Coalition Spider-Skull Walker - Missile Variant:

In many cases, an adaption of a previous design can be just as effective as the construction of a new design. The Coalition States has lost a huge number of combat vehicles in the wars against Free Quebec and the city of Tolkeen. Particularly heavy losses have been suffered in the vehicles used for missile platforms due to the fact that there was never a large number of them in service to begin with and there has been systematic targeting of them, especially by Free Quebec. As a result, a search for a new design to replace losses were instituted. The problem was that the new designs would require the complete switch over of production and be costly in terms of resources. When this was fully realized, there was a search for a design which could be adapted to act as a missile platform. One of the first designs considered was the spider skull walker, a design that had been operated by the Coalition for more than twenty years. Previously, large numbers of the Skull Walkers have been used for patrols in Wilderness and Urban environment and was considered a good design. However, the Walker was never meant to fill the role of a battle tank and in the present wars against Tolkeen and Free Quebec, the spider skull walker has been considered of limited effectiveness and it was decided that both many of the already in service models and present production could be converted to produce the new model of Walker without causing much disruption within military forces. Two walkers were initially converted and tested in the Free Quebec sector. They were found to be very effective and retained the ability to run at high speeds and climb broken and steep terrain of up to 40 degrees. As a result, conversion has begun on models in service and the factory has been converted to produce the new models. Some senior officers want all of the older models converted although at present it is planned for only half to be converted. The unconverted models are tasked for urban pacification roles and missile are considered to inflict too much damage within a city.

The design has been observed by several other parties that are interested in copying the design. Free Quebec considered that the missile launching walker could be very effective in supporting Glitter Boy units. Several mercenary groups that have captured the walkers seem to also be considering converting their walkers into missile launchers.

To simplify production and conversion, as few changes to the original design of the spider skull walker have been made and the walker is still easily recognizable. The six insect-like legs, basic chassis, and power systems have all remained unchanged. The big changes are in the weapon systems and the upper design. Passenger and storage space has been removed and only the pilot and co-pilot positions with a small amount of emergency supplies have been retained. In addition, the top laser turret mount and both heavy rail guns have been removed. This was to reduce weight enough to mount the new weapon systems. The chin laser cannon was retained to give the vehicle some close in weapon systems and so the vehicle does not completely depend on its missile supply. Instead of the normal spider skull weapon systems, the missile carrying walker has missile launchers which carry twelve long range missiles and thirty-two medium range missiles. The launchers stick out from both sides of the walker in rounded box like launchers.

Model Type: CR-003M Spider-Skull Walker - Missile Variant
Class: All-Terrain Missile Platform Robot
Crew: One pilot and copilot.

M.D.C. by Location:
Missile Batteries (2, Sides):175 each
Lower Laser Turret (under chin):80
[1] Legs (6):120 each
Eye Searchlights (2):30 each
[1] Main Body/Skull:500
Reinforced Crew Compartment:150

[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Note: The robot can lose one leg on each side and not be unbalanced. Speed is reduced by 10%.

Running: 80 mph (128 kph) maximum.
Leaping: Not possible.
Underwater: It can walk along the bottom of the sea floor at 25% of maximum speed and has a maximum Ocean depth of 1 mile (1.6 km).
Range: Limited only by the pilot's endurance. Emergency food and air supply will keep the pilot and gunner alive for two weeks.

Statistical Data:
Height: 28 feet, 9 inches (8.8 meters)
Width: Skull is 13 feet wide (3.9 meters), missile launchers extend out 4 feet (0.6 meters) on either side, and the legs extend to about 20 feet wide (6 meters) on either side
Length: Skull is 15 feet (4.5 in).
Weight: 32 tons (29.0 metric tons) fully loaded.
Physical Strength: Not applicable.
Cargo: The normal storage space for a spider skull walker has been removed and only the emergency compartment has been retained although gear has been reduced. The emergency compartment contains two C-12 Laser Rifles or CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifles, Two C-18 Laser Pistols or C-20 Laser Pistols, as well as 12 standard E-Clips, four canister E-Clips, and six fragmentation grenades.
Power System: Nuclear; average life is 15 years.
Black Market Cost: Not available on the black market. If sold on the black market, the modified walker would probably cost between 40 and 44 million based on the cost of previous normal model walkers that have been sold on the black market.

Weapon Systems:

  1. CR-4T Laser Turret (1): With the removal of the turret mounted on the top of the walker, there is only one double-barreled heavy laser turret which is mounted one under the chin of the skull (front). The mount is still capable of 360 degree rotation and a 90-degree angle of fire (up and down). This is the only weapon system carried other than the missile launchers.
    Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,200 meters)
    Mega-Damage: 6D6 per dual laser blast.
    Rate of Fire: The pilot or copilot can operate all weapon systems at a rate equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks per melee (usually 4 to 6).
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  2. Medium Range Missiles (2 side launchers with 32 missiles total): These missiles are mounted on the sides of the skull of the walker and are mounted in the box launcher below the long range missiles. The modified spider skull walker robot carries 16 in each missile launcher for the total of 32 total. The missiles can be fired by either the pilot or the co-pilot but not both at the same time.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, eight, or twelve. The number of volleys a character can fire is equal to his combined hand to hand attacks per melee. One volley counts as one attack regardless of number of missiles.
    Payload: 16 medium range missiles in each launcher for 32 total
  3. Long Range Missiles (2 launchers with 12 missiles total ): These missiles are mounted on the sides of the skull of the walker and are mounted in the box launcher above the medium range missiles. The modified spider skull walker robot carries six in each missile launcher for the total of 12. The missiles can be fired by either the pilot or the co-pilot but not both at the same time.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per long range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per long range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, or six. The number of volleys a character can fire is equal to his combined hand to hand attacks per melee. One volley counts as one attack regardless of number of missiles
    Payload: 6 long range missiles in each launcher for 12 total
  4. Smoke Dispenser: A smoke dispensing unit in the rear undercarriage can release a dense cloud of smoke that will cover an 80 foot (24 meter) area in front of it. The can also release tear gas but is considered not particularly useful for the missile launcher because it is designed to operate at long range so normally only smoke is carried.
    Payload: Eight total. The usual mix is eight smoke and no tear gas.
  5. Hand to Hand Combat: The Spider-Skull Walker is a robot vehicle that is not designed for hand to hand type combat. Its only two attack modes are Body Block/Ram, which inflicts 1D4 M.D. for every 20 mph of speed, and Stomp, which inflicts 2D6 M.D., effective against any object 12 feet (3.6 meters) or smaller.
  6. Sensor System Note: The Spider-Skull Walker has the same special features as the UAR-1 Enforcer; thermo- imager, infrared and ultraviolet optics, and infrared searchlights (the giant pair of eyes).
    Sensor Bonuses: Applicable to long range weapon combat only, not hand to hand. + 1 to strike.

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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

Copyright © 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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