•Life is like a box of chocolates. Everyone is afraid to go near the nutty ones and the weird, unidentifiable ones so they end up getting rotten and gooey and are thown in the trash.
•There are only three sure things in life: death, taxes, and flatulence.
•Cheaters who get caught never prosper.
•It doesn't matter if you win or loose, unless money's at stake.
•If you love something, set it free. If it returns, it's yours. If it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it. (
•Mary had a little lamb, which suprised everyone that knew her! (ACK!, I deleted the e-mail address. If it's yours, e-mail me again)
•Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor daughter a dress. When she got there, the cupboard was bare....And so is her daughter. I guess. (

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