FFG-1 Tiger class Missile Frigate:

The leaders of REEF Florida Base found a Pre Rifts United States frigate which they converted to more modern standards. The ship was found to be very useful so when it came time to construct a larger navy, General Moor decided that it would be a good idea to construct a new ship design using the Tomlinson as a basis. There were many reasons for this including the fact that the REEF is not experienced at naval ship construction. The Tiger is as capable as most Coalition vessels but is not as advanced as Triax vessels are. The ship lacks such features as stealth, advanced sonar, and advanced decoy systems. So far only one frigate has been complete although a second is almost ready to enter service and a third has been laid down. The plan is for four of these frigates to enter service in the REEF navy. There has been some consideration of constructing these ships for sales but at present the REEF is only constructing them for their own uses. There is also discussion of selling the Tomlinson and replacing it with an additional Tiger class frigate.

There are several improvement and modifications in the design of the FFG-1 Tiger class when compared to the pre-Rifts Tomlinson class. Instead of the old pre-rifts 76 mm gun, the gun mount carries the powerful USA-G14 Particle Beam cannon from the space Glitterboy design. While shorter in range than the cannon inflicts more damage in most cases and have an unlimited payload although the capacitor requires time to recharge. The frigate mounts a larger capacity missile launcher which can hold up to eighty long range missiles although the launcher cannot carry cruise missiles. Instead of the single RAM missile launcher carried on the fantail of the Tomlinson, the Tiger carries two higher capacity short range missile launchers with one on either side of the superstructure. The CIWS style point defense mount has been retained although, like the Tomlinson, the cannon has been replaced by a powerful Vulcan laser cannon. To augment the ship's point defense, four K-100 Spider Defense Systems have mounted on the four corners of the superstructure. The ship retains the anti-submarine torpedo tubes although the harpoon tubes have been removed.

The sonar systems are constructed from updated components but are simply modified from the original systems carried on the Tomlinson. The SPS-49 radar system is also retained although it is a small system and has been augmented by a miniature phased array radar system mounted on all four corners of the superstructure just below the spider defense systems. This system seems to be fundamentally identical to the system carried on the Perry class frigates that have been converted by Golden Age Weaponsmiths and some have accused the REEF of stealing the technology. The reality is that the REEF developed the system from the radar system that they mounted on the USS Salem..

Crew requirements are low with the automation carried on the vessel and even though the frigate carries several addition systems, the ship has only three additional crew members compared to the upgraded Tomlinson. The ships are fitted with limited flag facilities to enable them to operate as flagships as needed.

The engines revert to closer to the original style and simply replace the gas turbines with nuclear aircraft engines. These engines produce greater power than the refitted engines on the Tomlinson and the frigate can reach speeds of up to 42 knots. The ship retains variable pitch screws which makes it be able to go from full speed to reverse or any variable between them very quickly. Another old system that is retained is the prairie masker system to help reduce its detectably from sonar. The ships are constructed in the same modular style that was first begun with the Old United States Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates and construction is very rapid. Because the ships are constructed using super strong alloys from the beginning, they can withstand more damage than the Tomlinson. Construction time is about one year and could be reduced to ten months with more resources being dedicated to construction.

Ship design looks for the most part like the U.S.S. Tomlinson although there are significant changes. The rear area behind the flight deck has been eliminated and the hanger and flight deck have been moved further back. On each of the four corners of the vessel, there is an octagonal panel mounted which is the phased array radar system. The radar system is smaller and the exhaust stacks have been eliminated. One the superstructure are two short range missile launchers and four spider defense systems. The hull has been both lengthened and widened to support the extra weight of new systems. This has increased the displacement by about 800 tons. Some have called the Tiger a destroyer based on the ship's size and firepower.

Sales versions would be identical except the particle beam cannon would be replaced by a normal cannon, most likely the 76 mm cannon that is mounted on the U.S.S. Tomlinson. The spider defense systems would likely also be eliminated from an version the REEF sells.

Model Type: FFG-1 Frigate
Vehicle Type: Ocean, Guided Missile Frigate
Crew: 85; 5 officers, 10 Chief Petty officers, and 70 enlisted (Has a high degree of automation)
Troops: 2 Logan Pilots, 12 pilots for Katana Power Armors, 30 soldiers in body armor

Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
12Katana Power Armors
4Aqua-Tech LEA-50
1ADCAP Logans

M.D.C. by location:
[1] SPS-49 Search Radar Tower:400
[1] Phase Array Radar Panels (4, Superstructure):200 each
VLS Missile Launcher (Forward - 80 cells):300 each
Short Range Missile Launchers (2, Superstructure):150 each
Torpedo Launchers (2, sides):50 each
Particle Beam Turret (Forward):250
Phalanx Laser CIWS (Superstructure):100
K-100 Spider Defense Systems (4, Superstructure):50 each
Chaff Launcher (2, Superstructure):10 each
Hanger (Aft):500
[2] Main Body:1,600

[1] Destroying Phase Array radar panels will destroy the ships main fire control systems but guns and missiles have backup systems and panels can compensate for each other. Destroying the SPS-49 Radar system eliminates long range radar coverage.
[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship's structural integrity, causing it to sink. There are enough flotation devices and inflatable life rafts to accommodate everyone aboard.

Surface: 48.4 mph (42 knots/ 77.8 kph)
Range: Unlimited due to fusion engines (needs to refuel every 20 years and requires maintenance as well). Ship carries 4 months of supplies on board.

Statistical Data:
Length: 465 feet (141.7 meters)
Height: 50 feet (15.2 meters)
Width: 56 feet (17.1 meters)
Displacement: 4,000 light load and 5,100 tons fully loaded
Cargo: 200 tons of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Ships officers have more space for personal items. Most of the ship's spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Nuclear Reactor, average life span is 20 years
Market Cost: Presently not for sale. Sales versions would likely 250+ million credits each


  1. One (1) Particle Beam Cannon: The cannon is mounted in a turret in the front of the ship and is a copy of the particle beam cannon off the USA-G14 Space Glitter Boy but has both a higher payload and recharge rate. The turret is very similar in appearance to that carried for the Pre-Rifts 76 mm gun mount. The turret can rotate 360 and the barrel can tilt up to 90 degrees. The weapon is quite powerful and can be used to engage both surface targets and aircraft.
    Maximum Effective Range: 11,000 feet (about 2 miles/3.2 km)
    Mega Damage: 4D6x10
    Rate of Fire: Equal to combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner
    Payload: 60 shots in a capacitor, recharges at the rate of one shot every 30 seconds for Particle Beam
  2. One (1) Phalanx CIWS Vulcan Cannon: It is a copy of the Pre-Rifts US Navy CIWS with upgrades and a powerful laser replacing Vulcan cannon with power being pulled from the ship's fusion reactor. The Laser is a Knock off of the one used by the Iron Hammer Tank. It is excellent for both taking out missiles and aircraft and can be targeted at ocean level targets. The laser system can fire on automatic at up to six targets per melee (Has +3 to strike missile and +2 to strike aircraft). The system has a 360 degree rotation and can elevate up to 90 degrees to fire at targets directly overhead.
    Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet (1212 meters)
    Damage: 3D4x10 MD (burst)
    Rate of Fire: 6 Attacks per melee (Has +3 to strike missile and +2 to strike aircraft)
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited
  3. Four (4) Spider Defense Systems: Four are located on the corners of the forward and aft superstructure. The systems are connected to the ships power supply so that it has unlimited shots. Weapon system normally is used as an anti-missile defense. Weapon system also has 4 smoke grenades
    Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 ft (1,200 m) for light blasts, 3,000 ft (915 m) for heavy blasts, 20 ft (6 m) for electrical current, 100 ft for smoke grenades
    Mega Damage: 4D6 for light blasts, 1D4x10 for heavy blasts, 3D6 SDC for electrical current
    Rate of fire: 6 Attacks per melee (+2 to strike)
    Payload: Unlimited (has 4 smoke grenades each)
  4. One (1) Vertical Launch Missile Launcher: The launcher is a slightly redesigned version of the original vertical launch system and have more missile launching cells although each cell is slightly smaller and cannot fire cruise missiles. The launcher has a total of 80 cells for missiles. Each cell can carry one long range missile or two medium range missile. Long range missiles are normally used against aircraft and other large targets, and medium range missiles are normally used against closer targets such as incoming missiles.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per long or medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per long or medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volley of 2, 4, 8, 16, 20, or 40 per melee and at multiple target at the same time
    Payload: 80 missiles cells in forward VLS launcher (Can carry a total of 80 long range missiles). One long range missile or two medium range missiles may be carried per cell. The ship will often carry 32 cells in launcher with two medium range missiles each (64 medium range missiles) and the other cells loaded with one long range missile each (48 long range missiles). Ship carries no reloads.
  5. Two (2) Short Range Missile Launching Systems: Each launcher has a 36 Short Range Missiles and fills a similar role to the Pre-Rifts RAM missile launcher. These launchers primary purpose is to shoot incoming missiles. There is one located on each side of where the stacks are on the Tomlinson. Missiles are usually 50% AP and 50% Plasma. Each launcher operates independently.
    Maximum Effective Range: As per short range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per short range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volley of two, four, six, or twelve (Each launcher operates independently)
    Payload: 36 missiles each launcher for a grand total of 72 missiles (Has 144 missiles for reloads kept in storage)
  6. Two (2) Torpedo Launchers: There is one launcher on each side of the ship. System is fundamentally unchanged from the U.S.S. Tomlinson. Each torpedo launcher has 3 torpedo tubes and tubes are 12.75 in (324 mm) wide. Torpedoes are normally used against submarines but can be targeted on surface targets as well. Ship carries 36 reloads for torpedoes. Treat warheads as medium range missile warheads.
    Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km)
    Mega Damage: By Medium torpedo warhead type (See Revised Rifts Torpedoes).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 3 per side, Reloading takes 1 full melee
    Payload: 3 torpedo each launcher for a grand total of 6 torpedoes (Has 36 torpedoes for reloads)
  7. Chaff Launcher (2): Located on the superstructure of the ship, they are designed to confuse incoming missiles. Both launchers must be operated or effects will be reduced. Reduce effects of launchers by 50% per launcher not used. Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed to not operate against Phase World missiles due to technological difference. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart missiles.)
    Range: Around Ship
    Mega Damage: None Payload: 12 each for a total of 24
  8. SLQ-25A Nixie Towed torpedo decoy (1): A special decoy which is towed behind the ship. It generates a sound like the ships propellers in order to confuse incoming torpedoes. Only effective at speeds below 18 knots. Otherwise, the noise of the ship's systems and propellers is too powerful to mask. Rifts Earth decoy systems are assumed to not operate on Phase World missiles due to technological difference.
    Effects: The decoy has a 65% chance of fooling ordinary non military sonars and non smart guided torpedoes, the decoy has a 35% chance of fooling military level sonars (like those of the Coalition), and the decoy has a 10% chance of fooling advanced military sonars (Like those of the New Navy and Triax) and smart torpedoes.
    Decoys have a duration of 30 minutes (120 melee rounds)
    Payload: One, with four more as reloads. It takes three minutes (twelve melees) to reel out another decoy.

Special Systems:
The ship has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features:

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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2001 Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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