||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Kronos -------- A Guyver/X-Files Crossover -------- Part 1 of 2 Written by Ed Hrzic Copyright (c) 1996 by Ed Hrzic Characters herein remain the property of their respective owners. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to go out on a limb and say that I've probably written the bulk of the fanfiction involving the Guyver that has appeared on raac. And here is yet another one. If one really thinks about it, it is a rather solid cross-over, combing the genetic mystery of the Guyver, with the blood-hound aspects of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Comments are welcome. Please send them to "bd981@@yfn.ysu.edu". Thank you for reading! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The Sho Fukamachi that appears in this fanfic is taken from the end of 'Guyver: Out of Control,' detailing the wanderings of Sho after OOC. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kronos Story by Written by Ed Hrzic Ed Hrzic FADE IN ON: FOREST, INT., NIGHT Three children play are playing in the forest, running down the well-work paths, with toy-guns in their hands. They imitate soldiers in a war, hiding behind branches and stumps, attacking invisible opponents. After a short while, they come to a small, metal bridge with a stream flowing underneath it. They continue to run across it, only to stop as they see a bright blue glow coming from the trees to their left. BILLY What is that? TOMMY I don't know. All three of them walk toward to glow, only to find that it has several men gathered around some sort of hole in the ground. There are several men in blue and white body-suits walking around the perimeter. Some other men in business suits talk amongst themselves. JAMES How far along on the project are we? ASCER I would assume more than half way. JAMES opens a briefcase that is at his feet, and pulls out some sort of file. He gives it to ASCER. JAMES Here is the personnel data. Make sure that it is not lost. Both of our heads will roll if it does. ASCER I'll make sure that it doesn't. ASCER hands it to an individual at his right, who promptly leaves. JAMES and ASCER begin walking toward a limo at the left end of the field. JAMES My only concern is that the Guyver does not show up, as usual, when a Guyver unit is found. ASCER May I remind you that we have the most-skilled soldiers on the eastern sea-board. The chauffeur opens the rear door for JAMES. JAMES sits down. The chauffeur closes the door, and JAMES lowers the window. JAMES Do you remember what happened in Tokyo? ASCER Everybody does, Mr. James. JAMES Well, they had the most powerful AND skilled Zoanoids in Japan. Unfortunately, that still was not enough to halt the Guyver's progress. ASCER We'll try to keep this as silent as possible. JAMES You do that. JAMES closes the window, and the limo drives off. BILLY (whispering) What're they doing out here? Let's go. I'm getting scared. TOMMY (whispering) I'm getting scared to. BILLY and TOMMY turn to leave, when KENNY trips over some rocks. KENNY Ouch! The commotion has caught the attention of the men who were walking around the area. They come to investigate. BILLY Run! BILLY, TOMMY and KENNY begin running like made, but the two men that are chasing them catch up nearly without a break in their stride. They catch BILLY and KENNY. TOMMY trips and begins shuffling backward. The shadow of the men growing larger play across him, SOLDIER Children shouldn't be nosy. TOMMY gets back up, and runs as fast as he can. CUT TO: TOMMY, RUNNING TOMMY hears the screams of his two friends. FADE TO BLACK [X-FILES INTRO] FADE IN ON: COMMUNITY OF HOUSES, EXT., DAY SCREEN WRITING, LOWER LEFT CORNER. FIRST LINE: Fort Mead, Maryland. SECOND LINE: 10:30 am. MULDER V-O Agent Scully and I have been called to Fort Mead, Maryland, for a rather unusual report. It appears that two young children were murdered during the previous night. A car drives up to a house. MULDER and SCULLY get out of the car. MULDER V-O (cont'd) Normally, this type of case would be handed over to the local authorities. But this situation was slightly different. SCULLY rings the doorbell. MULDER V-O (cont'd) It seemed that the two children were found with rather large tear and bite marks on them. A rather worn woman answers the door. RITA Yes? Can I help you? SCULLY and MULDER pull out their I.D.s and show them to RITA. SCULLY I'm Special Agent Scully and this is Detective Mulder. We came to have a look at your son. SCULLY and MULDER put their I.D.s away. SCULLY (cont'd) We were informed that he saw something about the accident last night, Mrs. Loane. RITA Oh, yes. Please come in. RITA moves out of the doorway, and SCULLY and MULDER enter the house. They them move into the den, and all three of them sit down. RITA He's been up in his room all day. He said he was feeling sick. I thought it was just him fooling around. It wasn't until we heard that those two boys were...killed...that he said something. I didn't know whether he was fooling, or telling the truth. He seemed sincere about it. SCULLY So far, your son is the only person we can count on to solve this case. MULDER To make sure that your son is even remotely telling the truth, we need to ask you some questions. RITA Go ahead. MULDER Tell me, miss, does your family have a history of mental disorders? Anything at all that would indicate hysteria, memory lapses, or cases of epilepsy? RITA No, not that I know of. Tommy never had any of those things when he was growing up. He was always a good boy. Never one to lie about things like this, or even be involved in things like this. MULDER May we see him? RITA If you wish. He's up in his room. DOOR, EXT. RITA knocks on the door, then opens it. TOMMY'S ROOM, INT. TOMMY is sitting on his bed, with the covers wrapped around him, looking out of the window. RITA Tommy? These two people want to ask you about what you saw last night. TOMMY continues to look out of his window. SCULLY Maybe it would be best if you waited out here. RITA Oh...okay. SCULLY and MULDER enter TOMMY's room and close the door. SCULLY Tommy? My name is Dana, and this is Fox. TOMMY Are you here to take me to jail? SCULLY shakes her head and smiles. SCULLY No, we're not going to take you away. We just want to ask you about what you saw last night. TOMMY Are you sure you're not going to take me away? SCULLY We're sure. Now, what were you doing last night? TOMMY Well, Billy, Kenny and me were playing war out in the forest back there. MULDER begins taking notes. TOMMY We like to play in the dark, because it makes us think we're a special commando squad. We were shooting things when we saw a light from over by the bridge. We went over there, and there was all these people around this hole. When we wanted to get away, Kenny tripped on a rock. And we ran, but these two guys just came from nowhere and grabbed 'em. Then- TOMMY's face turns white. MULDER Then-? Then what? TOMMY The two people...they started to GROW. SCULLY/MULDER Grow? TOMMY (shaking) Yeah...their teeth and claws and...I ran. I heard them screaming as I did. SCULLY Well, you did the right thing by running. But, Tommy? Are you sure this is the story? You wouldn't be lying? TOMMY shakes his head. TOMMY That's the truth. Mum says I should always tell the truth if it's important. SCULLY Well, your mom's right. Thanks, Tommy. TOMMY nods. CUT TO: HOUSE, EXT. SCULLY and MULDER get into their car. SCULLY Well? What do you think? Fact or fiction? MULDER I would normally think fiction. But the boy was scared of something. Whether it was some sort of "werewolf" or just a person, something DID happen, and that kid saw it. SCULLY I guess our next bet would be to look at the scene itself. MULDER Could be. MULDER puts on his seat belt, then SCULLY does. She starts the car, and they begin driving. SCULLY Why would you say "werewolf"? MULDER Come again? SCULLY You used the word "werewolf" when you were talking about Tommy. MULDER. Well, from myth, werewolves were humans who had a curse put on them. They would turn into half-man, half-wolf when they saw a full moon. SCULLY Lycanthropy. MULDER Yes. It was supposed to be spread by the bite of a werewolf. SCULLY Do you REALLY think we're up against werewolves? MULDER Do you have something else to suggest? Scully, this is common ground for us. There's nothing new here. Then again, this may all be some elaborate hoax. CUT TO: FOREST, INT. SCREEN WRITING, LOWER LEFT CORNER. FIRST LINE: Fort Mead, Maryland. SECOND LINE: 11:12 am. MULDER So, maybe it isn't a hoax. MULDER and SCULLY examine the blood marks on the trees and stumps. A pot-bellied man in a business suit walks up to them. MILES What can I do for both of you? MULDER and SCULLY show their I.D.s and put them away. MULDER I'm Detective Mulder. This is Special Agent Scully. We're here to investigate the murders. MILES Well, I hope you two can find out something. 'cause we're stumped, if you know what I mean. MULDER Tell me, are there any animals around here? Bears or deer? MILES Not a one. This area only had birds in it. MULDER How about some sort of dog from the surrounding houses? MILES scratches his head. MILES There aren't many dogs around these parts, and I can tell you that it definitely wasn't a dog. SCULLY How so? MILES I assume that you haven't seen the bodies yet? Miss Scully, I grew up with dogs. My dad was a dog-breeder of all kinds. I've seen what dogs can do to other dogs, steers, and even a person or two. But what I saw about those kids, NO dog I know of could be responsible. MULDER Did you find anything around? Fingerprints? I.D.? MILES We only found three toy guns. That was about it. The rest that we found were scraps of clothing. MULDER Do you mind if we look around? MILES Suit yourself. We're just about wrapping up. Let me know if I can do anything else for you. SCULLY We'll remember. Thanks. MILES begins walking in the opposite direction that they came, and soon disappears. MULDER So, what do you think now? SCULLY Mulder, just because two kids have a bunch of scratches and bite marks does NOT mean that there's a WEREWOLF running loose! MULDER But what if my theory is true? That there are such diseases as lycanthropy? SCULLY Then we'll have time to debate about it THEN. Right now, I see two dead kids, and SOMETHING happened. I'm not dismissing what you've said, but I'm exactly going to believe it right now. SOUND, B.G., MACHINERY SCULLY What's that? MULDER I don't know...sounds like drilling equipment. CUT TO: MINING AREA MULDER and SCULLY step into the area. The same blue and white soldiers are walking around, and there are several men dressed in over-alls, digging up something in a very large hole. They are noticed by a man in a business suit. He walks over to them. ASCER This is private property. Do you have a reason to be here? MULDER and SCULLY show him their I.D.s, and they put them away. ASCER I'm terribly sorry. We have something quite valuable that is being dug up. We don't want unnecessary people here. SCULLY Just exactly what are you digging up? ASCER A relic of the past. From what we gather, it dates nearly back to the dinosaurs. MULDER/SCULLY Dinosaurs? ASCER So we think. Then again, it might be something that was buried by a lonesome dog. He laughs, but SCULLY and MULDER don't see the humor in it. ASCER Sorry. MULDER We wanted to ask you a few questions. ASCER Questions? About what in particular? MULDER Have you heard about the murder of the children? It happened last night. ASCER No. We've been so busy, we haven't heard about the two boys. MULDER Really? It occurred just a short distance from here. Perhaps you heard something? ASCER 'fraid not. The sounds of the digging get very loud sometimes. We wouldn't be able to hear, even if a bomb dropped right on top of us. MULDER What company is funding this dig? ASCER Company? Oh, the Kronos Corporation. MULDER Kronos? Hmmm. Oh well, thank you for your time. ASCER Don't mention it. Say, what were your names? MULDER I'm Detective Mulder, and this is Special Agent Scully. ASCER Thank you. MULDER and SCULLY leave the grounds in the way they came. VICKS walks up behind ASCER. VICKS Who were they? ASCER Detective Mulder and Agent Scully. Do me a favor: check them out. Do whatever it takes. I don't like the look, or feel, of them one bit. VICKS Very well. ASCER If you find anything "interesting" about them, and they return, kill them both. VICKS Yes sir. CUT TO: CAR, INT. SCULLY opens the driver's side and sits down. MULDER opens the passenger side, and sits. SCULLY And before you even say it, no, I don't think that a dinosaur is running around, killing people. You've been watching too many movies. MULDER It's just a theory. SCULLY Werewolves are one thing, but dinosaurs? MULDER Still, I think there's a little more going on at that site than he wants us to know. SCULLY You're not serious, are you? MULDER Fully serious. Scully, look at all of the security that they had around? SCULLY That's usual for a dig of that nature. MULDER That's an ARMY. Secondly, why would a biological research company be interested in an architectural dig? SCULLY Yes, Kronos is a biological research firm. Perhaps- SCULLY puts the keys in the ignition. MULDER Scully, he said he didn't know that the boys were murdered last night. But when we asked him, he said that he didn't hear about the "two boys." I only told him "boys." SCULLY stops. MULDER Look, Scully. They know who did it. I think they're doing something pretty important, and they don't want anyone to know about it. SCULLY Then what do you suggest we do about it? MULDER We find out what they're doing. One way or another. I'm going back there later tonight. SCULLY I'll go to. MULDER It'll be too dangerous. Get back to the hotel, and start your report. I'll radio if I'll need back up. FADE TO BLACK CUT TO: FOREST, INT., NIGHT MULDER lurks around in the forest. He makes great pains to avoid being seen or heard. He cross the bridge, and stays a safe distance away from the site, without being seen or heard. SOUND, B.G., BUSHES MOVING MULDER turns around and sees someone looking at him. MULDER pulls out his gun. MULDER Identify yourself. SHO puts his hands up. SHO Easy. I'm just watching. MULDER Who the hell are you? SHO (whispering) Keep your voice down, or they'll hear you! MULDER sticks points his gun a little more firmly at SHO. MULDER You still haven't answered my question yet. SHO I'm Sho Fukamachi. MULDER Fukamachi? Are you Japanese? SHO Yes. Did my accent give me away? MULDER Actually, no. Your name did. Just what the hell are you doing here, anyway? SHO The same thing you are. I'm investigating. Could you please put that thing away? I'm getting nervous. MULDER lowers his gun, but still grasps it. He turns to look again at the dig. MULDER No offense, but this isn't exactly the best thing to be investigating. I hate reporters anyway. SHO I'm not a reporter. MULDER Then what ARE you doing here? Working for them? SHO No. AGAINST them...Kronos. MULDER turns back to SHO. MULDER Come again? SHO Yes. I've made it a goal to stop whatever they're doing. MULDER Stop what they're doing? Kronos is a respected company here. Donations, contributions- SHO It's all an act for what they do. MULDER And what do they do, pray tell? SHO They want to conquer the planet. MULDER gives him a skeptical look. MULDER You really want me to believe that? You've been watching too much T.V., kid. SHO I'm not a kid. I've seen more that you will EVER know, Detective Mulder. MULDER Wait a minute...how do you know my name? SHO I heard you conversing with Mr. Ascer when you were here this morning. MULDER Do you make it a habit to spy people and eavesdrop? SHO In this case, yes. MULDER What's this grudge against Kronos that you have? SHO This...really isn't the best place to discuss it. MULDER Well, I say it is. I'm the one with the gun. SHO sighs. SHO I crossed paths with Kronos rather...by accident. I've been "involved" in their plans for some time. MULDER What do you mean, "involved"? SHO I picked up something that they wanted, quite against my own will. MULDER What's that? SHO Another of what they're trying to dig up now. MULDER And what are they digging up. SHO Something called a Guyver Unit. MULDER Guyver Unit? SHO It's an alien device MULDER Alien? SHO I'm telling you, this is not the place to be discussing this. A light shines over MULDER's and SHO's faces. SOLDIER You! What are you two doing here?! SHO Run! SHO and MULDER begin running. As they do, the SOLDIER follows, at a very fast pace. SHO Whatever you do, keep running! MULDER doesn't have time to disagree, he is running through bushes, and over small gaps. He hears a ripping sound from behind him. He stops and turns, only to see the huge frame of a giant creature, with purple fur, and large fangs and claws. SOLDIER Where's your friend? MULDER can't muster any words for what he just saw. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. SCREEN WRITING: To be continued... [X-FILES CREDITS] ----------------------------------------------------------------- You know the drill. If you want the next and final part, then give me a request, along with your impressions of the story so far. -----------------------------------------------------------------