Do you know what it is like to have one school with kindergarten through 12th grade and have only 1 bus run? Meaning high-schoolers and elementary students start school at the same time and ride the same bus. Mrs. Chagnon's class of 1998-1999 have written stories about the pros and cons of a single bus run at Ripley Central School. Some of our stories made it to the Erie newspaper in PA. Below are some of the ones picked:

Picture by Stephen Eimers Grade 7

Early hours offer less cartoon time
By Shane Lindstrom
To tell you the truth I kind of like the idea of getting up early in the morning to get on an early bus. But I don't like going up to the room, then 15 minutes later going back to the cafeteria to eat breakfast.
I also like the fact that the hours are pushed up on hour. I don't like the fact that you have to ride home with all the people that bring other people on the bus to play with after school. I talked to a boy named Matthew Houle and here what he said. "I think I like riding the early bus because you get to sit with the high-schoolers.
I don't like the way they have breakfast either bacause last they make you stay down there with the high-schoolers and the kindergarten through first grade.
I also don't like it because last year the hours were later and you got to watch all the good cartoons right as you walk in the door."

Early Risers
By Brandon Sperry
I am writing about the pros and cons of the single bus run. I like it because I can get home earlier. Compared to last year the bus is quieter. I don't enjoy the new bus run due to the fact that I must get up at six o'clock. I interviewed Manuel Gonzales, who is in second grade. He likes the new bus run because he likes to get up early. He enjoys walking in the cold. Now he plays Sega now that he arrives home earlier than last year.
I feel that the single bus run is a good idea.

Early breakfast
By Stephen Swinehart
I am discussing the single bus run. My opinion is I don't like it, but I like a few aspects. I think it is cool to get up early, but the bus is crowded. I like eating breakfast earlier now, as does Thomas Lukes, the second grader I interviewed. Thomas doesn't like getting up early. Neither does his sister. He likes to ride with the older kids.

Younger kids approve
By Julie Kelly
I am in sixth grade and I am writing about the pros and cons of the new bus run at Ripley Central School. The past few years we have always has two bus runs. Second graders Crystal Irazarry and Zane Potter told me a bit about what they think of the new bus run this year. Crystal likes the one bus run because she enjoys getting up early in the morning. Zane likes it so he can sit with his friend. Some reasons why they do not like the one bus run is there are too many people, so it is too noisy. There ia also not enough room; up to three people in a seat! One of the students said they liked the bus runs better last year because there were not as many people and he liked the bus drivers better. I also asked them about what they thought about getting up early to be at school at 8 a.m. One of the students said they enjoyed it, and one said they didn't.

It's cool
By Krystle Szymanowski