In astrology, the term 'cusp' is used to refer to
individuals who were born so closely to the change-over dates between astrological signs that
they fall under both signs. Using this analogy, I use the term
'Cuspers' to refer to those of us who were born so closely to the 'official'
change-over year between generations that in some ways we belong to both generations and
in some ways we are our own betwixt generation. This term applies both to those of us
caught between Baby Boomers and Generation X, too young for Woodstock and
too young for Lollapalooza, and for those people caught between Generation X [as in
'X' the eternal variable] and Generation Y [as in 'Why' insist on
naming this generation before they have the chance to actually do something?]
a.k.a. Millenials. Unfortunately, the
uglier term 'Tweeners' has caught on in several quarters, and I suspect it may
become the official designation for those of us caught between Baby Boomers and
Generation X, those of us born between 1959 and 1967.
For sites on Cuspers, take a look at
Cuspers: The Center of the Generational Oreo ,
Chris Dunn's test for those of
us lost between Baby Boom and Generation X and the
USA Today article about the older
Cusper generation. For links to interests for those of us born between 1959 and 1967,
there are Cartoon-o-rama and
The Tweeners Page.
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