New Sovietskiy T-12UM1 "Black Eagle" Main Battle Tank:
The T-12UM1, also called the "Black Eagle" was originally a development of the T-80, though so considerable rebuilt as to be called a new design, intended for export use. It featured numerous machine guns and the standard 125 mm smoothbore cannon. The design was rejected by the Russian government, preferring to go with the more capable T-95 tank. It was exported to India, China, Korea, and numerous other countries.
It featured numerous machine guns and the standard 125 mm smoothbore cannon. What wasn't standard was the entire layout of the turret and crew compartment. Because of lessons learned from the Gulf War and the Serbian conflict, it was decided that the crew needed to be separated from the ammunition and the auto loader in order to improve their survivability. In previous designs the auto loader and its carrousel were located in the middle of the crew compartment, and an ammunition fire invariably resulted in the death of the crew.
As a result of the redesign the turret of the T-12 features an, especially for a Russian design, rather large bustle. In the bustle all of the ammunition was stored horizontally, and an entirely new auto loader selected and slid the rounds into the breech of the gun. The entire auto loader and ammunition store were separated from the crew compartment by a large armor plate, which meant that even after an enemy hit ignited the ammunition, the crew had a good chance of survival. It also meant that with the new auto loader design, the T-12 had an even lower profile than previous tanks.
However, during the 2012 war with the Ukraine, the Russian government needed more tanks, and fast, so they took over production of the T-12 and requested a version of the Black Eagle armed with a 152-mm main gun in place of the 125 mm main gun and the co-axial machinegun.
Quick production of this variant, designated the T-12U, began, in time to see service during the war.
After the resurgence of the SSSR, the T-12U was integrated into their tactical formations, providing a more numerous counterpart to the T-95, just like the T-80UM1 provided a more numerous counterpart to the T-90U.
Huge numbers of these tanks were built, but the only export customer was Cuba, the only communist countries on the planet other than those of a "Maoist" slant, IE, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, the center of the so-called "East Asian Bloc", along with the broken and defeated India after their 2012 war with the USA.
That changed after the Mega-Damage revolution, when relatively cheap Mega-Damage tanks were in great demand, and the resurgent African nations purchased very large numbers of these tanks.
Some also ended up in countries of South America that felt threatened by Argentina and her allies in the second major "Bloc", the Argentinean Bloc. The T-12UM1 is hence a fairly common tank in post-Rifts Earth, as are versions of it armed with a 125-mm gun and a second railgun, rebuilds of the original Black Eagles sold en masse to China, Korea, ect, and likewise mega-damage converted by those countries.
Because the tank was originally an export model with an extra 5 mm railgun and a 125-mm smoothbore, that version is exceptionally common throughout Rifts Earth and called the T-12M1, while the version shown here with the 152 mm Smoothbore and only one 5-mm railgun is far more common in the old SSSR and less so in other areas of the world, though some small kingdoms along the south coast of the old American Empire actually have T-12UM1s, as they were recovered from storehouses in what remains of Cuba during exploratory missions there.
Model Type: T-12UM1
Vehicle Type: Main Battle Tank
Crew: Three (Driver, Gunner, and Commander).
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] Tractor Treads (2): | 100 each | |
[2] Weapons Turret: | 300 | |
152 mm smooth-bore gun: | 100 | |
10 mm turret mounted Railgun: | 50 | |
5 mm Railgun: | 25 | |
Multi-Option Jammers (2): | 25 | |
Reinforced Crew Compartment: | 200 | |
[3] Main Body: | 450 |
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread will immobilize the tank until
it is replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10 minutes by a trained
crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by the
inexperienced. Changing the tread is only advisable when the vehicle is
not under attack.
[2] The Weapons turret is unmanned by the crew, and can be destroyed
without otherwise damaging the vehicle. This makes the tank very survivable,
and it can retreat and have a new weapon's turret fitted relatively quickly.
[3] If all the M.D.C. of the main body is depleted, the vehicle is
completely shut down and is unsalvageable.
Ground: 55.9 mph (90 kph) maximum road speed; 43.5 mph (70 kph)
Maximum Range: Unlimited (Nuclear Fusion power supply; 5 years.)
Statistical Data:
Height: 7.15 feet (2.18 meters) to top of commander's cupola.
Width: 18.33 feet (3.59 meters)
Length: 28.9 feet (8.8 meters) not including gun barrel
Weight: 65 tons (59 metric tons).
Power Source: Nuclear fusion reactor; Must be refueled every
five years, otherwise effectively unlimited.
Cargo Capacity: Minimal, enough for equipment with crew
Black Market Cost: 3,500,000 Credits to build, usually double
that to buy one today. If fitted, any extra weapons systems will add to
the cost of the tank; T-12s are usually found very heavily modified, though
they are quite common.
Tank crews often personalize them with their pay in the armies of the
assorted warlords to be considerably different from these Soviet-Era specifications.
T-12UM1s (Normally simply called "T-12s") still in the service of the New
Sovietskiy, however, follow these specifications to the letter.
Weapon Systems:
Note on Variants: Versions of the Black Eagle sold abroad before 2012 that were also converted to Mega-Damage vehicles will have the same stats, but replace the main gun with a 125 mm gun with the same shell and missile load as the T-90UM1, and add a second 5 mm Railgun co-axially mounted with the main gun and operated by the gunner.
[New Navy, New Sovietskiy, and TRIAX are trademarks
owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.]
The Author thanks Mischa Campen for assistance in Turret and Auto-Loader Design.
Initial Writeup by Marina O'Leary ( ).
Minor Reformatting and revisions by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2000, Marina O'Leary. All rights reserved.