New Aircraft Maneuvers:
Cobra: This maneuver is only useful in an atmosphere due to the
fact that air drag is an important factor in the maneuver and can only
be done by aircraft with engines that the vector of the thrust can be changed.
The plane suddenly flips its nose upwards, and balances on its engines.
This causes the entire body to act as a giant airbrake, speed to drop dramatically,
and enemy pilot is likely to overshoot the fighter that made the Cobra
maneuver (unlike with normal airbrakes. Aircraft don`t lose speed fast
enough with those), the fighter then drops it's nose, the engines of the
fighter go to full afterburner, and your enemy is now in front of the aircraft,
where you want him to be. The Cobra maneuver looks absolutely fabulous
in air shows as well.
Disadvantages: The Cobra maneuver has the disadvantage that
while being done, the aircraft has a +2 bonus to be hit due to being a
larger target and reduce any stealth by half. The second problem is with
collision, if the skill roll for Cobra is missed, the pilot must make a
second piloting roll and if missed, the chasing aircraft pilot must make
a piloting roll. If both miss their piloting rolls, then the two aircraft
will collide.
Penalties: -20% to Piloting
[Ninjas and Superspies is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium
Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.