While Free Quebec has the ability to convert their factories to completely new flying power armor designs, this would have been both expensive and caused manufacturing to stop while retooling at what could be a critical time. Instead, Free Quebec opted for upgrading their SAMAS with augmentation of extra mini missile launnher. The SAMAS only need to have fire control upgrades and some mounting racks put on it to take advantage of the new weapon systems for this. The system was inspired by the Coalition's new Striker SAMAS but is much simpler. The augmentation includes six mini-missile launchers on each wing and two mini missile launchers outside of each knee. This increase the number of mini missiles carried from two on the original to eighteen with the extra mounting racks. The only real disadvantage of the additional missile launchers that it reduces the power armors top speed when fully loaded.
A side not is that the SAMAS of the productions lines in Free Quebec no longer have the Skull features and look much the original SAMAS design did. This was done to conserve resources and the military no longer has the need to use the Skull Motiff. These can use the Augmentation pack along with most SAMAS designs. The main models that could not without major modifications are the New CS SAMAS.
Weight: 32 lbs (14.5 kg) unloaded and 80 lbs (36.3 kg) fully
Mega-Damage: By mini-missile type (Go to
bomb and missile table).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by mini missile type (Go to
bomb and missile table).
Payload: 16 mini-missiles (forearm mini missiles make a grand
total of 18 mini-missiles)
Penalties: -10% to top speed when fully loaded while flying,
does not effect the Power Armors ground movement
Black Market Cost: 225,000 credits
[Coalition TM, Free Quebec TM, Kittani TM, and Sunaj TM are trademarks
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[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 1998, Kitsune. All rights reserved.