Metalworks Incorporated "Zephyr" class Hover I.F.V.:
This vehicle design was started in the imagination of an Armorer that went by the name of Lone Wolf. He wanted for personal use a vehicle that was fast, well armed, and able to carry supplies plus power armors or troops. Basically a hover version of an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. He decide on the design being a hover craft so it could over water. He came up with some general ideas and brought it to Metalworks Industries to develop and because he did not have the large equipment to build the vehicle. After working with a team for several months, he fully developed the idea. He was initially against marketing the design but was talked into marketing the design by one of the companies chief executives. A few models were manufactured for sale and several mercenary companies have purchased these hover vehicles and he has benefitted greatly from profits from this design. Metalworks is planning to increase production of this vehicle and enter full scale sales once this begins.
These vehicles are designed for survival in a combat environment and are both well armored and armed for this reason. While the vehicle cannot withstand as much damage as a hover style tank might, it is still considerable and is constructed from advanced alloys. The hovercraft is armed with both energy weapons and missiles. The main weapon is a rear turret with a Vulcan Laser copied from the one mounted on the Iron Hammer tank. In the present version, it is powered by the hovercrafts fusion reactor but on later versions it will be powered by a battery or a fuel cell. The vehicles also mounts a pair of lighter lasers in the nose. These are also powered by the fusion reactor and with be powered by a battery on non fusion powered versions. A rail gun mount was considered but it was decided that missiles would be just as effective and would not require power like the rail gun. The Zephyr carries six medium range missile tubs with three on either side of the turret and has a mini missile launcher on either side of the forward pilots compartment.
Unlike many combat vehicles, the Zephyr is designed to be able to be controlled by just one pilot and a gunner for the main turret. The vehicle also has a space for a communication/sensor operator but the position can be taken over by the pilot. The vehicle is designed to be able to carry up to sixteen soldiers in body armor, twelve medium or light power armors, or up to ten tons of equipment. The vehicle has a large rear door and two smaller side doors.
Like the name implies, the Zephyr is very heavy and has a top speed of 150 mph. While the Zephyr can only hover at low altitudes of 20 feet, this is still sufficient to clear many obstacles and the hover craft can hover over water as well as land. All of the first batch of these vehicles were fusion powered but it is planned that there will be
several different power systems available in the production models including conventional liquid fueled internal combustion, battery generated electrical, fuel cell systems, and nuclear powered. The fusion reactor design for the vehicle is copied from one mounted in a medium power armor. The technology for the fuel cell design was purchased from Archangel Heavy Industries who got the designs of fuel cells from pre-rifts records. The fuel cells operate by pulling the electrons off of an H2 molecule, splitting it into 2H+ molecules and 2 electrons. The electrons pass through the "load" (engines, weapons, avionics, etc.) creating current and powering the systems. Meanwhile, the 2H+ molecules pass from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte. At the other "end", the electrons then recombine with the 2H+ molecules and Oxygen (from the air) and are release as water from the rear of the aircraft. Unlike many of the ground vehicles that use the fuel cell system, the main vehicle fuel tank is fixed. The main fuel tank can be refueled by midair refueling but the external fuel tanks cannot be refueled the same way. The fuel tank hold enough Hydrogen to allow the hovercraft to travel 1360 nautical miles and the vehicle can carry fuel tanks on its external hard points which each extend the range by 400 nautical miles. The vehicle also has a fuel cell to provide power to the twin laser cannons. The fuel cell to the laser guns are relatively small but has a good payload.
Model Type: M.I. M-220-HIFV Zephyr
Vehicle Type: Hover I.F.V.
Crew: Two (can be piloted by one) and has an extra position
for a communication/sensor operator
Troops: 12 in body armor or in light or medium power armor
M.D.C. By Location:
Vulcan laser Turret (Rear): | 160 | |
Vulcan Laser Cannon: | 75 | |
[1] Forward Laser Mounts (2): | 40 each | |
Side Medium Range Missile Launchers (2, 3 cells each): | 50 each | |
[1] Mini-Missile Launchers (2, sides of cockpit): | 30 each | |
[1] Headlights (4): | 8 each | |
Side Doors (2): | 80 each | |
Rear Door: | 120 | |
Pilots Compartment | 150 | |
[2] Hover Thruster Units: | 150 | |
[3] Main Body: | 450 |
[1] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the
attacker to make a "called shot;' but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Destruction of the hover unit will cause the vehicle to be no longer
under the pilots control.
[3] Destruction of the main body will cause the vehicle to crash. All
systems, including emergency parachute, will not function.
Hover Speed: Can hover at ground level at from a hover to up
to 150 mph (241.4 kph) over both land and water. Minimum hover height is
2 feet (0.6 meters) and maximum altitude is 20 feet (6.1 meters).
Maximum Range: With gas or electric, 750 miles (1,207.0 km),
with fuel cells, 900 (1,448.4 km), and with fusion, effectively unlimited.
Statistical Data:
Height: 12 feet (3.7 meters) including turret, 10 feet (3.0
meters) not including turret
Width: 16 feet (4.9 meters)
Length: 28 feet (8.5 meters)
Weight: 40 tons (36.3 metric tons)
Power Source: Four versions. Nuclear with 15 year fusion reactor,
Electric, Conventional liquid fuel that uses aviation gas, and Fuel cell
version that uses Hydrogen as a fuel to produce electricity.
Cargo Capacity: 10 tons if carrying no troops
Market / Black Market Cost: 3 million credits with Internal
Combustion engine, 5 million with Electrical engine or fuel cell power
system, and 25 million for fusion with a 15 year life. Weapon systems cost
50,000 credits extra.
Weapon Systems:
Sensory Equipment
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 2000 & 2002, Kitsune. All rights reserved.