SDR-25-Mk I Missileer:

It uses a similar concept to the RDF Spartan except it also uses for weapons 4 small lasers and 2 rail guns to give the Robot some non missile weaponry. In external appearance, the Robot is identical in appearance to the Battletech Catapult Battlemech. Each shoulder looks like a huge box and contains both long range missiles and medium range missiles in the same shoulder. The propulsion system is very interesting. The vehicles main means of propulsion is two legs but it has a rocket thruster for very rapid propulsion in a straight line and better leaping. The robot vehicle is used against both ground targets at long range and as an air defense vehicle.

The Robot vehicle itself was designed by an REF Field Scientist named Kamako Katako. The Robot was build on Rifts Earth and for the most part uses already designed equipment from other Rifts Robots but is built using design concepts from other mecha in the Robotech Universe. The Robot was originally manufactured in the city of Tolkeen but with the situation between Tolkeen and the Coalition States, manufacturing has been primarily moved to a different location. The Robot sells quite well and is used by many mercenary units. The REEF uses the Mecha in moderate numbers for support and as missile artillery. Their version uses special rounds in the rail guns that inflict more damage.

The Robot/Mecha can be controlled by one or two crew members. If the Mech has a crew of two, a gunner may control the missile launchers. This increases the amount of time the pilot has for other actions but the gunner get no extra attacks or bonuses other than natural bonuses. One interesting feature of the vehicle is that it has bunks and crew space for up to five people. Often in combat roles, the Missileer will carry three soldiers along with the vehicles crew of two.

Model Type: SDR-25-MK I
Class: Heavy Artillery Assault Destroid
Crew: Two; Pilot and Gunner (One person can control all functions). Has passenger space for three more people.

M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (2):225 each
Missile Launchers (2):175 each
Lasers (4):50 each
Rail Guns (2):150 each
Rear Thruster:120
Reinforced cockpit:300
Bottom Hatch:100
[1] Main Body:550

[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the mecha down completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 100 mph (160.9 kph) maximum with just using legs; 65 mph (104.6 kph) cruising just using legs. Using rear thruster allows running up to approximately 275 mph (442.6 kph). Running with thrusters has a duration of 4 hour before thruster needs to cool.
Flight: Cannot Fly, but if in space, it could use its thruster for propulsion, top acceleration would be 0.5 G.
Leaping: 50 feet (15 meters) up or across without using the thruster, 150 feet (76 meters) across with thruster assistance.
Underwater: It can walk along the bottom of the sea floor at 25% of maximum speed and has a maximum Ocean depth of 1 mile (1.6 km). It can also use its thrusters to travel through the water to travel at a maximum speed of 35 mph (56 kph/30 Knots).

Statistical Data:
Height: 34 feet (10.4 meters) to top of missile pack, 32 feet (9.8 meters) to top of body.
Width: 27.5 feet (8.4 meters) including the missile packs, 15 feet (4.6 meters) for the main body.
Length: 30 feet ( 9.1 meters) from front to back
Weight: 35 tons (31.8 metric tons)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 40
Power System: Nuclear, average life is 15 years
Cargo: Has a cargo space behind pilots compartment that is 10x10x10 feet. It is often used as a sleeping quarters or for extra missiles.
Black Market Cost: 46 million for a new, undamaged, and fully operation robot complete with all weapons intact

Weapon Systems:

  1. Twin High Powered Rail Guns: There are two rail guns on this Mecha. There is one rail gun on either side of the main body. It draws power from the fusion reactor. The rail guns are fixed forward. The main body can tilt up and down up to 90 degrees. They are virtually identical to the rail guns on the Spider Skull Walker. It can only be fired by the pilot of the vehicle. The REEF version uses APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) ammo that increases damage
    Range: 6,000 feet (1,828 meters)
    Mega Damage: Normal Ammo; A Burst of 80 rounds does 2D4x10 MDC. One round does 2D4 MDC. APFSDS Ammo; A Burst of 80 rounds does 2D4x10 MDC. One round does 2D6 MDC.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots combined hand to hand (usually 5 or 6)
    Payload: 20,000 rounds per each gun. That is 250 bursts each gun. Reloading takes about one hour.
  2. Quad Nose Mounted Lasers: There are four laser on the nose of this Mecha. They can be fired as a group or individually. They draw power off the reactor. It can be fired only by the Pilot of the vehicle.
    Range: 3,000 feet (914 meters)
    Mega Damage: 1D6 for one laser or 4D6 For all lasers being fired simultaneously (counts as one attack).
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots combined hand to hand (usually 5 or 6)
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited
  3. Medium Range Missiles (24 missiles): These missiles are mounted in the shoulders of the Robot. The robot carries 12 in each missile launcher for the total of 24 total. It can be fired by either the pilot or the gunner but not both at the same time.
    Range: As per medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per medium range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, eight, or twelve. The number of volleys a character can fire is equal to his combined hand to hand attacks per melee. One volley counts as one attack regardless of number of missiles.
    Payload: 12 in Each launcher for 24 total
  4. Long Range Missiles (16 missiles): These missiles are mounted in the shoulders of the Robot. The robot carries 8 in each missile launcher for the total of 16. It can be fired by either the pilot or the gunner but not both at the same time.
    Range: As per long range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Mega Damage: As per long range missile type (Go to Revised bomb and missile table).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, or eight. The number of volleys a character can fire is equal to his combined hand to hand attacks per melee. One volley counts as one attack regardless of number of missiles
    Payload: 8 in Each launcher for 16 total
  5. Hand-to-Hand Combat

Special Equipment:
The Robot has all the standard features of a standard Rifts Robot plus these special features listed.

For Elite combat use the listed bonuses and number of attacks, otherwise use Robot Combat basic.

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[ Robotech® is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Harmony Gold USA, Inc. ]

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

Copyright © 1999, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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