T.W. "New Ironsides" class Ley Line Ship / Ocean vessel:
It seems like there are few design areas which Techno-Wizards will not experiment with. One of the more interesting example is when a techno-wizard found the plans to the sail frigate "USS Constitution" and decided to construct a ley line ship based on the plans. A ley line ship is a vessel that travels along ley lines. The "New Ironsides" is also capable of sailing on an ocean as well. The USS Constitution is famous as Old Ironsides due to the fact that cannonballs were know to bounce from her hull and from her, the Techno-Wizard had the perfect name for the new ship class. This was "New Ironsides". So far only a handful of these ships have been built but there is a huge demand for the ship and the Techno-Wizard and his assistants are producing the ships as fast as he can. He is not being successful at keeping up with demands and is consider opening a second slipway to be able to construct make more of the ships at a time. Each ship is as close to the original "USS Constitution" as he could make it. This makes the ships take along time, almost three years, and each ship is hand crafted. The fate of the true USS Constitution is unknown although there are rumors of a phantom sailing ship matching the description of Old Ironsides. If this is really the "USS Constitution" or another resurrected ancient sailing vessel is unknown.
The ships are initially constructed in virtually the same fashion as the original sail frigate although some types of woods are used in place of other types of wood that are not available. In some cases the wood pieces are created by Earth Warlocks instead of being cut. The ship is tested to see if it floats on water and only after the hull is complete and floated is the magic work begun on the ship. The first step is making the ship virtually indestructible. Multiple castings of the spell "Ironwood" makes the ship incredibly tough. While this makes the ship able to survive combat, it also has the added advantage of making the ship impervious to natural rot, worms, and many of the other problems that wooden ships have always had. The next step for the Wizards is the magic to make the ship a true Ley Line Ship. As far as known, these ships are the largest sky boats ever created. The Internal fitting out of the ship and the ships guns are worked on while all the reinforcement and enchanting is being completed. Each cannon is cast in a mostly traditionally way and while being cast, they are enchanted as TK Thunderball Cannons. This is in a similar fashion to those used on the Windjammer T.W. class frigate. Only a tiny change is added to the weapon mounts on the ship, four T.W. converted Civil War style Gatling Cannons were added to the ship to help protect the ship from smaller opponents such as power armors. The ship also has a powerful mystic energy battery to charge the spells on the ship and for the ships crew to use in combat.
While the Sail Frigate is much smaller than a Sea King class cruiser, it is likely a broadside from the "New Ironsides" could sink or badly damage it. The ships big disadvantage is a lack of range being only a fraction of modern ranges. The ship can often use magic to get close to another opponent and destroy it.
The ship, like the original, requires a large crew. Magical sanitary facilities and water producing have been added so the crew may have decent comforts but the quarters have been kept similar to the original ship because it was felt that the original feel was the best. The officers, specifically the captain, have more comfortable quarters. Standard is 55 marines who often use Mystic Power Armor
Model Type: "New Ironsides" Ocean & Sky Ship
Vehicle Type: Ocean & Sky Sail Frigate
Crew: 395 with at least two techno-wizard, two air warlocks,
and two other spell casting types recommended but not absolutely needed.
Troops: 55 (Normal of 25 pilots for Mystic Power Armors, 30
soldiers in body armor)
Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
55 | Mystic Power Armors (Possible) |
M.D.C. by location:
24 pounder Long Guns (34, 2 Bow, 16 each side): | 200 each | |
32 pounder Carronades (20, 10 on each side) | 150 each | |
TW Gatling Cannons (4, 2 Each side): | 100 each | |
[1] Foremast (Forward Mast): | 350 | |
[1] Mainmast (Middle Mast): | 500 | |
[1] Mizzenmast (Rear Mast): | 350 | |
Sails (15) | 100 each | |
Rudder: | 550 | |
[2] Main Body: | 6,000 | |
[3] Armor of Ithan Force Field (Three Times per Day): | 1,000 |
[1] Destruction of a mast reduces ocean and ley line speed by 1/3 for
each mast lost.
[2] Destroying the main body causes the ship to lose structural integrity,
causing the ship to sink if in the water. There are enough life preservers
and inflatable life boats (one of the few items of technology added) to
accommodate everyone on the ship. The ship does have the Techno-Wizard
addition of impervious to energy. Specifics are listed in Weapon systems.
[3] Each activation lasts for 30 minutes
Ocean Surface: 13 knots or higher depending on the wind (approximately
14.95 miles per hour or 24 km per hour)
Ley Lines: 150 mph (240 kph). Requires the Telekinesis Spell
(double cost at 16 P.P.E.) or 20 I.S.P. to initiative take off and Telekinesis
Spell (double cost at 16 P.P.E.), Levitate Spell (double cost at 10 P.P.E.)
or 20 I.S.P. to land the ship. Otherwise, the ship will float away slowly
(2 mph) at about 100 feet (30.5 meters) off the ground. The ship can only
travel through the air along ley lines and can switch directions at ley
line nexus points.
Height: While Flying, maximum of 1000 feet (305 meters)
and minimum of 200 feet without landing
Range: Effectively Unlimited. The ship carries three months
worth of supplies on board
Statistical Data:
Length: 204 feet (62.16 meters) (billet head to taffrail); 175
feet at waterline (53.32 meters)
Beam: 43.5 feet (13.25 meters)
Mast Height: foremast, 198 feet (60.33 meters); mainmast,
220 feet (67.03 meters); mizzenmast, 172.5 feet (52.56 meters)
Displacement: 2,200 tons
Cargo: 200 tons of nonessential equipment and supplies. Most
of the ships spaces are take up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons,
sails, and other equipment.
Power System: Magic and 42,710 square feet of sail on three
Market Cost: 500 million credits, there is a long waiting period
and the cost to get one will often involve many extra costs as well.
Special Systems:
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
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