Metalworks Industries has wanted to produce a Gunship design for a very long time but the Kestrel is too small a design to convert into a gunship so other designs where looked at for conversions to gunships. A gunships in an aircraft used for suppressing enemy troops, supporting ground troops, and for heavy ground assault roles. Many different aircraft designs were looked at but it was not until they looked at Southern Cross Industries Glamour medium transport did they find a good aircraft to modify. The manager of Metalworks got permission to modify and sell the design. Immediately, the engineers set to work. Two months later, the first of the Firehawks came out to be tested. The design had any problems including the fact that the guns originally kept overloading the aircraft power systems but all problems were eventually fixed. The aircraft even had some cargo space remaining which makes the aircraft very useful for dropping troops. The first few were sold at a substantial discount with "Vixen's Pride" a mercenary company who works closely with Metalworks Industries but since then the gunships have been selling as quickly as they come off the manufacturing line. It is known that Larson's Brigade has also bought several of these aircraft.
The propulsion from the Glamour is based off of the engines of the Aircastle bomber and is both smaller and more efficient. The problem was that the system was never designed to take the strain of providing power for seven heavy Vulcan lasers. The output of the power system was increased but it still did not keep enough power for the weapons. The final solution was relatively simple and it was to put a capacitor in each gun system. While the guns have a limited number of shots, they recharge relatively quickly. This gives the aircraft three Vulcan lasers on either side and one in the nose. For saturation bombardment, it was decided that missiles would be useful and on each wing are two mini-missile packs. The Firehawk has greater armor when compared to the Glamour. This allows the aircraft to survive better in dangerous environments. The one environment the Firehawk is not designed to deal with is combat with other aircraft. While the Gunships firepower in incredible, the aircraft is not very maneuverable. For this reason, the Firehawk is normally escorted by fighters.
While the ability of the transport to carry troops and equipment has been reduced, it has not been completely eliminated and the aircraft can carry up to 24 troops or 12 tons of cargo. The aircraft also retains the rear cargo door which allows for the rapid loading and exiting of troops and supplies.
Designation: M.I. VAC-33X Glamour
Vehicle Type: Twin Engine Medium VTOL Gunship (Modified Transport)
Crew: Ten (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, Sensor Manager, and six
Troops: 24 (reduced from 72) or 16 in power armor at the expense
of other cargo
M.D.C. by Location:
Cargo Door | 250 | |
Vulcan Laser Mounts (7): | 75 each | |
Wing Mini-Missile Launchers (2): | 80 each | |
[1] Wings (2): | 300 each | |
[2] Tail: | 300 | |
Landing Gear (3): | 30 each | |
Pilots Cockpit: | 350 | |
[3] Engines (2): | 350 each | |
[4] Main Body: | 600 |
[1] Destroying a Wing will cause the plane to crash
[2] Destruction of the tail will still allow the aircraft to be controlled
by the varying of power levels of the engines but fighter has a penalty
of -10 to dodge, and a -30% penalty to all piloting rolls.
[3] The destruction of one engine will reduce the gunships top speed
by half and give the pilot a -2 penalty to dodge as well as giving a 10%
penalty to piloting. Destruction of both engines will cause the aircraft
to crash. Pilot may attempt a emergency landing or pilot can choose to
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Aircraft down
completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight.
Driving on Ground (Taxiing): Only possible for take offs and
landings as well as for parking and storage. Speed is 40 mph (64 kph) when
traveling and not on take off or landing.
Flying: The maximum speed of the aircraft is 800 mph (1,280
kph) and has a maximum altitude of 50,000 feet (15,240 m). The aircraft
is Vertical Take Off and Landing which allows it to take off virtually
anywhere and can hover.
Range: The cooling system has been improved compared to the
Air Castle bomber. The Aircraft can fly up to 12 hours if flying at less
than 500 mph (256 kph) and can fly for 5 hours at 500 mph (256 kph) or
Statistical Data:
Length: 98 feet (29.5 meters)
Wingspan: 105 feet (32 meters)
Height: 33 feet (10.1 meters)
Weight: 92 tons (83.5 metric tons)
Power Source: Nuclear, Should have an average life span of 20
Cargo: 12 tons or about 24 combat troops
Market Cost: 55 million credits (The Glamour costs 40 Million
Special Equipment:
The Gunship has all the standard features of a standard fighter (same
as standard robot minus loudspeaker and microphone) plus these special
features listed.
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
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