The HT-81 tank, first fielded in the year 2081, was a revolutionary design that was the world's FIRST Hover Tank; Using a system of high-powered jets for primary lift with a backup hover cushion, the high speed "hotrod" of a tank handled incredibly, and could cross virtually any type of known terrain . . . Including both ice and water.
This presented NATO with a serious problem, as these tanks could dash across the Bering Strait and establish a beach head for Soviet Amphibious Assault Ships to follow, or they could, should the USN successfully interdict the oceans (Still expected, despite the large Soviet surface navy), go "Over the top of the world," operating across the Arctic Ice safely and at high speeds to strike down through Canada into the USA.
Self-sufficient for up to two weeks of operations, the HT-81 had an excellent main gun, and the main problem was that there were not vehicles capable of following up on its exploits; Though there was an APC of similar design fielded, they couldn't possibly keep up supply lines, but the possibility of Hover Tank raids across the ice fields of the Polar North was an extreme concern for NATO throughout the New Cold War.
Initially produced in limited numbers, they proved in simulations to be capable of smashing their way through Robot units in a "Shock Charge" eerily similar to the way in which a regiment of cavalry or lancers might break through enemy infantry lines that hadn't formed into defensive squares.
The problem was not with the HT-81 Fast Attack Tank, but rather the SUH-86 "Hailstorm" that followed it. With a considerably faster speed over solid land, and a higher altitude, the SUH-86 had a SLOWER speed over water, limiting the Amphibious Operations of the two when working in groups, as planned, the necessity to cross some open water at times for the Tank/APC combinations to make effective raids on North America was severely curtailed, as it gave ample time for such groups to be intercepted by ground attack aircraft and fast naval units.
Because of this, though intended to, the SUH-86 and HT-81 were never integrated into cohesive combat units with each other. However, in post-holocaust Russia, the HT-81 and the SUH-86, no longer being used as fast strike units, do operate together in the New Sovietskiy Army where this is not a liability.
Still, the relatively small number of HT-81s compared with SUH-86s means that such units are comparatively rare.
Because of this rareness, the New Sovietskiy looked into manufacturing new HT-81s, but found their technology and industrial base not up to the task. Because of this, the SUH-88 was designed, with cheaper hover-jets based on the SUH-86's as overpowered design of the HT-81's and revolutionary, though complex dual units. However, the SUH-88 is slower, has a lower maximum altitude, less armor, and a less powerful main gun, and, is, in general, totally inferior in all respects to the HT-81. However, it can actually be built by the New Sovietskiy, and for the moment, that is what counts. There are still plans, however, should they ever enter into a technology exchange agreement with Triax and the New German Republic, to halt construction of the SUH-88 and begin construction of new HT-81s, but such an exchange is unlikely at the moment.
[Author Notes: See the New Sovietskiy section of the Mystic Russia Source book for Writeups on the SUH-86 and SUH-88.]
Model Type: HT-81
Vehicle Type: Fast Attack Tank
Crew: Four (Main gunner, commander, driver, mechanic/support
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] Weapons Turret: | 400 | |
Reinforced Crew Compartment: | 300 | |
Main Plasma Cannon: | 100 | |
Fire-suppression laser mounts (2): | 75 each | |
Medium Range Missile Launcher: | 100 | |
Multi-Option Jammers (2): | 25 | |
[2] Main Body: | 800 | |
[3] Emergency Hover Cushion: | 100 | |
[4] Engine intakes (4): | 50 each | |
[4] Engine vents (2): | 50 each. |
[1] The Weapons turret is unmanned by the crew, and contains the main
plasma cannon; Destroying it will knock the cannon out action.
[2] If all the M.D.C. of the main body is depleted, the vehicle is
completely shut down and is unsalvageable; The crew can survive unharmed
in the reinforced crew compartment.
[3] Made of lightweight, flexible M.D.C. materials, the hover cushion
can be deployed when the jets have been knocked out to allow the tank to
continue fighting, or during combat to increase the fire rate of the main
gun by freeing up more power from the reactor, though altitude is limited.
Once it is destroyed, the Tank will plow into the ground, though suffer
no damage from doing so at the altitudes at which it operates. The tank
is immobile, then, but can still function as a pillbox for the crew. When
one of the rotors is knocked out, the hover cushion is automatically engaged,
and is capable of cushioning the impact to the ground from any altitude
at which the tank can operate without damage.
[4] The HT-81 has two small jet engines for thrust and two for lift.
The intakes and vents are rather hard to hit, being of the smallest size
possible; No less than -3 to strike, and requiring a called shot, when
attempting to hit them. Destroying one intake or vent on one side of the
vehicle reduces speed by 50% and adds +10% difficulty to piloting rolls;
Destroying a second intake on the other side renders the tank unable to
move, though it can still hover. Destroying one of the upper intakes (Only
possible when at a higher position than the tank) will reduce maximum altitude
by 50% and add +10% difficulty to piloting rolls. Destroying both will
reduce the vehicle to operating with the hover cushion. The vents cannot
be targeted.
Low to ground: 124.3 mph (200 kph) over virtually all terrain.
Minimum Altitude: 1.6 feet (0.5 meters) with hover cushion or
Maximum Altitude: 6.6 feet (2 meters) with hover cushion; 65.6
feet (20 meters) with jets.
Maximum Range: Unlimited (Nuclear Fusion power supply; 25 years.)
Statistical Data:
Height: 9.8 feet (3 meters) to top of the gun turret.
Width: 14.8 feet (4.5 meters)
Length: 36.1 feet (11 meters) not including gun barrel.
Weight: 77.2 tons (70 metric tons) fully loaded
Power Source: Nuclear fusion reactor; Must be refueled every
five years, otherwise effectively unlimited.
Cargo Capacity: Up to two tons; Mostly survival gear and other
equipment. The tank has enough supplies onboard for the crew for two weeks.
The tank also contains 48 hours worth of oxygen for the crew for environments
where the air is to contaminated even for the radiation/gas/germ filters
to deal with it.
Black Market Cost: 35,000,000 Credits to build; Versions available
currently sell for 60,000,000 credits+. If fitted, any extra weapons systems
will add to the cost of the tank; HT-81s are usually found very heavily
modified, though they are relatively uncommon. Tank crews often personalize
them with their pay in the armies of the assorted warlords to be considerably
different from these Soviet-Era specifications. HT-81s still in the service
of the New Sovietskiy, however, follow these specifications to the letter.
The northernmost warlords have HT-81s, as does the New Sovietskiy, but
the southern warlords have few if any.
Weapon Systems:
Special Notes:
[New Navy, New Sovietskiy, and TRIAX are trademarks
owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.]
Initial Writeup by Marina O'Leary ( ).
Minor Reformatting and revisions by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 2000, Marina O'Leary. All rights reserved.