REEF-PA02 Beetle Ground Power Armor:

The Beetle was the second power armor that the REEF built and is a modified version of the Wasp power armor. It is a good ground armor but is no where near as effective a combat unit as the Cyclone II because it is much less maneuverable and has been replaced in the service of the REEF main units by the Cyclone II. Unlike the Wasp, the Beetle is not used in the REEF militia units but is sold to outside interests.

The Beetle is armed with an Ion Cannon as its main and only integral weapon besides missiles. This cannon is identical to the cannon on the Wasp power armor and the Ion Cannon is powerful and has very good range for a power armor mounted weapon but due to a powerful energy draw, has a limited capacity and the weaponry recharges fairly slowly. The power armor is also equipped with two mini missile pods that it uses against heavier targets.

Model Type: REEF-PA02
Class: Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit
Crew: One

M.D.C. by Location:
Mini-Missile Pods (2):75 each
Arm Shields (2):150 each
Ion Cannon:80
[2] Head:75
[3] Main Body:300

[1] The forearm shields can be used to shield the main body or body parts from damage. The character can try to block incoming attacks of any kind, punches, blasts, and even missiles, by blocking with one or both arms (missiles require both arms). Roll a parry. If successful, only the arm shields take damage.
[2] Destroying the Head/Helmet will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. No power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge. Note: Head is a difficult target to hit and is a called shot and is -3 to strike.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the mecha down completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 110 m.p.h. (177 kmph) maximum. Running does tire out the operator but at 10% of normal fatigue rate due to the robot exo-skeleton.
Leaping: Powerful robot legs can leap 20 feet (6.1 m) up or across unassisted by using thrusters. Does not have thrusters
Underwater Capabilities: Swimming: The Beetle can swim by using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as a human at a maximum speed of roughly four mph (6.4 km/3.4 knots). It can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% its normal running speed.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 2,000 feet (610 m).

Statistical Data:
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m) body, with Pods 9 feet (2.8 m)
Width: 4 feet (1.2 m) body, with Pods 6 feet (1.8 m)
Length: 4.5 feet (1.4 m) from front to back
Weight: 680 lbs (309 kg) without missiles
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30.
Power System: Nuclear, average life is 15 years
Cargo: None
Black Market Cost: Sells for 1.5 million for a new, undamaged, and fully operation suit complete with missiles and Ion Cannon

Weapon Systems:

  1. Shoulder Mounted Ion Cannon: It is on the back beside the engine when not being used and rotates into a position on the shoulder pointed in front of the armor when being fired. The cannon is powerful but draws a large amount of power so that cannon has a limited number of shots.
    Range: 6,000 feet (1,829 m)
    Mega Damage: 1D6x10 MDC
    Rate of fire: Equal to the pilots combined hand to hand (usually 5 or 6)
    Payload: 40 shots in a capacitor, recharges at the rate of one shot per minute
  2. Mini-Missiles Pods: In each missile pod the Power Armor can carry 12 missiles for a total of 24. The Missile pods are on the shoulder of the power armor.
    Range: As per mini-missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per mini-missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of fire: On at a time or in volley of two or four
    Payload: Each pod has 12 missiles for a total of 24 mini-missiles.
  3. Energy Rifles and other normal weapons or light rail guns may be used as a backup weapon or in case of emergency.
  4. Hand-to-Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, Pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See Power Armor Combat Training in Robot Combat section of Rifts. All abilities are the same as those on page 45 of Rifts except that it receives a -1 penalty to the normal power armor dodge. Can parry energy blasts with arm shields.
  5. Sensor Systems Note: Has all the normal power armor sensors plus has a special targeting system that gives a +2 to Strike beyond normal bonuses to strike for long range weapons combat only, not hand to hand.

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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

Copyright © 1998, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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