Komsomolets class PLATAKR (Submersible Carrier):

During the New Cold War, the New Sovietskiy, or New Soviet, the reformed USSR, was once again, though for a far briefer period of time, involved in a game of military one-upmanship with the United States of America. When the United States laid down the massive Ticonderoga, a Submersible Nuclear Heavy Air-Carrying Cruiser (PLATAKR -Podvodnaya Lodka Atomnaya Tyazholiy Avianesuschiy Kreyser) was immediately incorporated into the next Five Year Plan and laid down when it began. The design was built of stronger materials than the slightly larger Ticonderoga, and was meant to dive far deeper. In addition, the PLATAKR design focused on what Soviet and Russian designs for Air-carrying Cruisers had traditionally done over time; Instead of being simply floating airbases, these ships were heavily armed combat craft to which aircraft were largely a secondary concern. This was quite in the tradition of the Russian Riga and Kiev classes of the previous Cold War; And though the Ticonderoga was indeed quite capable of defending herself, the Komsomolets, as the massive ship was to be named, had none of the troop capacity of the Ticonderoga and a smaller aircraft/power armor capacity. In addition, the smaller crew had absolutely none of the amenities of the Ticonderoga, living in the cramped conditions Submariners have known for centuries; Still, some thoughts to comfort were given to this vessel over older Soviet designs, as it was intended for much longer deployments. Like on the original Typhoon class, a small swimming pool, Sauna, and steam bath (Banya), were provided for the crew, and conditions are at least as good as those on the American Ohio class SSBNs for the crew; Also, considering the attitude of the new USSR, there are facilities onboard for a mixed gender crew compliment. Still, there are none of the features which were disparagingly called a "Submersible shopping mall" by Soviet intelligence onboard the Komsomolets. This vessel, however, had one great advantage.. It was loaded with an awesome collection of high-powered offensive weaponry that completely outgunned the Ticonderoga. Though it couldn't invade a country like the Ticonderoga and lacked in airwing flexibility, the Komsomolets was designed not as a multi-purpose ship, but has an ultimate hunter-killer.. It's target blatantly clear in those days: The Ticonderoga.

Even so, the Komsomolets was more of a test ship than an operational design; Though quite capable and armed to the teeth for combat, and considering the amount of money put into the design, it was to be used as a regular navy vessel, the Komsomolets also featured advanced hull design for deep-dive capabilities, and a myriad of new features that were to be tested on the Komsomolets and then used on a slightly modified design for additional "Half sisters" of the ship that were to be built, while other technologies tested on the Komsomolets would also be used on a wide range of new Sovietski submarines.

The design of the Komsomolets was based heavily on that of the old Typhoon class SSBNs that were once the largest submarines in existence around the end of the 20th century, though, of course, the Komsomolets is far larger. Though the Komsomolets did not have the stealth system of the Ticonderoga, it had something nearly as good: Impeller or "Caterpillar" drive, almost like Jet-engines designed to operate underwater. (An idea made famous in the novel Red October, and made feasible by 21st century technology.)

When comparing the ships, the Komsomolets is clearly superior to the Ticonderoga in an anti-ship role, but is dedicated to that role and limited missile/airstrikes against shore targets.. The Ticonderoga has far more flexibility overall.

The Komsomolets features a ski-jump, and though standard fixed wing aircraft can take off and land, both are a very tricky, complex process; +10% to piloting difficulty rolls for landing and taking off from the Komsomolets in non-VSTOL fixed wing aircraft, and +15% only at night on landing. These penalties, of course, do not apply to VSTOL aircraft and helicopters. The Komsomolets suffers from this lack of ability to increase it's stealthiness; While submerged, the symmetrical, curved hull form of the Komsomolets is MUCH better suited for stealth than the angled flight deck of the Ticonderoga, which was ridiculed by submarine designers around the world when the

Ticonderoga was first commissioned; However, congress had demanded the feature so that the Ticonderoga could operate later models of the Joint Strike Fighter as a cost-saving measure in the airwing, and some forward-thinking submarine designers had trumpeted that "Active Stealth" would replaced "Passive Stealth" on submarines.

The Soviet designers were more conservative in going with Ski-Jump and VSTOL only capabilities except under emergency circumstances. However, considering the Soviets were ahead of the United States in passive stealth at the time but far behind on "active stealth", which was a questionable concept to begin with, the decision was a sound one from their point of view.

The Komsomolets was completed and commissioned barely a month before the coming of the Rifts, and was embarked on it's shakedown cruise, though with a full weapons and aircraft compliment, when the Rifts came. The Komsomolets has not been seen since, and is essentially forgotten.. But there is no evidence the craft does not exist, either. Though the survival of it's crew, and it's current state, is completely unknown.

Model Type: Komsomolets class Submersible Carrier.
Class: Prototype Submersible Carrier
Crew: 1,600 Officers and Ratings.
Troop Capacity: Pilots and support personnel for carried vehicles only.

Power Armors and Aircraft:
Power Armors:
288Submersible Power Armors
288Flight-Capable Power Armors
Fighter/Aircraft Compliment:
36VSTOL Interceptors
72VSTOL Fighter-Bombers
24ASW Helicopters
24Multi-Purpose Helicopters
Other Craft:
24Armed Submersibles
24Multi-purpose submersibles

M.D.C. by Location:
Heavy Plasma Cannon Turrets (2):500 each
Heavy Plasma Cannon Barrels (2):300 each.
Particle Beam Cannons (Barrels and turrets combined) (3):600 each.
Torpedo Tubes (8, 6 in front, 2 in rear):150 each.
Large Vertical launcher missile silo (1):600
Very Large Vertical launcher missile silo (1):800
[1] Impeller Drive system openings (8, 4 front, 4 back):200 each.
Long Range missile batteries (4):100 each.
Counter missile batteries (8):50 each.
Depth Charge launchers (2):50 each.
Killer Dart Tubes (8; 6 front, 2 aft):50 each.
Laser CIWS Turrets (8):150 each.
[2] Rudders (3):260 each.
[3] Diving planes (5):260 each.
Flight Deck (2):6,000 each
[4] Bridge/Conning Tower:4,000
[5] Main Sensors/Communication Tower:260
[6] Main Body:24,000

[1] Destroying one Impeller opening, fore or aft, reduces speed by 25%; Destroying a second from a different shaft reduces speed by 50%, a third from a third shaft by 75%, and a fourth leaves the ship dead in the water; They must be called shots to hit, at a minus -5 penalty due to size.
[2] Destroying one Rudder gives the ship a maneuvering penalty of -20%. Two, -40%, and three, -60%, forcing the ship to maneuver with Impellers. They must be called shots to hit, at a minus -4 penalty due to size.
[3] Destroying one Diving plane gives the ship a Vertical (Surfacing/submerging) maneuvering penalty of -15%. Two, -30%, three, -45%, four -60%, and five -75%, forcing the ship to maneuver with Impellers. They must be called shots to hit, at a minus -4 penalty due to size.
[4] Destroying the bridge means the ship must now be operated from the engine room, but at -20% to piloting rolls and all weapon systems are disabled until a technician can jury-rig a set of controls (takes 1D6 hours; half that time if a successful weapons engineer skill roll is made at -20%). Destroying the Conning tower will also cause the collapse and destruction of two particle cannon turrets; the sensor/communication tower is unaffected thanks to separate structural supports.
[5] Destruction of the main sensors and communication tower has affects as mentioned below. Due to size, a -8 difficulty to strike, and must be a called shot.
[6] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the submarine's structural integrity, causing it to sink. There are enough life pods that will float or rise to the surface from any operational depth for the entire crew.

Water Surface: 40 knots (73.6 km/46 mph)
Underwater: 40 knots (73.6 km/46 mph)
Maximum Depth: 5.6 miles (9.0 km)
Range: Effectively Unlimited due to fusion engines (needs to refuel every 24 years and requires maintenance as well). Vessel carries 48 months of supplies on board.

Statistical Data:
Height: 262 feet (81 meters) (+Conning Tower/sensor mast: 137 meters. (458 feet.))
Width: 351 feet (107 meters)
Length: 1,972 feet (601 meters)
Weight: 190,000 metric tons.
Cargo: 1,700 tons of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Ships officers have more space for personal items. Most of the ships spaces are take up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons, fighters, and engines.
Power System: Nuclear; average energy life of 24 years.
Market Cost: Not for sale; If the Komsomolets were to be found intact, operational, and abandoned, it could potentially be sold for as much as the Ticonderoga if that ship were captured intact; An enemy of the New Navy would easily pay TWICE that amount, as the Komsomolets was expressly designed to hunt and kill Ticonderoga class Submersible Carriers. Likewise, if one of the groups of Rifts Earth was to find data regarding the possible existence of this ship, it would be of grave concern, as should an organization already possess it, or a dimensional rift randomly bring the Komsomolets forward in time, similar to the Republic of Japan, it could tilt the balance of power in the oceans of Rifts Earth in whatever direction it's commander chooses. Even the complete blueprints for this design could be worth tens of millions to the NGR, Coalition States, or virtually any power with a technological presence on the oceans. The New Navy could possibly pay more, simply to keep those plans out of the hands of enemies.

Weapon Systems:

  1. Heavy Ion Bolt Cannons (2): These heavy cannons fire bursts of ionized, magnetic-field encased plasma, effective on the surface and underwater, against submerged, surface ocean, aerial, or ground targets, the encasement given them excellent range before dispersing.
    Maximum Effective Range: 12.5 miles (20 km) surfaced, 6.25 miles (10 km) submerged.
    Mega-Damage: 2D4x100 M.D. per blast.
    Rate of Fire: One shot per cannon per melee (2 shots per melee total)
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
    Firing arcs: One aft 200 degrees; One forward 200 degrees.
  2. Plasma Burst Cannons (3): Cannons are on the top of the submarine and can be used both for anti-ship and, while on the surface, anti-aircraft purposes.
    Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km) surfaced, 5 miles (8 km) submerged.
    Mega Damage: 6D6x10 per blast
    Rate of Fire: 3 attacks per melee round, per cannon.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.
    Firing Arcs: Two aft 200 degrees, one forward 200 degrees.
  3. Heavy Torpedo Tubes (8): The ship is designed to carry torpedoes as it main weaponry... These are modern, variable option torpedoes that are about 25% faster than the latest US designs of the time period. These torpedoes are also slightly larger. (These torpedoes are considered the equivalent of smart missiles and have advanced tracking and avoidance systems that give them a +5 to strike, +4 to dodge, and 2 attacks per melee until they strike their target or run out of fuel.)
    Maximum Effective Range: 40 miles (64 km)
    Mega Damage: Uses super heavy warheads that inflict 2D4x100 MD (By Heavy torpedo warhead type - See Revised Rifts Torpedoes). Alternatively, a 5kt tactical nuclear warhead may be fitted. The torpedo can be used, either with a conventional or nuclear warhead, as the warhead of a P-2000 heavy anti-ship missile.
    Rate of Fire: Each tube can fire once per melee round
    Payload: 100 torpedoes per torpedo tube.
  4. Killer Dart Tubes (8): So called "Killer Darts" are a Russian interceptor torpedo, designed primarily for intercepting and hitting incoming torpedoes, with a secondary function against small submersibles and submersible power armors.
    Maximum Effective Range: 7 miles (11.2 km)
    Mega-Damage: 1D4x10
    Rate of fire: Each launcher can fire eight Killer Darts per melee. (A total of 64.)
    Payload: 400 Killer Darts per launch tube.
  5. Cruise Missile Vertical Silos (2): Designed to fire long range cruise missiles, these two vertical missile launchers can only be used from the surface or a maximum submerged depth of 20 meters.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per cruise missile type (See revised missile table).
    Mega Damage: Standard is 2D6x100 MD to the target and 2D6x10 MD to an area of 100 feet around it (As per cruise missile type - Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8 per launcher per melee. (16 total.)
    Payload: Forward launcher contains 192 missiles; aft launcher contains 256 missiles. No reloads are carried. The forward launcher cannot fire during the launch of aircraft off the ski-jump.
  6. Cruise Missile Vertical Silos (2): Designed to fire long range cruise missiles, these two vertical missile launchers can only be used from the surface or a maximum submerged depth of 20 meters. These Cruise Missiles are copies of American designs of the era and hence have the same options and limitations as those designs, similiar to the "Harpoonski" of the late eighties, as opposed to the P-2000 Vulkan-B Heavy Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles of surface warships and some specialized anti-ship cruise missile subs, which this class cannot carry; It instead uses American style missiles and smothering tactics for them.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per cruise missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: Standard is 2D6x100 MD to the target and 2D6x10 MD to an area of 100 feet around it (As per cruise missile type - Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8 per launcher per melee. (16 total.)
    Payload: Forward launcher contains 192 missiles; aft launcher contains 256 missiles. No reloads are carried. The forward launcher cannot fire during the launch of aircraft off the ski-jump.
  7. Anti-Aircraft Missile launchers (4): These missile launchers fire volleys of long range fragmentation missiles, principally anti-aircraft. They are designed to engage and destroy incoming aircraft and power armors at a far greater range than the lighter batteries principally tasked with bringing down incoming missiles; And they can also be used to inflict damage on ships at great range.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per long range missile type - Normally Fragmentation (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per long range missile type - Normally Fragmentation (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: Each launcher can fire a volley of as many as 4 missiles, and a total of 16 missiles per round. (A combined total of 64 missiles per round!)
    Payload: 64 missiles per launcher (256 total). An additional 256 missiles are stored in the cargo hold.
  8. Counter-Missile Batteries (8): These missile "Pepper boxes" (Retracted into the hull when submerging) fire volleys of short-ranged Fermentation missiles. They are designed to engage and destroyed incoming missile attacks; Though a secondary role against incoming enemy aircraft and flight-capable power armors is possible.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per short range missile type - Normally Fragmentation (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per short range missile type - Normally Fragmentation (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: Each pepper box can fire a volley of as many as 12 missiles per volley, and a total of 48 missiles per round. (A combined total of 384 missiles per round!)
    Payload: 192 missiles per launcher (1,536 total). An additional 1,536 missiles are stored in the cargo hold.
  9. Laser CIWS Turrets (8): These Close-In Weapon Systems fire rapid-pulse lasers against missiles or low-flying aircraft. The weapons are automated and track missiles with radar sensors (+3 to strike missiles, +2 to strike aircraft)
    Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet (1220 m), surfaced and submerged.
    Mega-Damage: 1D4x10
    Rate of Fire: Each turret has 6 attacks per melee round.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  10. Depth Charge/Mine multi-purpose Launchers (2): Two launchers, mounted lower aft. These explosive devices are used against submerged craft below the submarine when surfaced or submerged. Also, they can be used to carry and deploy mines of virtually any type while surfaced or submerged.
    Maximum Effective Range: (Depth charges only) Any depth in Earth's Oceans. They can be set to explode at any pressure level, and will detonate there.
    Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 MD - explosive canisters. (Blast concussion radius of 200 meters.). Damage considerably increased for nuclear depth charges. Damage varies for mines depending on type.
    Rate of Fire: Two can be launched from each launcher per melee round (A total of four)
    Payload: 400 Depth-Charges per launcher, or 400 mines per launcher.
  11. Noisemakers: The submarine carries noisemakers to decoy torpedoes. These noisemakers are similar to those used by Coalition submarines. The noisemakers are launched from two side tubes; one port, one starboard.
    Effect: 50% of decoying normal torpedoes
    Rate of Fire: 2 at a time (Can be reloaded in one melee)
    Payload: 80 Noisemakers.

Special Systems:
The submersible carrier has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features:

[New Navy, New Sovietskiy, and TRIAX are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]

Writeup and Picture by Marina O'Leary (LusankyaN@aol.com ).

Reformatting and minor revisions by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

Copyright © 2000 & 2001, Marina O'Leary. All rights reserved.

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