Free Quebec Typhoon class Missile Hydrofoil:

With Free Quebec being concerned about going to war against the Coalition, a large amount of effort has been put into the construction of combatants. Interest in Hydrofoil vessels has been high in many navies since almost the middle of the twentieth century. The problem was that Hydrofoils were expensive to build and operate at that time.

The new materials and engines available in the years before the coming of the Rifts had sparked interest back in the construction of hydofoils. The Typhoon design incorporates various systems purchased from Triax but the hull and basic design was designed in Free Quebec based on Pre-Rifts designs. Eight of these vessels have been completed and twenty more have been laid down. These small ships are ideal for fast and hard hitting raids. One of the disadvantages of the design is that they are not designed for operation against submarines. They can be operated in both the ocean and large lakes such as the Great Lakes. When not foil-borne, they can even be operated in many rivers. It is likely that if the vessel was ever sold, many parties would be interested in the purchase of them.

The Typhoon is one of the largest Hydrofoils even built and it is the size of a fairly large corvette. Much of the size of these vessels is taken up by a large number of weapon systems and they are very cramped. On either side of the vessels superstructure and build into the superstructure are sixteen long range missile launchers that launch vertically. These launchers do not have any reloads but a numbers of these ships can swarm a destroyer or cruiser. The vessel carries in front of the superstructure a vertical launch medium range missile launcher. This launcher design has been copied from New German Republic frigates. The ship carries two short range missile launchers for anti-missile defense. The main gun for the vessel was under debate but instead of designing a new weapon system, it was decide that the pre-rifts rapid firing three inch gun (76 mm) from the American Oliver Hazzard Perry Frigate and several Canadian vessel would be used. The mounts were pulled from Pre-Rifts vessels and have been reinforced. The gun is mounted in the bow forward of the medium range missile launcher. It is being planned that later vessels will carry a rail gun or electro-thermal cannon in place of the old pre-rifts weapon. The Typhoon class carries decent sensor systems but they are relatively simple and there is no phased array system. The ship does not incorporate stealth technology because while foil-borne, the wake of the vessel is quite visible.

These vessels do not have a pad for the use of a helicopter or any other embarked aircraft. Due to the large number of weapons, the vessel is very cramped for crew spaces and no marines or power armors are carried.

Model Type: PTM-12 Class Guided Missile Hydrofoil
Vehicle Type: Ocean, Guided Missile Hydrofoil
Crew: 33; 4 officers, 3 Chief Petty officers, and 26 enlisted (Has a high degree of automation)
Troops: None

M.D.C. by location:
3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Mk 75 (Forward):180
VLS Long Range Missile Launchers (16, 8 per side)100 each
VLS Medium Range Missile Launcher (Forward behind 76 mm):275
Short Range Missile Launchers (2, sides of superstructure):180 each
[1] Hydrofoils (4):65 each
[2] Radar System (Superstructure):100
[3] Primary Hull (Main Body):950

[1] Destroying the hydrofoils prevents the ship from using the hydrofoil propulsion system although it can still travel at a speed of 35 knots (40.3 mph/64.8 kph). The hydrofoils are very small targets, requiring a called shot at -4 to hit.
[2] Destroying Search Radar Tower will eliminate Air Search radar system
[3] Destroying the main body causes the ship to lose structural integrity, causing the ship to sink. There are enough life preservers and inflatable life boats to accommodate everyone on the ship.

Surface: 35 knots (40.3 mph/64.8 kph) using conventional propulsion system and 70 knots (80.6 mph / 129.6 kph) using the hydrofoil system.
Range: Unlimited due to fusion engines (needs to refuel every 20 years and requires maintenance as well). Ship carries six weeks of supplies and consumables on board.

Statistical Data:
Length: 220 feet (67.1 meters)
Draft: 8.6 feet (2.6 meters)
Width: 36 feet (11.0 meters)
Displacement: 820 tons
Cargo: 20 tons of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Ships officers have more space for personal items. Most of the ships spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Nuclear Reactor, average life span is 20 years
Market Cost: Generally not for sale but cost 90 million credits to manufacture.


  1. One (1) 3 inch (76-mm) 62-cal DP Mk 75 Naval Gun: The ship mounts a rapid fire three inch gun on the front of the vessel. The gun is very reliable and fires very rapidly (About 85 rounds per minute). The main weaknesses of the gun are its relatively short range and the fact it cannot use rocket assisted projectiles. The gun was carried on many ship classes around the world until well into the twenty first century. The guns can be used against other ships, ground targets, aircraft, and even missiles. Theses guns were among the smallest that could use a proximity fuse for their warheads.
    Maximum Effective Range: 4.9 miles (4.3 nautical miles/8.0 km) for standard projectiles
    Mega-Damage: High Explosive: 1D4x10 MDC with 10 ft (3 m) blast radius per single shot and 3D4x10 MDC with 20 ft (6.1 m) blast radius for three round burst. High Explosive Armor Piercing: 1D6x10 MDC with 4 ft (1.2 m) blast radius per single shot and 3D6x10 MDC with 8 ft blast radius for three round burst. Plasma: 2D4x10 MDC with 12 ft (3.7 m) blast radius per single shot and 6D4x10 MDC with 25 ft (7.6 m) blast radius for three round burst.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to Gunners Hand to Hand (Three round bursts count as one attack).
    Payload: 60 rounds. Ship normally carries usually carries 25 High Explosive, 25 High Explosive Armor Piercing, and 10 Plasma.
  2. Vertical Launch Long Range Missile Launchers (16): Launching cells are located on either side of the superstructure and are part of the superstructure themselves. There is eight on either side of the superstructure. The launcher can use a vast variety of missiles including surface skimming missiles and rocket propelled torpedoes (See Revised Rifts Torpedoes). Long range missiles are normally used against large targets and aircraft / missiles. About half of all missiles carried are fusion warheads and most missiles are normally smart missiles.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per long range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per long range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8, or 16 missiles per melee for all launchers.
    Payload: 16 long range missiles total.
  3. Medium Range Missile Battery (1): The Battery is located on the forward end of ship behind the three inch gun mount and forward of superstructure. The systems can launch up to 24 simultaneously each and automatically reloads the launcher after each firing. This acts as the ships point defense and is normally used to engage incoming air targets and missiles. Launcher looks like a vertical launch missile launcher similar to the Pre-Rifts Vertical Launch Sea Sparrow launchers.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, twelve, or twenty four
    Payload: 48 medium range missiles total for launcher.
  4. Short Range Missile Launching Systems (2): Each launcher has the ability to launch 24 Short Range Missiles and automatically reloads every time a missile or missiles are fired. Each launcher is fitted with multiple fire control systems and can target missiles on multiple targets. Normal missile mixture is 50% Armor Piercing Missiles and 50% Plasma missiles.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per short range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per short range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, twelve, or twenty four (Each launcher operates independently)
    Payload: 72 short range missiles per launcher for a grand total of 144 short range missiles.

Special Systems:

The ship has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features:


[Free Quebec, Golden Age Weaponsmiths, Wellington Industries, and TRIAX are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]

Image drawn and copyrighted by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa).
He has no art home Page at present but many other items on my site.

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

Copyright © 2000 & 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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