TW-AV8B Merlin class Technowizard VTOL:
All Merlin class VTOLs began their life as Pre-Rifts Harriers. For some reason, the multiple enchantments to create the Merlin will only work on the pre-rifts aircraft. Several Technowizards have theorized that the aircraft must have been affected by the coming of the Rifts and the appearance of the ley-lines. The magic that came as a result somehow caused the planes to be able to store spells cast on them. The creators have found that any variety of Harrier can be used and parts of various Harriers may be used as long as they have a complete frame after adding the various parts together. Because of the scarce nature of Harrier parts, the builders are going to travel to England to see if they can retrieve more Harrier parts.
The aircraft uses a combination of both magic and technology. While aircraft is not as fast as most post rifts aircraft, the aircrafts has many special features to compensate for the aircrafts lack of speed.
Construction of the aircraft begins by reducing the aircraft to the frame and lacing the frame with quartz crystals. This along with enchantments makes the aircraft's frame to be an MDC structure. The outer skin of the aircraft is replaced by a mega damage magical aluminum, silver, and meteoric iron alloy. All repairs must be of the same material as well and are twice as expensive as normal repairs are (can only be repaired by a techno-wizard as well). The aircraft takes no damage from fire or heat including mega damage and magical heat and fire. A special Armor of Ithan force field has been added that can be activated up to three times per day.
The engines are replaced by a combination magical and nuclear powered system. The magical flight system is based on an incredibly boosted Fly as the Eagle spell. The standard flight system is purely technological in origin and is similar to the flight systems in most aircraft. The aircraft can fly up to 300 knots using the magical flight system only and the aircraft is completely silent when using the magical flight system. The standard flight system can be to fly the aircraft at up to 450 knots. However, it is rarely used without the magical flight system. A possible situation in which the standard flight system might be used alone is if an anti-magic cloud is cast on the aircraft and the magical flight system fails. The aircraft can operate with both flight systems combined to fly up to 600 knots. The most unusual feature is that the aircraft can perform Ley Line Phasing similar to a Ley Line Walker. This allows the aircraft to phase to a location, make an attack run, and then use the Ley Line to escape again.
The Auto-cannon is retained and if missing may be taken from any Pre-Rifts aircraft with the same cannon from another Pre-Rifts aircraft. The machine-gun is then enchanted with a variety of spells to turn the cannon into a T.K. Machinegun but with a much greater payload and damage. The original aircraft had a variety of different hard points. These are retained and the aircraft normally carries non magical standard Rifts ordnance. The chaff and flare system has been replaced by a magical system that has the advantage of only needing to be recharged by three spells.
The aircraft's sensors, like all other systems, are a combination of magical systems and technology. The aircraft has a conventional radar system but has the spell "See the Invisible" allowing the aircraft to detect invisible targets. In addition, the aircraft has all the features of a robot vehicle (with the exception of loud speaker and microphone) and has a radar detection system and an infrared sensor system.
Model Number: TW-AV8B Merlin
Vehicle Type: Single Engine Fighter-Bomber
Crew: One (Some originally training versions have two seats)
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] Wings (2): | 200 each | |
[2] Elevators (2): | 75 each | |
[2] Rudders: | 75 | |
[3] Landing Gear (4): | 30 each | |
Cockpit: | 225 | |
Engine: | 200 | |
[4] Main Body: | 400 | |
Magical Armor of Ithan Force Field (3 times per day): | 150 |
[1] Destroying a Wing will cause the plane to crash.
[2] Destruction of rudders or one elevator will still allow the fighter
to be controlled by the varying of power levels of the engines but the
fighter has a penalty of -10 to dodge, and a -30% penalty to all piloting
rolls. Destruction of both of the elevators will leave the plane uncontrollable
and pilot must eject to survive.
[3] All indicated hit locations are small and/or difficult targets
to hit. An attacker must make a called shot and has a -3 penalty as well.
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Aircraft down
completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight.
The aircraft takes no damage from fire or heat due to enchantments (Including
magical and mega damage heat and fire - Does not apply to force field).
Driving on Ground (Taxiing): Only possible for conventional
take offs and landings as well as for parking and storage. Speed is 40
mph (64 kph) when traveling and not on take off or landing.
Flying: The Merlins engines are combination of magic and technology.
The aircraft has a magical flight system that allows it to fly from hover
to 300 knots (345.2 mph / 555.6 kph) completely silently. Using just the
standard thrusters, the Merlin can fly from hover to a top speed of 450
knots (517.8 mph/ 833.4 kph). The engines are quieter than the original
Rolls Royce engines. Using both the thrusters and magical flight systems,
the aircraft can reach 600 knots (690.5 mph / 1,111.2 kph) but the aircraft
still makes about half the noise of a normal aircraft flying at 600 knots.
The Aircraft can hover stationary up to 5,000 feet (1524 meters) and can
fly up to 50,000 feet (15,240 meters) if not hovering.
Ley Line Phasing: The Aircraft has the ability to teleport to
a specific different location on the same ley line. In order to travel
to a location on another Ley Line, the Aircraft must teleport to a nexus
with the ley line that the target location is at and teleport on that line.
The ability requires 2D6 minutes (average of three times longer than a
ley line walkers ability) and requites all but Ley Line Walkers to spend
50 P.P.E. to teleport (may tap Ley Line for teleport and Ley Line Walkers
require no P.P.E.). The number of teleports is also limited to 2 per hour
and four per 24 hour period.
Range: Effectively Unlimited. Thrusters overheat after 10 hours
of use above 300 knots without magical flight system or 500 knots using
the magical flight system and the thrusters combined.
Statistical Data:
Height 12 feet (3.7 meters)
Wingspan: 25 feet (7.6 meters)
Length: 47.5 feet (14.5 meters)
Weight: 12.8 tons (11.6 metric tons) without missiles
Power System: Magical and Nuclear, Should have an average lifespan
of 20 years
Cargo: Minimal (Storage for small equipment), does not include
hard points
Black Market Cost: 30 million credits.
Weapon Systems:
Special Equipment:
The fighter has all the standard features of a standard fighter (same
as standard robot minus loudspeaker and microphone) plus these special
features listed. The special equipment is a combination of both magic and
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
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