last updated 21 September 2005


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The Neverending Story

Falkor the Luck Dragon from *The Neverending Story*
"The video arcade is down the street . . . here we just sell small, rectangular objects.  They're called books.  They  require  a  little  effort  on  your  part , and make no bee-bee-bee-bee-beeps.  On your way please!"
      --Mr. Koreander in The Neverending Story


     Like The Last Unicorn, *The Neverending Story* is one of the most spiritually genuine films I have ever seen.  Much of its power comes from the unabashedly tragic pathos in this tale of the barely-averted death of hope and dreams and imagination.  Few fantasies with child-protagonists are able to portray authentic heroism, but in Atreyu's refusal to surrender even after losing (or thinking he's lost) every friend he's ever known and every authority figure he's ever trusted, Atreyu epitomizes everything it means to be a hero far better than almost any other film I have ever seen, fantasy or otherwise.
     Such locations as the Swamp of Despair remind one of the Christian fable *Pilgrim's Progress*.  While the story in both film and book(s) has a powerful mythic feel and a genuine epic hero, the story also shares a philosophy about the relationship between consciousness and reality itself, not unlike the theorized Collective Unconscious of C. G. Jung or the Speculations about Consciousness in Virtual Chaos theory [at Thought-Provoking Sites].  With such delightful figures as Falkor the Luck Dragon, the Rock-Biter, and Morla the ancient turtle (who sneezes due to an allergy to youth!), *The Neverending Story* is also a favorite with fans of both Furry and Animé.  Falkor himself is not only a Furry but an heir to the dragon heritage as found in Myth, Legend, Folkore.
     There is not much on the internet about this wonderful film, due no doubt to the badly done film sequels.  Nonetheless, the first film remains magnificent.  I can recommend Darren W. Hill 's The Neverending Story Web Page; also Welcome to the World of The Neverending Story for some good images such as the image of Falkor above.


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