Silver Shotgun Rounds:
Shotgun Buckshot and Flechette Rounds are very effective against supernatural
creatures especially vampires. In many ways, they are more effective than
normal rifle and pistol rounds. This is due to the rounds spreading before
hitting the target.
Like all silver rounds, the rounds inflict double damage against were-creatures.
This can be really effective at close range because they already inflict
double damage at close range. This means that at close range, silver rounds
will inflict quadruple damage against were-creatures. An example is that
silver 12 gauge buckshot shotgun shell would inflict 2D6x10 at close range.
Against vampires, buckshot and flechette have increased odds of piercing
a vampires heart. Even without a called shot, there is a chance even long
range of piercing a vampires heart. Of course, the vampire can still dodge
or parry in most cases. The shooter also gets their normal bonuses.
At long range (20 ft / 6 m or greater), a silver buckshot round will
penetrate on a 19 or 20 and a silver flechette will penetrate on a 18 through
20. Long range called shots have much better chance to strike than normal
bullets and other weapons. A silver buckshot round will penetrate on a
17 through 20 and a silver flechette will penetrate on a 15 through 20.
On close range attacks (20 ft / 6 m or closer), chances of hitting
the heart are even better. Without a called shot, a silver buckshot round
will penetrate on a 17 through 20 and a silver flechette will penetrate
on a 16 through 20. On a called shot, a silver buckshot round will penetrate
on a 10 through 20 and a silver flechette will penetrate on a 8 through
Called shots at point blank range on an incapacitated vampire are automatic,
not even a roll of 1 through 4 is the heart missed.
[Beyond the Supernatural ® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.