This web page was written on 31-10-2001 at 2:01pm whilst trying to work out what to have for lunch.


I'm glad that I'm so interesting to you. Okay. We'll start off with generic facts and then I'll describe some of the things I'm into and all that kind of stuff. I hope I don't bore you along the way.

I'm six foot five inches tall bare footed, fat, with long dark hair (waist-length), blue eyes and a beard which I really think is starting to come along quite nicely.
I'm a goth, for those of you who hadn't realised, which means I dress in black, where I can, and listen to strange music and have passing interests in magic(k), vampires, make up and death. Oh, and leather. Lots of black leather.

I'm also a writer, though at time of writing the only things I've had published are a letter in 2000AD and what I've put on the net myself. Still, as I have never actually tried to be published, I guess this is a 0% failure rate. I must be good.

I also role play (yeah, I know, it's another major goth thing right? fuck me if I don't conform to the stereotype) and at the moment I knock out game plots and worlds for AD&D 3rd edition but don't actually get a chance to play them, and I play Vampire: The Masquerade, LARP version. We get to run around (or not) going 'oh I have funky powers and pointy teeth! I am so powerful!! GRRRR now please don't kill me...' (You know it's true). If you want to get involved in that I'll post a chunk of information in the Rants section about where national games are held and all that crap.

Back to me. I live in a town called Darlington which is a great place if you've spent time in anywhere smaller and more inbred. If you haven't, then it's the arse end of hell and dull as John Major watching gray paint dry.
There are a few clubs, all into pop and chart music, and there are very few pubs with a decent Juke box, but if you look you will find.

I like nasty Heavy Metal music. Black & Death Metal (yes, there is a difference) Nu Metal, a bit of Industrial and even, horror of horrors, some darker dance music. My best bands are NIN, the Sisters of Mercy, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Slipknot, Cradle of Filth (love the T-Shirts Dani!) and Jack Off Jill.

Well, the page is getting a little lengthy, which means I'm wittering for far too long. So, I'll let you go to another area of the site. But don't leave. You can never leave. (Sorry)